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Hodnocení jakosti konzervované píce a návrhy na zlepšení konzervační technologie ve zvoleném podniku. / The Evaluation of quality of conserved fodder and recommendations of conservation technology improvement in selected farm

The aim of this thesis was to assess the quality of preserved forage in various ways of preserving silage. Sensory evaluation of the fermentation process and laboratory evaluation was used to assess the quality of legume-based silages in various preservation technologies. In addition, forage preservation in silage pressing technology was compared with and without additive (Silafor 2000 Plus). The literature review shows the importance of feed conservation, basic methods of conservation of forage, botanical composition of forage crops, conservation principles and their processes. The following are the advantages and disadvantages of preservation processes. In total, 3 ways of preservation of legume-free mixture - baling of foil, silage trough and silage bag - were evaluated. The evaluation of the results of the technology was based on the best results of the method of preservation in the bag, the preservation in the pit, the package using adiditive and the lower quality preservation of the package without additive. The forage quality was also significantly influenced by the proportion of oats in the mixture and the phenophase of the harvest.
Date January 2019
CreatorsPAVLÍK, Václav
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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