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Terrestrial vegetation dynamics and their impacts on surface climate

Vegetation controls the exchange of heat, mass and momentum between the land surface and the atmosphere, and is also the primary producer that sustains life on Earth. We combine theoretical analyses, satellite and in-situ observations, and Earth system model simulations in this dissertation to illustrate the key role of vegetation in the climate system and human society. Specifically, this is accomplished via three studies, described below.

First, we address the problem of how to retrieve Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR) from a novel satellite Bidirectional Reflectance Factor product derived from the Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction algorithm. The LAI/FPAR retrieval is done via a radiative transfer model using the recently developed theory of spectral invariants. Our analyses show that the LAI/FPAR data sets developed in this study have higher accuracy and better stability relative to the existing products, especially in cloudy conditions and under high aerosol loadings.

Second, we analyze the long-term trend in LAI derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer observations and identify its main driver. We find that over a third of the terrestrial vegetation shows statistically significant increasing trends in LAI (i.e., Earth greening) during the 21st century. Both remote sensing and inventory data show that land-use management is the key driver of this greening, arising primarily from large-scale tree planting and intensive agriculture in emerging countries like China and India. This finding highlights the need for a more realistic representation of land-use practices in Earth system models.

Third, we use a new method based on the concept of “two-resistances” and the Community Land Model (CLM5) runs with prescribed satellite-derived LAI to quantify the impacts of Earth greening on land surface temperature (LST). We find that over 90% of the Earth greening can lead to a local cooling effect at the annual scale. Further attribution analysis with multiple data sources reveals that aerodynamic resistance is the dominant factor controlling the LST change. The greening produces a decrease in aerodynamic resistance, which favors increased heat dissipation by turbulent fluxes, including the latent heat flux.

These studies that span LAI data production, long-term trends and their impacts highlight the importance of vegetation dynamics in the natural and human systems.
Date06 October 2020
CreatorsChen, Chi
ContributorsMyneni, Ranga B.
Source SetsBoston University
Detected LanguageEnglish

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