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Asynchronous Task-Based Parallelism in Seismic Imaging and Reservoir Modeling Simulations

The components of high-performance systems continue to become more complex on the road to exascale. This complexity is exposed at the level of: multi/many-core CPUs, accelerators (GPUs), interconnects (horizontal communication), and memory hierarchies (vertical communication). A crucial task is designing an algorithm and a programming model that scale to the same order of the HPC system size at multiple levels. This trend in HPC architecture more critically affects memory-intensive appli- cations than compute-bound applications. Accomplishing this task involves adopting less synchronous forms of the mathematical algorithm, reducing synchronization in the computational implementation, introducing more SIMT-style concurrency at the finest level of system hierarchy, and increasing arithmetic intensity as the bottleneck shifts from number of floating-point operations to number of memory accesses.
This dissertation addresses these challenges in scientific simulation focusing in the dominant kernels of a memory-bound application: sparse solvers in implicit model- ing, and I/O in explicit reverse time migration in seismic imaging. We introduce asynchronous task-based parallelism into iterative algebraic preconditioners. We also introduce a task-based framework that hides the latency of I/O with computation. This dissertation targets two main applications in the oil and gas industry: reservoir simulation and seismic imaging simulation. It presents results on multi- and many- core systems and GPUs on four Top500 supercomputers: Summit, TSUBAME 3.0, Shaheen II, and Makman-2. We introduce an asynchronous implementation of four major memory-bound kernels: Algebraic multigrid (MPI+OmpSs), tridiagonal solve
(MPI+OpenMP), Additive Schwarz Preconditioned Inexact Newton (MPI+MPI), and Reverse Time Migration (StarPU/StarPU+MPI and CUDA).
Date26 August 2019
CreatorsAlOnazi, Amani
ContributorsKeyes, David E., Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering (CEMSE) Division, Knio, Omar, Hadwiger, Markus, Ltaief, Hatem, Badia, Rosa
Source SetsKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Detected LanguageEnglish
Rights2020-08-26, At the time of archiving, the student author of this dissertation opted to temporarily restrict access to it. The full text of this dissertation will become available to the public after the expiration of the embargo on 2020-08-26.

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