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Relational Learning approaches for Recommender Systems

Learning on relational data is a relevant task in the machine learning community. Extracting information from structured data is a non-trivial task due to the combinatorial complexity of the domain and the necessity to construct methods that work on collections of values of different sizes rather than fixed representations. Relational data can naturally be interpreted as graphs, a class of flexible and expressive structures that can model data from diverse domains,from biology to social interactions. Graphs have been used in a huge variety of contexts, such as molecular modelling, social networks, image processing and recommendation systems. In this manuscript, we tackle some challenges in learning on relational data by developing new learning methodologies. Specifically, in our first contribution, we introduce a new class of metrics for relational data based on relational features extraction technique called Type ExtensionTrees. This class of metrics defines the (dis)similarity of two nodes in a graph by exploiting the nested structure of their relational neighborhood at different depth steps. In our second contribution, we developed a new strategy to collect the information of multisets of data values by introducing a new framework of learnable aggregators called Learning Aggregation Functions.We provide a detailed description of the methodologies and an extensive experimental evaluation on synthetic and real world data to assess the expressiveness of the proposed models. A particular focus is given to the application of these methods to the recommendation systems domain, exploring the combination of the proposed methods with recent techniques developed for Constructive Preference Elicitation and Group Recommendation tasks.
Date07 October 2021
CreatorsPellegrini, Giovanni
ContributorsPellegrini, Giovanni, Passerini, Andrea
PublisherUniversità degli studi di Trento, place:Trento
Source SetsUniversità di Trento
Detected LanguageEnglish
Relationfirstpage:1, lastpage:114, numberofpages:114

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