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Spiritual nurturing of children living in the context of poverty, with specific reference to the role of the christian childrenn's worker.

Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research was to identify the role of the Christian children’s worker in the
spiritual nurturing of children living in the context of poverty. The nurturing of about twelve
million poverty-stricken children in South Africa is an overwhelming task. This is especially
true when these Christian children’s workers are an unrecognised force and unsure what such
nurturing entails. Unintentionally children could be harmed by hurtful actions.
This research is placed within the field of Practical Theology and has been undertaken from a
Christian spiritual perspective. The thesis is designed as a literature study and utilised
Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems approach as a lens in the research. It considered the
effects of poverty on children and investigated children’s spiritual development in a context
of poverty.
An exploration of childhood poverty revealed that poverty is by nature complex,
multidimensional and never stands on its own. Children’s lives are entangled within the web
of poverty affecting all their life contexts. The invisible “violence” of poverty shapes all areas
of children’s lives, leaving scars on their physical, cognitive, educational, emotional,
behavioural, social and spiritual development which is carried throughout life.
An investigation of children’s spiritual development revealed a renewed interest in children’s
spirituality from different perspectives, which resulted in different emphases. Children’s
spirituality, like a diamond which has multiple dimensions, includes relational consciousness,
awareness-, mystery- and value-sensing, and concerns the wellness of the whole-person.
Christian children’s spirituality, in addition, emphasises a conscious relationship with God in
Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. Context, contextual learning and care for the whole
child, which is based on a Christian premise, are essential aspects in the process of a child’s
spiritual journey. The role of the Christian children’s worker is to ensure that spiritual nurture
embraces all aspects of the lives of poverty-stricken children Practical theological reflections revealed that the perceptions of the Christian children’s
worker can influence the effectiveness of ministry. Dangers of having a god complex,
dualistic views, compartmentalising ministry and a flawed anthropology of children result in
ineffective ministry. In contrast, even though poverty affects all relationships, God is already
present with the poor, and the face of God can be found in each child. This requires treating
them with dignity and guiding them in restored relationships. The principal conclusion was that the Christian children’s worker can play an important role
in the spiritual nurturing of poverty-stricken children. The role includes providing a context of
regular relationships with a high level of warmth, support and loving care and offering a
Christ-centred Christian children’s ministry where children become aware of God’s presence
in their lives. The challenge of conflicting tensions, such as financing resources, meaningful
relationships with larger groups and ministry to non-Christian children, will remain.
Further research is needed on the interplay between spiritual development and childhood
poverty and how to explore God’s presence in larger groups among South Africa’s poor
children. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die Christelike kinderwerker se rol in die geestelike
versorging van kinders in ‘n konteks van armoede te bepaal. Die geestelike versorging van die
sowat 12 miljoen kinders in Suid-Afrika vasgevang in armoede is ʼn ontsaglike taak, veral in
kontekste waar Christelike kinderwerkers nie juis veel erkenning ontvang nie en boonop
onseker is van wat geestelike versorging in hierdie konteks behels. As gevolg hiervan kan
ondeurdagte optrede kinders onopsetlik skade aandoen.
Hierdie navorsing word vanuit ‘n Praktiese Teologiese- en ʼn Christelike-geestelike hoek
gedoen. Die tesis is ontwerp as ʼn literatuurstudie, en gebruik Bronfenbrenner se ekologiesesisteembenadering
as analitiese lens. Die navorsing handel oor die uitwerking van armoede op
kinders, en ondersoek veral kinders se geestelike ontwikkeling in ‘n konteks van armoede.
ʼn Verkenning van kinderarmoede bring aan die lig dat armoede van nature kompleks en
multidimensioneel is en nooit alleen staan nie. Kinderlewens is verstrik in die web van
armoede, wat ál hulle lewenskontekste raak. Die onsigbare ‘geweld’ van armoede het ʼn
uitwerking op alle gebiede van kinders se lewens, en laat letsels op kinders se fisiese,
kognitiewe, opvoedkundige, emosionele, gedrags-, sosiale en geestelike ontwikkeling wat
hulle lewenslank met hulle saamdra.
ʼn Ondersoek na kinders se geestelike ontwikkeling dui op hernude belangstelling in dié
onderwerp uit verskillende perspektiewe, wat natuurlik ook verskillende aspekte beklemtoon.
Soos ʼn diamant met sy veelvuldige dimensies, sluit kindergeestelikheid ʼn relasionele
bewussyn sowel as ʼn bewustheids-, misterie- en waardebesef in, en handel oor die welstand
van die persoon in sy geheel. Christelike kindergeestelikheid plaas voorts die klem op ʼn
bewuste verhouding met God in Jesus Christus deur die Heilige Gees. Konteks, kontekstuele
leer, en versorging van die kind in sy geheel – alles gegrond op Christelike beginsels – is
noodsaaklike komponente van ʼn kind se geestelike reis. Die rol van die Christelike
kinderwerker is om te verseker dat geestelike versorging alle aspekte van die lewens van
armoedige kinders omsluit.
Praktiese Teologiese refleksie toon dat die opvattings van die Christelike kinderwerker die
doeltreffendheid van bediening kan beïnvloed. Die gevare van ʼn godkompleks, dualistiese
sienings, die kompartementalisering van die bediening, en ʼn gebrekkige antropologie van
kinders lei tot ondoeltreffende bediening. Desondanks, selfs al beïnvloed armoede alle verhoudings, is God alreeds by die armes teenwoordig, en waar kinders is, is Hy in hulle
sigbaar. Daarom moet hulle met waardigheid behandel en tot herstelde verhoudings begelei
Die hoofgevolgtrekking is dat die Christelike kinderwerker ʼn belangrike rol in die geestelike
versorging van armoedige kinders kan speel. Dié rol sluit in die voorsiening van ʼn omgewing
van bestendige verhoudings met baie warmte, steun en liefderike sorg, en die bied van ʼn
Christusgerigte Christelike kinderbediening waardeur kinders bewus word van God se
teenwoordigheid in hul lewens. Tog duur die uitdaging van botsende spanninge, soos
hulpbronfinansiering, sinvolle verhoudings met groot groepe, en bediening aan nie-
Christenkinders, voort.
Verdere navorsing is nodig oor die wisselwerking tussen kinders se geestelike ontwikkeling
en kinderarmoede, en hoe om groot groepe uit Suid-Afrika se arm kinders God se
teenwoordigheid te laat beleef.
Date12 1900
CreatorsMathewson, Susanna Elizabeth
ContributorsCloete, A., Grobbelaar, J., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format186 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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