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Sequestering of Kähler moduli in type IIB string theory

In this thesis we employ string perturbation theory in toroidal orbifold models to study aspects of supersymmetry breaking in type IIB string theory. First, we determine the dependence of physical Yukawa couplings on blow-up moduli in models with D3-branes at orbifold singularities. Blow-up moduli are scalar fields describing the size of small blow-up cycles in the compactification geometry. In models implementing moduli stabilisation these fields can acquire F-terms and break supersymmetry. We examine the moduli-dependence of physical Yukawa couplings at string tree-level by computing disk correlation functions involving a Yukawa interaction of visible sector fields and an arbitrary number of blow-up moduli. We perform the calculation for one blow-up insertion explicitly and find that the correlation function vanishes if the blow-up modulus is associated with a small cycle distant to the visible sector. For more than one blow-up insertion we show that all such correlation functions are exponentially suppressed by the compactification volume. We explain how these results are relevant to suppressing soft terms to scales parametrically below the gravitino mass. Further, we determine corrections to holomorphic Yukawa couplings on D3-branes at an orbifold singularity due to non-perturbative effects such as gaugino condensation on a stack of D7-branes. This can be done by calculating a one-loop threshold correction to the gauge coupling on the D7-branes. We show that, if present, the new contributions to Yukawa couplings are not aligned with the tree-level couplings. As the new Yukawa couplings contribute to soft A-terms they are sources of flavour-changing neutral currents. Last we discuss an effect unrelated to supersymmetry breaking. We show that orbifold models with D3-branes at orbifold singularities can exhibit kinetic mixing of different massless Abelian factors. For this to be possible, the relevant U(1) factors have to be associated with more than one orbifold singularity.
Date January 2013
CreatorsWitkowski, Lukas Thomas
ContributorsConlon, Joseph P.
PublisherUniversity of Oxford
Source SetsEthos UK
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation

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