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Vývoj a optimalizace systémů pro SERS na úrovni jedné molekuly / Development and optimization of systems for SERS on single molecule level

AABBSSTTRRAACCTT Dimers and small aggregates as well as compact aggregates of Ag nanoparticles (NPs) were assembled and chemically anchored to supporting surfaces. The supporting surfaces were either glass slides or SiO2 - coated Cu or Au grids for TEM, both chemically functionalized by 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS). Compact aggregates of Ag NPs incorporating protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) molecules were prepared by adsorption of chlorides in the presence of PPIX. Dimers and small aggregates of Ag NPs were assembled by selected molecular linkers: 4,4'-diaminoazobenzene (DAAB), 4,4'-diaminoterphenyl (DATP) and 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)porphine (TAPP). The most efficient strategy of dimers and small aggregates preparation has been their assembling by a three - step procedure involving (i) attachment of isolated Ag NPs to the NH2 groups of APTMS functionalized TEM grid, (ii) attachment of molecular linker (with two functional NH2 groups in para position) to Ag NPs by a one terminal NH2 group, and (iii) attachment of Ag NPs to the second, free terminal NH2 group of the linker. In this procedure, the control over the perpendicular orientation of the bifunctional linker and its attachment by one terminal group to Ag NP surface has been accomplished by functionalization of Ag NPs by adsorbed citrate...
Date January 2012
CreatorsMichlová, Magdalena
ContributorsVlčková, Blanka, Pfleger, Jiří, Procházka, Marek
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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