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Egzistencija nepokretne tačke u fazi strukturama

<p>U ovoj tezi dokazane su teoreme o nepokretnoj tački koje predstavljaju jednoznačna i vi&scaron;eznačna uop&scaron;tenja Banahovog prin&shy;cipa kontrakcije u verovatnosnim metričkim i fazi metričkim pros&shy;torima. Dokazana je teorema koja predstavlja uop&scaron;tenje teoreme o nepokretnoj tački za verovatnosnu ^-kontrakciju / :&nbsp; S &mdash;* S,gde je&nbsp; ( S ,&nbsp; J7, T ) kompletan Mengerov prostor. Uveden je pojam jake (6n)-kontrakcije i dokazana je teorema koja predstavlja uop&scaron;tenje teoreme Sehgala i Bharuche-Reid kada je preslikavanje / :&nbsp; S &mdash;&gt; S jaka (6n)-kontrakcija. Teorema Caristija, koja predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih rezultata za teoriju nepokretne tačke i nelinearnu analizu uop&scaron;tena je u kompletnom Mengerovom prostoru&nbsp; (S ,&nbsp; F , T ), gde je t-norma&nbsp; T H -tipa. Kako Mengerovi prostori pripadaju klasi kvazi-uniformnih prostora dokazana je teorema o nepokretnoj tački tri preslikavanja u jednoj specijalnoj klasi kvazi-uniformnih prostora. Dokazana je teorema o nepokretnoj tački koja predstavlja verovatnosno uop&scaron;tenje Nadlerove g-kontrakcije za tri preslikavanja kao i uop&scaron;tenje Hiksovog principa kontrakcije za tri preslikavanja. Teorija<br />kontraktora, koju je uveo M. Altman, odnosi se na re&scaron;avanje nelin&shy;earnih operatorskih jednačina u Banahovim prostorima. U tezi su dokazane teoreme koje obezbeđuju postojanje i jedinstvenost re&scaron;enja za nelinearne operatorske jednačine sa jednoznačnim i vi&scaron;eznačnim operatorom u nearhimedovskim Mengerovim verovatnosnim normi&shy; ranim prostorima.</p> / <p>In this thesis fixed point theorems which present singleval&shy;<br />ued and multivalued generalization of Banach contraction principle<br />in probabilistic metric and fuzzy metric spaces are proved. The<br />theorem which presents generalization of fixed point theorem for<br />probabilistic g-contraction / :&nbsp; S &mdash;* S is proved, where ( S ,&nbsp; J7, T ) is<br />complete Menger space. A notion of strong (&pound;&gt;n)-contraction is in&shy;<br />troduced and the theorem which presents a generalization of Sehgal<br />and Bharucha-Raid theorem when the mapping / :&nbsp; S&nbsp; &mdash;&raquo;&nbsp; S is strong<br />(6n)-contraction is proved. Caristi&rsquo;s theorem, which presents one of<br />the most imortant results for the fixed point theorem and nonlinear<br />analysis is generalized in complete Menger space&nbsp; (S, J-, T ), where<br />t-norm&nbsp; T is of&nbsp; H -type. As Menger&rsquo;s spaces belong to the class of<br />quasi-uniformizable spaces, the fixed point theorem for three map&shy;<br />pings in one special class of quasi-uniformizable spaces is proved.<br />The fixed point theorem which presents a probabilistic generaliza&shy;<br />tion of Nadler g-contraction for three mappings is proved as well<br />as the generalization of Hicks&rsquo;s contraction principle for three map&shy;<br />pings. The theory of contractor, which was introduced by M. A lt&shy;<br />man refers to solving nonlinear operator equations in Banach spaces.<br />This thesis proves the theorems which provide the existence and<br />uniqueness of the solutions for nonlinear operator equations with<br />singlevalued and multivalued operators in nonarhimedian Menger&rsquo;s<br />probabilistic normed spaces</p>
Date04 June 2002
CreatorsŽikić Tatjana
ContributorsHadžić Olga, Pap Endre, Stojaković Mila
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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