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The teaching and learning challenges of teenage mother learners at secondary schools in Vhembe, Limpopo

Abstract in English, Venda and Sotho / Within the last decade, the level of teenage pregnancy in Southern Africa has been on the increase and as a result, is being seen as a major social problem. This study, which is a dissertation of limited scope, investigates the teaching and learning challenges of teenage mother learners at secondary schools in the Vhembe District in Limpopo. This study is classified as qualitative research within a case study design. A convenience sampling method was applied in order to select teachers and teenage mother learners for participation in the study resulting in five teachers and five teenage mother learners participating in the study Participants were interviewed using in-depth interviews. Participant observation and document analysis were other research methodologies included in the data collection process. Participant observation assisted in gathering data in relation to how mother learners interacted with teachers and other peers in class and in the school environment and document analysis was conducted by means of perusing formal records, such as attendance registers, class tests and examination results, medical records, and involvement in extramural activities. Qualitative data analysis was used in order to analyse data collected which resulted in themes and sub-themes emerging. The findings revealed that teenage pregnancy has a detrimental effect on girls’ schooling with school attendance and absenteeism affecting performance resulting in poor results and even drop out. Additional factors such as lack of financial support, physical and emotional support from family and friends as well as stigmatisation, discrimination and exclusion have a negative effect on learning. Teachers tend to lack the necessary knowledge and skills in dealing with teenage mother learners and are not supported with counselling programmes. Recommendations suggest that teachers are equipped with special skills to deal with teenage mother learners and that learners at school are made more aware of the dangers of early pregnancy and its effects on their education through various programmes. / Ngudo iyi, ya desithesheni ya tshikoupu tsho pimiwaho, i khou ṱoḓisisa nga ha khaedu dza u funza na u guda kha vhagudi vha vhana vha re vho mme zwikoloni zwa sekondari Masipalani wa Tshiṱiriki tsha Vhembe, Limpopo. Ngudo iyi yo khethekanywa sa ṱhoḓisiso ya khwaḽithathivi. Kha pulane na nzudzanyo ya ṱhoḓisiso, ngudo iyi yo itwa zwikoloni zwa sekondari kha Masipala wa Tshiṱiriki tsha Vhembe, tshine tsha wanala kha vundu ḽa Limpopo.
Kuitele kwa vhukhethatsumbonanguludzwa kwo teaho kwo shumiswa u itela u nanga vhadededzi na vhagudi vha vhana vha re vho mme u itela u dzhenelela kha inthaviwu. U dzhenelela nga u tou sedza na u saukanya ḽiṅwalo o vha maṅwe maitele a ṱhoḓisiso o katelwaho kha kuitele kwa u kuvhanganya data. Vhadededzi na vhagudi vha vhana vha re vho mme vho inthaviwiwa hu tshi khou shumiswa inthaviwu dzo fhelelaho. Ṱhoḓisiso ya khwaḽithethivi kha u dzhenelela nga vhusedzi yo itwa u itela u kuvhanganya data zwi tshi elana na uri vhagudi vha vhana vha re vho mme vha shumisana hani na vhadededzi na dziṅwe thangana dza murole kiḽasini na kha vhupo ha tshikolo
Tsha u fhedzisela. U saukanywa ha ḽiṅwalo ho itwa nga nḓila ya u ṱola rekhodo dza fomaḽa, dzi ngaho ridzhisiṱara ya maḓele tshikoloni, mulingo wa kiḽasini na mvelelo dza mulingo, rekhodo dza mutakalo, na u dzhenelela kha nyitelwannḓa na thandela dza mveledziso ya tshitshavha. Vhadededzi vhaṱanu na vhagudi vha vhana vha re vho mme vhaṱanu vho dzhenelela kha ngudo iyi. Musaukanyo wa data wa khwaḽithithathivi wo shumiswa u itela u saukanya data yo kuvhanganyiwaho nga tshifhinga tsha inthaviwu dzo fhelelaho na data ya u sedza ya mudzheneli / Nyakišišo ye, yeo e lego disetheišene ya sekoupu se se lekantšwego, e nyakišiša ditlhohlo tša go ruta le go ithuta tša baswa ba baithuti ba e lego bommago bana dikolong tša sekontari ka Mmasepaleng wa Selete sa Vhembe, Limpopo. Nyakišišo ye e hlophilwe bjalo ka nyakišišo ya khwalithethifi. Ka gare ga peakanyo ya kheisesetati, nyakišišo ye e dirilwe dikolong tša sekontari ka gare ga Mmasepala wa Selete sa Vhembe, wo o lego profentsheng ya Limpopo. Mokgwa wa maleba wa go dira sampole o dirišitšwe go kgetha barutiši le baswa ba baithuti ba e lego bommago bana go kgathatema dipoledišanong. Tlhokomelo ya mokgathatema le tshekatsheko ya tokomane e be e le mekgwa ye mengwe ya dinyakišišo ye e akareditšwego ka gare ga tshepetšo ya kgoboketšo ya datha. Barutiši le baswa ba baithuti ba e lego bommago bana ba boledišane ka go šomiša dipoledišano tše di tseneletšego. Nyakišišo ya khwalithethifi ka gare ga tlhokomelo ya mokgathatema e dirilwe go kgoboketša datha mabapi le ka fao baswa ba baithuti ba e lego bommago bana ba bego ba amana le barutiši le dithaka tša bona ka phapošing le ka tikologong ya sekolo. Sa mafelelo, tshekatsheko ya tokomane e dirilwe ka go šomiša direkote tša semmušo go hlahloba, go swana le diretšistara ya batlasekolong, diteko tša ka phapošing le dipoelo tša tlhahlobo, direkote tša kalafo, le kgathotema dipapading tsa sekolo le diprotšeke tša tlhabollo ya setšhaba. Barutiši ba bahlano le baswa ba baithuti ba e lego bommago bana ba bahlano ba kgathile tema ka nyakišišong ye. Tshekatsheko ya datha ya khwalithethifi e šomišitšwe go sekaseka datha ye e kgobokeditšwego nakong ya dipoledišano tše di tseneletšeng le datha ya tlhokomelo ya mokgathatema. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum and Instructional Studies)
Date20 July 2020
CreatorsLethole, Tshiwela Maria
ContributorsVan den Berg, Geesje
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format1 online resource (xiii, 156 leaves), application/pdf

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