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Power laws behavior and nonlinearity mechanisms in mesoscopic elastic materials

Nonlinear mesoscopic elastic (NME) materials present ananomalous nonlinear elastic behavior, which could not beexplained by classical theories. New physical mechanismsshould be individuated to explain NMEs response.Dislocations in damaged metals, fluids in rocks andadhesion (in composites) could be plausible. In this thesisI have searched for differences in the macroscopic elasticresponse of materials which could be ascribed to differentphysical processes. I have found that the nonlinearindicators follow a power law behavior as a function of theexcitation energy, with exponent ranging from 1 to 3 (thisis not completely new). This allowed to classify materialsinto well-defined classes, each characterized by a value ofthe exponent and specific microstructural properties. Tolink the measured power law exponent to plausiblephysical mechanisms, I have extended thePreisach-Mayergoyz formalism for hysteresis to multi-statemodels. Specific multi-state discrete models have beenderived from continuous microscopic physical processes,such as adhesion-clapping, adhesion-capillary forces,dislocations motion and hysteresis. In each model, themicroscopic behavior is described by a multistate equationof state, with parameters which are statisticallydistributed. Averaging over many microscopic elements theso-called mesoscopic equation of state is derived and, fromwave propagation simulations in a sample composed bymany mesoscopic elements, the experimental results couldbe reproduced. In the work of the thesis, I have shownthat model predictions of the exponent b ( the exponent bhas not been introduced before) are linked in a 'a priori'predictable way to the number of states and the propertiesof the statistical distribution adopted. We have classifiedmodels into classes defined by a different exponent b andcomparing with experimental results we have suggestedplausible mechanisms for the nonlinearity generation.
Date07 February 2013
CreatorsIdjimarene, Sonia
PublisherUniversité du Maine
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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