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Automatizovani dijagnostički modeli i njihov uticaj na pouzdanost tehničkih sistema / Automated diagnostic models and their influence on the reliability of technical systems

<p>Osnovni cilj ove doktorske disertacije bio je da se razvije novi automatizovani dijagnostiĉki model. Zatim da se praktiĉnom primenom tog modela (na konkretnom primeru automatizovane dijagnostike vitalnih komponenti tehniĉkih sistema u realnim pogonskim uslovima razliĉitih grana industrije) tehno-ekonomskom analizom potvrdi glavna hipoteza disertacije: &bdquo;Automatizovana dijagnostika tehniĉkih sistema u industriji (bazirana na kori&scaron;ćenju raĉunara i drugih savremenih informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija) doprinosi porastu nivoau pouzdanosti i raspoloţivosti tih sistema, kao smanjenju ukupnih tro&scaron;kova i ekonomiĉnijem poslovanju preduzeća―.</p> / <p>The main objective of this doctoral thesis was to develop a new automated diagnostic model. Then with the practical usage of this model (in particular case of automated diagnostics vital components of technical systems in real operating conditions of different industries) with techno-economic analysis to confirm the main hypothesis of the dissertation: ―Automated diagnostics of technical systems in the industry (based on the use of computers and other modern information and communication technologies) contributes to the increase levels of reliability and availability of these systems, as well as the reduction of total costs and more economical management of the company‖.</p>
Date06 April 2016
CreatorsIlić Božo
ContributorsAdamović Živoslav, Lambić Miroslav, Škorić Branko, Milanović Dragan, Prvulović Slavica
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnički fakultet Mihajlo Pupin u Zrenjaninu, University of Novi Sad, Mihajlo Pupin Technical Faculty at Zrenjanin
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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