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Stabilní izotopy uhlíku a kyslíku ve schránkách foraminifer jako klíč k interpretaci paleoprostředí ve středním miocénu karpatské předhlubně (Centrální Paratetyda) / Carbon and Oxygen Stable Isotope Ratio from Foraminiferal Tests as a Key to the Paleoenvironmental Interpretations in the Middle Miocene of the Carpathian Foredeep (Central Paratethys)

The (Lomnice) LOM-1 borehole records a nutrient-rich quiet environment of the outer shelf to upper bathyal in the Mid Badenian (sensu Hohenegger et al. (2014)) of the Carpathian Foredeep. The LOM-1 borehole is rich of a fossil content with a relatively good preservation. The studied section can be correlated with the interval from 14.6 Ma (the FO of Orbulina spp.) to 13.42 Ma (the LO of Sphenolithus heteromorphus) which agrees with the beginning of the "Middle Miocene Climate Transition". The foraminifera for the carbon and oxygen stable isotope analysis were picked from the fraction 0.063-2 mm. The suitability for the stable isotope analysis was carefully evaluated based on the inner wall preservation. The isotopic analysis was done for fifteen samples with total 373 tests analyzed. Each analysis was performed from exactly one test. The following foraminiferal genera from different paleobiotops were used for the isotope analysis: Globigerina bulloides; Orbulina universa, Praeorbulina glomerosa; Globigerinoides spp.; Uvigerina spp.; Heterolepa dutemplei; Cibicidoides spp.; Gyroidinoides spp. and Melonis pompilioides to document the isotopic signal for the superficial and bottom waters. The oxygen and carbon isotope analysis from foraminiferal tests were used for the verification of the...
Date January 2015
CreatorsScheiner, Filip
ContributorsHolcová, Katarína, Soták, Ján
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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