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Sub-Nyquist Sampling and Super-Resolution Imaging

The Shannon sampling framework is widely used for discrete representation of analog bandlimited signals, starting from samples taken at the Nyquist rate. In many practical applications, signals are not bandlimited. In order to accommodate such signals within the Shannon-Nyquist framework, one typically passes the signal through an anti-aliasing filter, which essentially performs bandlimiting.
In applications such as RADAR, SONAR, ultrasound imaging, optical coherence to-mography, multiband signal communication, wideband spectrum sensing, etc., the signals to be sampled have a certain structure, which could manifest in one of the following forms:
(i) sparsity or parsimony in a certain bases; (ii) shift-invariant representation; (iii) multi-band spectrum; (iv) finite rate of innovation property, etc.. By using such structure as a prior, one could devise efficient sampling strategies that operate at sub-Nyquist rates.
In this Ph.D. thesis, we consider the problem of sampling and reconstruction of finite-rate-of-innovation (FRI) signals, which fall in one of the two classes: (i) Sum-of-weighted and time-shifted (SWTS) pulses; and (ii) Sum-of-weighted exponential (SWE). Finite-rate-of-innovation signals are not necessarily bandlimited, but they are specified by a finite number of free parameters per unit time interval. Hence, the FRI reconstruction problem could be solved by estimating the parameters starting from measurements on the signal. Typically, parameter estimation is done using high-resolution spectral estimation (HRSE) techniques such as the annihilating filter, matrix pencil method, estimation of signal parameter via rotational invariance technique (ESPRIT), etc.. The sampling issues include design of the sampling kernel and choice of the sampling grid structure.
Following a frequency-domain reconstruction approach, we propose a novel technique to design compactly supported sampling kernels. The key idea is to cancel aliasing at certain set of uniformly spaced frequencies and make sure that the rest of the frequency response is specified such that the kernel follows the Paley-Wiener criterion for compactly supported functions. To assess the robustness in the presence of noise, we consider a particular class of the proposed kernel whose impulse response has the form of sum of modulated splines (SMS). In the presence of continuous-time and digital noise cases, we show that the reconstruction accuracy is improved by 5 to 25 dB by using the SMS kernel compared with the state-of-the-art compactly supported kernels. Apart from noise robustness, the SMS kernel also has polynomial-exponential reproducing property where the exponents are harmonically related. An interesting feature of the SMS kernel, in contrast with E-splines, is that its support is independent of the number of exponentials.

In a typical SWTS signal reconstruction mechanism, first, the SWTS signal is trans formed to a SWE signal followed by uniform sampling, and then discrete-domain annihilation is applied for parameter estimation. In this thesis, we develop a continuous-time annihilation approach using the shift operator for estimating the parameters of SWE signals. Instead of using uniform sampling-based HRSE techniques, operator-based annihilation allows us to estimate parameters from structured non-uniform samples (SNS), and gives more accurate parameters estimates.
On the application front, we first consider the problem of curve fitting and curve completion, specifically, ellipse fitting to uniform or non-uniform samples. In general, the ellipse fitting problem is solved by minimizing distance metrics such as the algebraic distance, geometric distance, etc.. It is known that when the samples are measured from an incomplete ellipse, such fitting techniques tend to estimate biased ellipse parameters and the estimated ellipses are relatively smaller than the ground truth. By taking into account the FRI property of an ellipse, we show how accurate ellipse fitting can be performed even to data measured from a partial ellipse. Our fitting technique first estimates the underlying sampling rate using annihilating filter and then carries out least-squares regression to estimate the ellipse parameters. The estimated ellipses have lesser bias compared with the state-of-the-art methods and the mean-squared error is lesser by about 2 to 10 dB. We show applications of ellipse fitting in iris images starting from partial edge contours. We found that the proposed method is able to localize iris/pupil more accurately compared with conventional methods. In a related application, we demonstrate curve completion to partial ellipses drawn on a touch-screen tablet.
We also applied the FRI principle to imaging applications such as frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In these applications, the resolution is limited by the uncertainty principle, which, in turn, is limited by the number of measurements. By establishing the FRI property of the measurements, we show that one could attain super-resolved tomograms and NMR spectra by using the same or lesser number of samples compared with the classical Fourier-based techniques. In the case of FDOCT, by assuming a piecewise-constant refractive index of the specimen, we show that the measurements have SWE form. We show how super-resolved tomograms could be achieved using SNS-based reconstruction technique. To demonstrate clinical relevance, we consider FDOCT measurements obtained from the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and photoreceptor inner/outer segments (IS/OS) of the retina. We show that the proposed method is able to resolve the RPE and IS/OS layers by using only 40% of the available samples.
In the context of NMR spectroscopy, the measured signal or free induction decay (FID) can be modelled as a SWE signal. Due to the exponential decay, the FIDs are non-stationary. Hence, one cannot directly apply autocorrelation-based methods such as ESPRIT. We develop DEESPRIT, a counterpart of ESPRIT for decaying exponentials. We consider FID measurements taken from amino acid mixture and show that the proposed method is able to resolve two closely spaced frequencies by using only 40% of the measurements.
In summary, this thesis focuses on various aspects of sub-Nyquist sampling and demonstrates concrete applications to super-resolution imaging.
Date January 2017
CreatorsMulleti, Satish
ContributorsSeelamantula, Chandra Sekhar
Source SetsIndia Institute of Science
Detected LanguageEnglish

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