This study was conducted to investigate Turkish secondary school students&rsquo / perceptions of their science teachers&rsquo / interpersonal behaviour / teacher profiles and variables affecting Turkish students&rsquo / perceptions of their teachers&rsquo / interpersonal behaviour. Also, differences in perceptions between Turkish students and their Dutch counterparts were examined. Finally, students&rsquo / affective learning outcomes were related to their perceptions of their teachers&rsquo / interpersonal behaviour.
Data were gathered from 7484 secondary school science students (grades 9-11) in 278 classes from 55 schools in thirteen cities of Turkey and collected with a specifically constructed and adapted Turkish version of QTI and translated version of TOSRA. This data set was compared to Dutch data set that contained 8503 students, located in 27 schools and 301 classes.
Descriptive statistics and multilevel analysis with three levels (student, class and teacher) were conducted. Students&rsquo / perceptions on the QTI scales were aggregated to the class level and compared to an existing QTI-based typology of teaching styles.
Significant differences were found between countries in terms of students&rsquo / perceptions of their teachers&rsquo / interpersonal behaviours as well as different distribution of teachers&rsquo / profiles over countries and subject. Turkish teachers&#039 / interpersonal profiles only marginally differed from existing profiles. Additionally, several teacher, student and class characteristics showed statistically significant associations with students&#039 / perceptions of teacher Influence and Proximity. Finally, students&rsquo / perceptions of their teachers&rsquo / interpersonal behaviour were related to their affective learning outcomes, to several student, class, teacher background characteristics and to the subject taught.
Date01 July 2006
CreatorsTelli, Sibel
ContributorsCakiroglu, Jale
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePh.D. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for METU campus

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