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Sekere probleme van onderwysers en leerlinge rondom die implementering van die aanvullende modelle vir onderwysvoorsiening =Certain problems of teachers and students around the implementation of additional models for education provision

Verhandeling voorgele ter nakorning van die vereistes vir die graad MAGISTER EDUCATIONIS In die Departement Opvoedkundige Sielkunde van die Fakulteit Opvoedkunde aan die Universiteit van Zoeloeland, = Submitted to the Faculty of Education in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education, in the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education at the University of Zululand 1994. / Eng: Due to political changes various changes took place in the education system of
South Africa. These changes caused white teachers and pupils to be confronted by
the idea of suddenly having to cope with people of other race groups in their
schools. Most of the teachers and pupils were caught unprepared for all these
changes. This unpreparedness led to problems being experienced in the
multicultural situation.
The objectives of this study can be described as follows:
• To establish by means of a literature study the background as to why
all these changes had to be made, to investigate the circumstances in
some overseas countries and also to give attention to the teacher-child
• To establish by means of an empirical study the perceptions of
teachers in Model C-schools concerning the problems being
experienced by pupils and teachers.
• In the light of findings obtained from the literature study and
empirical study, to make recommendations to prevent or lessen the
possible problems being experienced by pupils and teachers in the
multicultural situation.
Initially multiculturaI education in England and the USA was reviewed. A historical
synopsis was made of the origin of the diversity of races found in both these
countries, as well as the laws and policies concerning multicultural education. The
post-war policy of assimilation, integration and cultural pluralism was also
mentioned. The advantages and disadvantages of multicultural education were also
discussed. It seems as if multicultural education is the best theoretical policy for
a multiracial country. Unfortunately, in practice, there are plenty of stumbling
blocks bedeviling the ideal situation.
Secondly, the provision of schooling for white children was discussed. In 1663 the
provision of schooling for white children had a humble origin when the first school
for white children was established in a loft. Although the teaching was
monoculturaI, the school in fact was multicultural. Out of this humble origin
eventually evolved four provincial education departments based on a Christian
National Policy.
Due to various factors like pressure from overseas, black unrest, dissatisfaction with
the black education system and a new political dispensation, a large amount of
rationalization had to take place in white education. Funds were not readily
available any more and because of these factors three additional models for the
provision of schooling were announced. To a great extent the responsibility for the
education of their children was handed back to the parents. The provision of
schooling for white people also tends to become multicultural, although the policy
of assimiIation is still being used in most of the white schools.
After this chapter attention was given to the qualities necessary in both teacher and
pupil for the establishment of a successful teacher-ehild relationship. The ideal
teacher is the one with all the necessary qualities to complete his task successfully.
This task entails the accompaniment of the child to achieve the pedagogic aim.
The teacher has a special position in the relationship with the child. The
success of the relationship between the teacher and the child is based on three
important corner stones which are called the relation of trust, the relation of
understanding and the relation of authority. For the relationship between the teacher
and pupils to be successful, the teacher must have a very good knowledge of the
child's background, culture and traditions.
After the literature study an empirical investigation was done by means of a self
structured questionnaire. During the discussion of the research design, the
questionnaire, pilot study and statistical methods were discussed in detail. This
questionnaire was made available to the teaching staff of three Model C-schools.
During this investigation, these schools had an average of 10% black pupils.
Subsequently, the results of the investigation were analyzed and the postulates that
were set were all accepted. It was found that although black pupils do not differ
as educands from their white counterparts, some problems were encountered due
to their cultural orientation. The teaching of different culture groups in the same
class did have a significant effect on the daily task of the teacher. Furthermore, it
was clear that most of the teachers were not sufficiently trained or prepared for the
new education dispensation.
In the light of the findings certain recommendations were made. The
recommendations were made concerning the training of student teachers as well as
the in-service training of teachers. Furthermore, certain recommendations were
made regarding the language in which teaching takes place, bridging of gaps in
knowledge, the life education programme, the post of an adviser and reversed
This investigation was a sincere attempt to enlighten the education situation in the
country and to prevent conflict taking place due to ignorance. = Afr:
Weens politieke veranderings in Suid-Afrika het daar verskeie veranderings in die onderwysstelsel plaasgevind. Hierdie snelle veranderings het daartoe gelei dat blanke onderwysers en leerlinge skielik te doene gekry het met anderskleurige leerlinge in dieselfde skool. Hiervoor was die meeste blanke onderwysers en leerlinge nie voorbereid nie. Die onvoorbereidheid van beide onderwysers en leerlinge het gelei tot sekere probleme random die multikulturele opset.

Die doelstellings van hierdie studie kan soos volg beskryf word: Om deur middel van 'n literatuurstudie aandag te gee aan die agtergrond waarteen hierdie veranderings gemaak is, die omstandighede in enkele ander lande te ondersoek en om aandag te gee aan die onderwyser-kindverhouding. Om by wyse van 'n empiriese ondersoek die persepsies van onderwysers in Model C-skole ten opsigte van swart leerlinge asook onderwysers se probleme vas te stel. Om in die lig van die bevindings waartoe geraak word as gevolg van die literatuurstudie en empiriese ondersoek, enkele aanbevelings te maak ten einde die onderwysers en leerlinge se probleme te verminder. Ten aanvang is 'n oorsig van multikulturele onderwys in die VSA en Engeland gegee. 'n Historiese oorsig van die ontstaan van beide lande se rasseverskeidenheid, asook die wette en beleid wat met multikulturele onderwys te make het, is aangebied. Die na-oorlogse beleid van assimilasie, integrasie en kulturele pluralisme in did lande is ook ondersoek. Die voordele en nadele van die multikulturele onderwysbeleid is bespreek. Dit wil voorkom asof multikulturele onderwys teoreties die beste antwoord gee ten opsigte van onderwys in 'n veelrassige land. In die praktyk is daar egter vele hindemisse wat die ideale toestand pootjie.

Vervolgens is die blanke onderwysvoorsiening in Suid-Afrika in oenskou geneem. Oorspronklik het die onderwysvoorsiening aan die blankes 'n baie beskeie begin gehad met die stigting van die eerste skool vir blanke kinders in 1663 in 'n solder. Hierdie begin was multikultureel, hoewel die onderrig monokultureel was. Uit hierdie beskeie begin het later vier provinsiale onderwysstelsels ontwikkel met Christelike Nasionale Onderwys as die matriks waarop al die onderwysbeleid geets is.

As gevolg van buitelandse druk, swart onrus, misnoee met die swart onderwysopset en 'n nuwe politieke bestel moes 'n groot mate van rasionalisasie in blanke onderwysvoorsiening plaasvind. Fondse was nie meer geredelik beskikbaar nie en as gevolg hiervan is toe die drie addisionele modelle vir onderwysvoorsiening aangekondig. In *n groot mate word die verantwoordelikheid ten opsigte van die onderwys weer in ouerhande teruggeplaas. Onderwysvoorsiening aan die blanke neig ook al hoe meer tot multikulturaliteit, alhoewel dit tans nog so is dat 'n assimilasionistiese onderwysopset in die meeste van die oorwegend blanke skole gevolg word.

Hierna is die toerusting waaroor die onderwyser en leer ling moet beskik vir die vestiging van 'n suksesvolle onderwyser-kindverhouding bestudeer. Die ideale onderwyser is die een wat oor al die nodige toerusting beskik om sy taak suksesvol af te handel. Hierdie taak is die begeleiding van die leerling om die pedagogiese doelstruktuur te verwesenlik. Die kind se toerusting maak van hom 'n unieke wese. Die kenmerkende karakteriserende kenmerke waaroor elke kind beskik, maak hom 'n wese wat nie net opvoedbaar is nie, maar wat opgevoed wil word. Die onderwyser en die kind staan in 'n besondere verhouding. Die sukses van die onderwyser se opvoedingsverhouding met die kind is gegrond op die verwerkliking van die begrypensverhouding, die kenverhouding en die gesagsverhouding. Die suksesvolle onderwyser-kindverhouding is slegs moontlik indien die onderwyser 'n grondige kennis van die kind se agtergrond, sy kultuur en tradisies het.

Na die literatuurstudie is 'n empiriese ondersoek met behulp van *n selfgestruktureerde vraelys uitgevoer. Die navorsingsontwerp is volledig bespreek, die vraelys asook loodsstudie is uitgevoer en statistiese metodes is bespreek. Hierdie vraelys is aan die personeel van drie Model C-skole beskikbaar gestel. Die skole het almal ongeveer 10% swart leerlinge gehad ten tye van die ondersoek.

Hierna is die resultate ontleed en is die postulate wat gestel was, almal aanvaar. Daar is aangedui dat alhoewel swart leerlinge as opvoedelinge nie van blanke leerlinge verskil nie, daar vanwee hulle kulturele orientasie tog sekere terreine is waar probleme kan ontstaan. Die onderrig van verskillende kultuurgroepe in dieselfde klas het wel 'n beduidende effek op die onderwyser se dagtaak. Verder is dit duidelik dat die meeste leerkragte nie die nodige opleiding en voorbereiding vir die implementering van die nuwe onderwysbedeling ontvang het nie.
Aan die hand van die bevindings is sekere aanbevelings gedoen. Eerstens is aanbevelings ten opsigte van onderwysersopleiding beide in opleidingsinrigtings en ook in die werksituasie, gedoen. Verder is sekere voorstelle ten opsigte van onderrigtaal, oorbruggingsonderwys, lewensopvoedingsprogramme, die pos van 'n berader en omgekeerde d^kriminasie gedoen.

Daar is gepoog om deur middel van hierdie ondersoek 'n bydrae te lewer tot die beligting van die onderwyssituasie in ons land en om te probeer verhoed dat konflik as gevolg van onkunde plaasvind.
Date January 1994
CreatorsNiemand, Jan Frederik.
ContributorsUrbani, G.
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish

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