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豐田及時生產系統應用於鋼結構業之研究-以中國鋼鐵結構公司為例 / Toyota Just In Time Production System Application In Steel Structure Industry-China Steel Structure Coperation

經由親自到生產現場去查訪並與作業主管做雙向溝通,瞭解個案公司在現行生產管理上存在的問題。利用橋樑及H組合型鋼兩條試驗生產線進行檢討,評估豐田及時生產系統觀念應用於鋼結構製造過程之中可能產生的問題與解決對策,以擬定豐田及時生產系統導入鋼結構之方式與注意事項,並評估其效益。 / There has been full of inefficiency and waste in current operation method of steel structure industries. This study hopes to utilize Toyota Just-in-time Production System for fabrication of steel structure to eliminate current each waste during the production process. The main purpose of this study is take case company as an example to discuss the following respects: 1.The current production process of steel structure industries. 2.The application of Toyota Just-in-time Production System in the steel structure fabrication.
This study first introduces the framework of Toyota Just-in-time Production System to apprehend its spirit and then explains the concept and advantage of Toyota Just-in-time Production System explicitly. Also, this study compares Toyota Just-in-time Production System with current production method of steel structure industries.
Second, according to the glancing of related document reference, this study discusses the application method and its profit for Toyota Just-in-time Production System in the manufacturing industries. As there are significant differences in structure or operation method between steel structure industries and manufacturing industries, thus this study utilizes gradual erection plan to match Toyota Just-in-time Production System during the period of fabrication process plan to eliminate the distinction between these two industries besides explaining the necessary rationalized operation when leading Toyota Just-in-time Production System in.
Having visited the production line and made mutual communication with operation chief, this study has found the current problems existing in production management in case company. According to this discovery, this study uses bridge production line and built-up H section production line as pilot implementation to discuss the possible question and solution policy for Toyota Just-in-time Production System concept applied in steel structure fabrication so as to frame the procedures and criterion of Toyota Just-in-time Production System in fabrication of steel structure and also to evaluate its profit. / 目 錄
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究動機與目的 …………………………………………1
第二節 研究步驟與範圍…………………………………………4
第三節 研究架構 …………………………………………………6
第二章 豐田及時生產系統之文獻探討………………………………….7
第一節 及時化(Just In Time)的基本觀念………………………7
第二節 豐田及時生產系統的主要目的……………………….12
第三節 豐田及時生產系統的執行方法……………………….14
第四節 豐田及時生產系統的構成因素……………………….31
第五節 實施豐田及時生產系統的優點及原則………………32
第三章 鋼結構業引進豐田及時生產系統之可行性分析……………36
第一節 鋼結構業生產方式概要………………………………36
第二節 鋼結構業生產方式與豐田及時生產系統比較………44
第四章 中國鋼鐵結構公司導入豐田及時生產系統個案……………58
第一節 生產製造現況與問題分析……………………………58
第二節 豐田及時生產系統導入及效益評估 ………………73
第三節 導入限制條件之評估 ……………………………109
第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………………110
第一節 結論……………………………………………………110
第二節 建議 …………………………………………………112

表 次
表1-1 台灣市場鋼結構用量統計表……………………………………2
表2-1 自�C化與自動化的比較…………………………………………27
表4-1 鋼橋漸進式吊裝規劃表範例……………………………………80
表4-2 鋼橋單一循環每日作業規劃表範例…………………………80
表4-3 中國鋼鐵結構公司91年鋼架類別統計表…………………….82
表4-4 中國鋼鐵結構公司91年工程類別產量表……………………83
表4-5 鋼橋月生產計劃表範例…………………………………………91
表4-6 鋼橋日生產計劃表範例…………………………………………92
表4-7 鋼橋批量生產表範例…………………………………………..94
表4-14 H組合型鋼腹板加工分類表…………………………………106
表4-15切割火口與鋼材板厚對照表..………………………………… 106
表4-17 切割作業面積及在製品庫存量比較表……………………108
表4-18 H組合型鋼品質標準比較表…………………………………108

圖1-1 研究架構圖…………………………………………………………6
圖4-2 H型鋼組立程序圖…………………………………………………60
圖4-13 橋樑生產流程圖………………………………………………86
圖4-14 改善後橋樑生產流程圖.………………………………………89
圖4-15 鋼橋主生產時程圖範例.………………………………………90
圖4-16 鋼橋工作圖範例………………………………………………93
圖4-17 H組合型鋼圖……………………………………………………103
Date January 1991
Creators李健成, Chien-Cheng Lee
Contributors盧淵源, Iuan Yuan Lu
Publisher國立中山大學, 企業管理學系研究所
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
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