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Strip mining rehabilitation by translocation in arid coastal Namaqualand, South Africa

Degree of Master of Forestry (Conservation Ecology) / Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / Full text to be digitised and attached to bibliographic record. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the use of top-soiling, irrigation and translocating indigenous plants to
facilitate the cost-effective return of a mined landscape to its former land-use (small stock
farming) in an arid winter rainfall Succulent Karoo shrub land biome on the West Coast of South
Effects of topsoil stockpiling and subsoil mineral concentration on soil fertility and chemistry
were investigated, as soils are likely to determine rates of vegetation recovery on post-mined
areas. Results of a radish bioassay show that stockpiling topsoil and mineral concentration subsoil
decreased soil fertility. Mineral concentration decreased phosphorus, potassium, calcium,
magnesium, carbon and nitrogen levels significantly relative to other soil treatments. Sodium in
freshly deposited tailings was at potentially toxic levels and significantly higher than for all other
soil treatments. Spreading of stockpiled topsoil over tailings may ameliorate harsh conditions
created by mineral separation.
Translocation of plants from pre-mined to post-mined areas was carried out on a trial basis in an
effort to facilitate the return of natural vegetation and processes to strip-mined landscapes. Five
local indigenous plant species: Asparagus spp., Ruschia versicolor, Othonna cylindrica,
Lampranthus suavissimus and Zygophyllum morgsana were planted into multi-species clumps in
a replicated experiment. Variables examined in the translocation trial included the effects of
plant origin, soil treatment and/or irrigation on plant survival and establishment. The proportion
of O. cylindrica transplants surviving for 15 months was greater than for other species. Whole
plants survived better than salvaged plants, and Asparagus spp., R. versicolor, L. suavissimus
and Z. morgsana survived better on stockpiled topsoil spread over tailings than on tailings alone.
Irrigation had no consistent effect across species and treatment replicates. Salvaged-plant
clumps were significantly larger than whole-plant clumps at planting, however, this effect was
not observed after 12 months, indicating that whole-plant clumps grew faster than salvaged-plant
clumps. The evergreen, leaf succulent shrubs O. cylindrica, L. suavissimus and R. versicolor
appeared to be most suitable for large-scale translocation at Namakwa Sands.
The return of biodiversity and changes in soil quality 15 months after translocation trials began
were compared for combinations of top-soiling, irrigation, plant translocation and unmodified
tailings. Irrigation may reduce biodiversity and seedling densities. Over a 15-month period following back filling and topsoil spreading, sodium, potassium and calcium appeared to return
to levels observed for undisturbed soils. Magnesium remains at levels lower than in pre-mined
soil conditions. Soil conditions may be more conducive to plant establishment and rehabilitation
after back-filling of tailings and topsoil spreading. Electrical resistance increased over time
indicating a reduction of free salts and salinity on rehabilitation sites. Phosphorus did not return
to pre-disturbance levels, and carbon remained below pre-mining levels for at least 15 months
after rehabilitation began, remaining a potential limiting factor in rehabilitation.
Each rehabilitation technique that a mine employs has costs and benefits, and it is increasingly
important that insights from ecology and economics are coupled if restoration efforts are going to
succeed. A review of valuation systems indicates that Discounted Cash Flow Techniques (DCF)
are suitable for valuation of rehabilitation operations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die gebruik van bogrond, besproeiing en die oorplanting van inheemse
plante om die koste-effektiewe rehabilitasie van 'n stroopmynlandskap in die droë, winter reënval
streek, Vetplant Karoo aan die Weskus van Suid-Afrika, wat vroeër gebruik is vir kleinvee
boerdery, te bespoedig
Die uitwerking van bogrondopberging en minerale konsentrasie op vrugbaarheid en chemise
komposisie van grond is ondersoek, aangesien dié gronde gewoonlik die herstelspoed van
plantegroei op 'n ou myn terein bepaal. Uitslae van radys proewe toon dat berging van bogrond
en minerale konsentrasie van die onderliggende grond vrugbaarheid van grond laat afneem.
Mynaktiwiteite en die minerale konsentrasie lei tot 'n betekenisvolle verlies aan fosfaat, kalium,
kalsium, magnesium, koolstof en stikstof as die geval met ander bedrywighede. Die vlak van
natrium in oorgeblywende sand na die minerale ekstraksie is hoogs giftig en is veel hoër as na
ander bedrywighede. Die toediening van bogrond oor die oorblywende sand verbeter die
toestand wat deur die skeiding van minerale veroorsaak is.
Oorplasing van plante vanaf ongemynde na rehabilitasie gebiede is op proefbasis uitgevoer in 'n
poging om die terugkeer van natuurlike plantegroei by die strookmyn te bespoedig. Vyf plaaslike
inheemse plantspesies: Asparagus spp., Ruschia versicolor, Othonna cylindrical, Lampranthus
suavissimus en Zygophyllum morgsana is in multi-spesie groepe geplant. Veranderlikes getoets
tydens hierdie proef sluit in plantoorsprong, grond behandeling, en/of besproeiing, op die
oorlewing en vestiging van plante. 'n Groter proporsie O. cylindrical as enige ander spesie het na
15 maande oorleef. Heel plante het beter oorleef as beskadigde plante. Asparagus spp., R.
versicolor, L. suavissimus en Z. morgsana het beter oorleef op gebergde bogrond oor
oorblywende sand as op oorblywende sand self. Besproeiing het nie 'n volgehoue uitwerking
gehad op spesies of op herhaalde replisering nie. Beskadigde plantgroepe was groter as heelplant
groepe toe hulle geplant is maar na 12 maande is opgemerk dat die heel-plante vinniger gegroei
het. Die immergroen vetplante, 0. cylindrical, L. suavissimus en R. versicolor blyk die mees
geskik vir grootskaalse oorplanting by Namakwa Sands.
Herstel van biodiversiteit en veranderings in grondeienskappe 15 maande na proewe begin het, is
vergelyk m.b.t. die toediening van bogrond, besproeiing, oorplanting en onbehandelde
oorblywende sand. Besproeiing kan biodiversiteit en digtheid van saailinge verminder. Vyvtien maande na opvulling en die toediening van bogrond, het kalium, natrium en kalsium teruggekeer
na vlakke in onversteurde grond. Magnesium vlakke was nog altyd laer as dié voordat
mynaktiwiteite aangevang is. Terugplasing van sand en toediening van bogrond mag die
vestiging en rehabilitasie van plante bespoedig. Weerstand vermeerder met tyd wat 'n verlaaging
in vry soute en soutagtigheid in die grond wat gebruik is vir rehabilitasie aantoon. Fosfor het nie
teruggekeer tot vlakke van voorheen nie en vlakke van koolstofhet na 15 maande verlaag gebly,
en kan die potential tot rehabilitasie belemmer.
Elke rehabilitasie tegniek wat die myn gebruik bring kostes sowel as voordele mee. Om
restorasie pogings te laat slaag moet insigte vanaf ekologie en ekonomie saam ingespan word. 'n
Oorsig van waardasie sisteme toon dat Afslag Kontant Vloei Tegnieke geskik is vir die evaluasie
van rehabilitasie programme.
Date03 1900
CreatorsMahood, Kirsten
ContributorsMilton, S. J., Halbich, T., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of AgriSciences. Dept. of Conservation Ecology and Entomology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format207 pages : illustrations
RightsStellenbosch University

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