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Adult oral diadochokinesis rates : preliminary normative data

In the clinical evaluation and management of speech disorders, a speech-language pathologist may observe disturbances in a client's motor abilities that suggest possible neurological dysfunction. One possible disturbance is in oral diadochokinesis (DIO), an individual's ability to start and stop the movement of the articulators rapidly and execute repetitive, alternating, sequential movements typically associated with speech articulation. It is often recommended that a speech-language pathologist test DIO speed and compare the performance to available norms. There is, however, a lack of normative DIO data spanning all ages of adulthood. The purpose of this study was to develop preliminary normative data on the speed of oral diadochokinesis used in articulation of syllables and oral movements by adults. The investigation sought to answer the question: What are the mean rates of oral diadochokinetic syllable productions and selected oral movements for each decade of adulthood?
Date01 January 1983
CreatorsKafton-Minkel, Carol
Source SetsPortland State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceDissertations and Theses

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