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Societal culture and managerial decision making: The Brazilians and the English. An international comparison of the making and implementing of strategic decisions in organizations.

Many features of the making of major managerial decisions have been covered by
research - complexity, politicality, innovations, and so forth. Yet one - to which all
others may be subject - remains almost untouched by research. It is the effects of
societal culture on the way managers from different nations make, and implement, such
decisions. This study compares the effects of a New World Latin dominated culture with
those of an Old World Anglo-Saxon dominated culture, namely in Brazil and England
respectively. It arises from the proposition that decision making, as well as other
managerial practices, must be shaped by the cultures of the societies of which senior
executives are part, in ways of which they themselves may be unaware.
Methodologically, in response to the criticisms of earlier research which often attributed
managerial and organizational differences to culture without direct evidence for that,
this study began by composing portrayals of both cultures. The purpose of the portraits
was to enable predictions of culturally affected elements in decision making, prior to
empirical investigation.
Data was collected by interview on twenty Brazilian and twenty English decisions in
sixteen Brazilian and seventeen English organizations, ranging through a variety of
manufacturing and service industries as well as universities.
The examination of the results confirmed most of the predicted cultural characteristics.
Differences although small on each variable were remarkably consistent across all
variables. Brazilian strategic decision making was found to be dominated by a clique
around the chief executive, who make fast decisions in a process strongly based on the
social relationships between the participants. This style of decision making leads, in
Brazil, to very informal processes, with little or no delays and, relatively speaking, less
search for information. English decisions were found to be more consultative with more
interests being involved in different stages of the process. Decisions in this country were
characterized by caution and conservatism with some tendency to postpone decisions.
Methodologically, the value of the prior conceptualization and description of societal
culture is demonstrated since this gives meaning to the extensive differences found in all
aspects of decision making. Theoretically, an attempt is made to elucidate the
interconnectedness of societal culture and managerial behaviour.
Date January 1992
CreatorsOliveira, Carlos Alberto Arruda de
ContributorsHickson, David J.
PublisherUniversity of Bradford, University of Bradford Management Centre
Source SetsBradford Scholars
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis, doctoral, PhD
Rights<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />The University of Bradford theses are licenced under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Licence</a>.

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