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Tezepelumab : En ny effektiv behandling för patienter med svår, okontrollerad astma?

Bakgrund Astma är en kronisk sjukdom som försvårar lungfunktion och påverkar individer hela livet. Orsakerna för astma är olika mellan olika individer, men sjukdomen har liknande symtom. Nyligen visades Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin ”TSLP” ha viktig roll vid initiering av inflammationen i lungorna som leder till astmaattack hos patienterna. Biologiska läkemedel, som tezepelumab, avbryter specifikt i initieringen av inflammation som påbörjas vid en exponering hos astmatiker. Tezepelumab är en monoklonal antikropp för behandling vid svår astma. Syfte Syfte med studien var att undersöka om det nya läkemedlet på marknaden var en effektiv behandling för astmapatienter som har lidit av svår och okontrollerad astma. Metod En litteraturstudie genomfördes genom en sökning i databasen PubMed. Det används några nyckelord som tex Astma, Tezepelumab, TSLP och monoklonal antikropp, Det genomfördes ett urval och analysering av studier från PubMed. Resultat De fem studierna visade positiva behandlingseffekt av tezepelumab av okontrollerad astma trots behandlingen med Långverkande beta-2 stimulerare ”LABAs” och Inhaled Corticosteroids”CISs”. Studierna visade att anti TSLP behandling med tezepelumab förbättrade symtomen och livskvalitet hos patienterna.Andelen av astmaanfall reducerades under behandlingens period med tezepelumab. Nivåer av inflammationsmarkörer minskade och patienternas livskvalitet förbättrades. Tezepelumab har lång halveringstid vilket möjliggör dosering endast en gång var fjärde vecka.Tezepelumab visade inga oväntade negativa eller allvarliga livshotande biverkningar, den visade inte ens reaktioner på huden vid injektionsstället eller urtikaria. Slutsats Tezepelumab är en effektiv och säker behandling för svår, okontrollerad astma hos vuxna. / Asthma is one of the most common and chronic diseases in the world. Asthma patients suffer from symptoms related to the respiratory system or the lungs. Symptoms include coughing, increased sputum secretion, shortness of breath, and inflammation in the airways, which may lead to an asthmatic crisis that leads to an emergency admission to the hospital. Asthma treatment was for many years limited to reducing symptoms by means of long-acting beta-agonists, “LABA” or corticosteroid inhalers, “CSI” or both. Still, this treatment was not sufficient for many patients with uncontrolled asthma. With the research development and increased knowledge about  the immune system, the role of the cytokine thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) in activating TH-cells and other cytokines that cause inflammation has been defined. This increased knowledge has resulted in the development of a new drug which is an antibody against TSLP intended to inactivate TSLP, thereby reducing the symptoms of inflammation in asthma patients.  This study is based on a selection of randomized controlled trials designed to study the effectiveness of the medicine in asthma patients in reducing the frequency of exacerbations of asthma and reducing the vital signs that cause inflammation. Asthma patients in studies Ⅰ- Ⅳ were selected and randomly distributed in groups to take three doses of tezepelumab or a placebo. The results were effective in favor of tezepelumab because it reduced the average of asthma attacks during a year compared to placebo patients, reduced IL-7, IL-5, and reduced eosinophil and FeNO, which usually cause inflammation. Tezepelumab also improved lung function. These results led to an improved quality of patients’ life. When studying the pharmacokinetics, the results indicated that tezepelumab was influential in the body, as it was associated with its target (TSLP) and performed its expected function. The serum half-life t1/2 is four weeks. The studies were similar in terms of several factors, and the results were also similar, which means that the newly developed medicine could bind successfully to TSLP and exert a relatively long-term effect, which reduces the inflammation caused by asthma exacerbation. In conclusion, the chosen studies demonstrate that Tezepelumab has positive results on severe and uncontrolled asthma with no serious side effects.
Date January 2023
CreatorsKhouly, Rama
PublisherLinnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för kemi och biomedicin (KOB)
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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