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Die effek van onderwystransformasie op die motivering en beroepsbelewing van onderwysers in die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement

Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The passing of the South African Schools Act in 1996 marked the beginning of the
formal process of transformation in education in South Africa. The application of a new
national education policy based on the principle of equity gave rise to a process of
rationalization and re-deployment - a process guided by financial constraints. Many
educators and principals took voluntary severance packages, resulting in the abolition of
thousands of teaching posts. Hundreds of newly appointed principals were left in 1997
with the daunting task of running their schools efficiently and effectively with a reduced
In addition to the much less favourable educator-learner ratios the process of
transformation is characterised by inter alia the abolition of corporal punishment, the
institution of a new qualifications framework, the introduction of Curriculum 2005 and
an inclusive education policy. The whole of this process implies a drastic and pervasive
change in thinking and conduct, leaving many educators in a state of uncertainty.
Transformation and paradigm shifts brought about changed and changing values,
convictions, interests, needs and new role players.
All these changes together with new and greater demands on educators, and employment
uncertainty, raise the issue of their effect on the motivation and occupational experience
of educators.
Thus the aim of the present research was to examme the effect of the process of
transformation on the motivation and occupational experience of educators.
Educator motivation is dealt with in the literature study in terms of specific motivational
and personality theories. It also focuses on the nature of transformation and change in
education in South Africa, especially in the Western Cape. A mainly quantitative approach has been adopted in the present research. It was designed
as an exploratory and descriptive study.
The target population consisted of educators in the service of the Western Cape
Education Department. The accessible population was confined to a selection from two
of the nine areas in the Western Cape, namely Athlone and Worcester. For the purpose
ot proportional representation of educators a stratified sampling of educators from:
primary and secondary schools, from larger and smaller schools and from former
education departments was used. Of the grand total of6186 educators 20% (1258) were
selected. A questionnaire survey was done to examine the effect of a wide range of
applicable aspects of education transformation on the motivation and occupational
experience of educators.
More than one-third of the respondents indicated that the process of transformation in
education was negatively influencing their motivation and occupational experience.
Educators in non-promotion posts reported a more negative influence than educators in
promotion posts.
Respondents from the former Department of Education and Training reflected a more
positive perception in respect of the effect of transformation on their motivation and
occupational experience than did respondents from the two other ex-departments. In both
cases the most negative influences were reported by educators from the former Cape
Education Department.
Regarding educators' expenence of contentment approximately 30% of respondents
indicated that they were not happy in their profession. The reasons for educators' desire
to leave their posts revolved largely around the management of change. The vast
majority of educators were also very unhappy at the prospect of having to contend with
learners with special educational needs in their ordinary classes. It would appear that
educators experience frustration and feelings of uncertainty as a result of inadequate
preparation and training for the drastic change of approach to their task. Consequently serious attention will have to be devoted to the training of principals and circuit managers
in the management of change.
It was found that educators were very happy with various aspects of democratisation in
education. The new structure of governing bodies (on which learners and educators may
also serve), the application of the principle of gender equity, and multicultural education
are but a few examples. The majority of respondents were satisfied with policy matters
like that on admission of learners and school attendance by all races - an indication that
most educators were in favour of multi-cultural education.
Transformation bears important implications for education management, in-service and
pre-service training.
Since many educators do not enjoy financial and job security, their need for security is
not satisfied. As a result their self-actualisation can be jeopardised. Their motivation and
occupational experience is further hampered by a lack of a sense of physical safety and
the presence of an unpleasant physical work environment. Because these basic and social
needs are not met, self-actualisation cannot be realised.
The majority of educators felt that at the time of the study (April 2000) they had less
control over their own responsibilities than five years earlier. This finding holds serious
implications for principals as managers and for education authorities. Management
structures and systems should be designed in such a way as to pose ambitious, though
attainable targets and challenges to enable educators to develop and assume
One of the key reasons why educators experienced their profession as unpleasant and
wanted to quit their profession is the state of discipline in schools. Although the vast
majority of respondents are satisfied with the code of conduct for learners most educators
were unhappy with the abolition of corporal punishment. The negative tendencies regarding educators' occupational experience were illustrated
further by the disparity between their current perceptions (April 2000) and those of five
years before. In the estimation of the vast majority of educators their job was no longer
pleasant or meaningful.
Transformation in education had a negative impact on the motivation and occupational
experiences of a large percentage of educators. Education authorities will have to reflect
carefully on those aspects of policy that make educators unhappy and lower their morale.
Factors that demotivate educators or have no motivational value, will have to be
eliminated or changed. However, change and innovation will always happen in
education. Perspectives emanating from this research can be utilised for a better
undersstanding and implementation of change and innovation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die aanvaarding van die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet van 1996 het die proses van
transformasie van die onderwys in Suid-Afrika formele beslag gekry. Die toepassing van
'n nuwe nasionale onderwysbeleid en die beginsel van gelykberegtiging, met fiskale
beperkinge as faktor, het onder meer 'n proses van rasionalisering en herontplooiing
meegebring. Nadat baie onderwysers en prinsipale vrywillige skeidingspakkette geneem
het, is talle poste afgeskaf Honderde nuut-aangestelde prinsipale is teen 1997 die taak
gelaat om met fn verskraaide personeel hul skole doeltreffend en effektiefte bestuur.
Benewens groter onderwyser-Ieerderratios word die transformasieproses onder meer
gekenmerk deur faktore soos die afskaffing van lyfstraf, die instelling van 'n nuwe
kwalifikasieraamwerk, die instelling van Kurrikulum 2005 en 'n inklusiewe
onderwysbenadering. Hierdie proses impliseer omvattende en drastiese transformasie
van anders dink en doen, wat vir baie onderwysers met groot onsekerheid gepaard gaan.
Met die proses van transformasie en gepaardgaande paradigmaverskuiwings kom
veranderde en veranderende waardes, oortuigings, belange en behoeftes asook nuwe
rolspelers, na vore.
Vanweë bogenoemde veranderinge, nuwe en hoër eise wat dit aan die onderwyser stel, en
beroepsonsekerheid wat baie onderwysers beleef, ontstaan die vraag watter effek dit op
onderwysers se motivering en beroepsbelewing het.
Die doel met die studie was derhalwe om die effek van die transformasieproses op die
onderwyser se motivering en beroepsbelewing te ondersoek.
In die literatuurstudie word onderwysermotivering aan die hand van bepaalde relevante
motiverings- en persoonlikheidsteorieë behandel. Die aard van onderwystransformasie
en -verandering in Suid-Afrika, maar meer spesifiek in die Wes-Kaap, word ook onder
die loep geneem. In hierdie studie is oorwegend 'n kwantitatiewe benadering gevolg. Die ondersoek is
ontwerp om verkennend sowel as beskrywend van aard te wees.
Die teikenpopulasie was onderwysers III diens van die Wes-Kaapse
Onderwysdepartement. Die bereikbare populasie is beperk tot die seleksie van twee van
die nege onderwysareas in die Wes-Kaap, naamlik die Athlone- en Worcester-areas. 'n
Gestratifiseerde steekproef is gebruik ter wille van proporsionele verteenwoordiging van
onderwysers van die twee areas, primêre en sekondêre skole, groter en kleiner skole en
voormalige onderwysdepartemente. Twintig persent van die totale bereikbare populasie,
naamlik 1258 van die moontlike 6186 onderwysers, is geselekteer. 'n Vraelysondersoek
IS onderneem om die effek van 'n wye reeks relevante aspekte van
onderwystransformasie op onderwysers se motivering en beroepsbelewing te ondersoek.
Meer as 'n derde van die repondente het aangedui dat hul motivering en hul belewing van
die onderwysberoep negatief beïnvloed is deur die proses van onderwystransformasie.
Onderwysers wat nie-bevorderingsposte beklee is skynbaar meer negatief beïnvloed deur
die transformasieproses as die senior onderwysers.
Die respondente van die voormalige Departement van Onderwys en Opleiding het meer
positiewe persepsies ten opsigte van die effek van transformasie op hul motivering en
beroepsbelewing gerapporteer as die respondente van die ander twee departemente. In
beide gevalle het die voormalige KOD-Iede die negatiefste invloed gerapporteer.
Wat onderwysers se gelukbelewing betref het sowat 30% van die respondente aangedui
het dat hulle nie gelukkig is in die onderwys nie. Die redes waarom onderwysers hul
beroep wil verlaat, sentreer in 'n groot mate om die bestuur van verandering. Die
oorgrote meerderheid onderwysers is ook baie ontevrede oor die feit dat hulle nou
leerders met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes in hul gewone klasse moet onderrig. Dit blyk
dat onvoldoende voorbereiding en opleiding vir hierdie ingrypende veranderinge groot
frustrasie en onsekerheid by baie onderwysers meebring. Ernstige aandag behoort dus gegee te word aan die opleiding van prinsipale en kringbestuurders om verandering te
Die bevindinge toon verder aan dat onderwysers baie tevrede is met verskeie aspekte van
die demokratisering van die onderwys. Die nuwe samestelling van die beheerliggaam
waarin ook leerders en opvoeders nou kan dien, die toepassing van geslagsgelykheid en
multikulturele onderwys is maar enkele voorbeelde. Wanneer ander spesifieke
beleidsaspekte, soos toelatingsbeleid en bywoning van skole deur alle rasse ter sprake
kom, is die meerderheid van die respondente hiermee tevrede. Dit is 'n aanduiding dat
die meerderheid onderwysers ten gunste van multikulturele onderwys is.
Transformasie hou dus belangrike implikasies in vir onderwysleierskap, indiensopleiding
en voordiensopleiding.
Omdat baie onderwysers me finansiële en beroepsekuriteit beleef me, word hul
sekuriteitbehoeftes nie bevredig nie. As gevolg daarvan kan selfaktualisering bemoeilik
word. Die afwesigheid van fisieke veiligheidsbelewing en die aanwesigheid van
onaangename fisiese werksomstandighede in die skool bring ook mee dat hul motivering
en beroepsbelewing negatief beïnvloed word. Aangesien hierdie basiese en sosiale
behoeftes nie bevredig word nie, kan selfaktualisering nie plaasvind nie.
Een van die kardinale redes waarom onderwysers hul beroep as onaangenaam beleef en
die onderwys wil verlaat, is die kwessie van dissipline in skole. Alhoewel die oorgrote
meerderheid van die respondente tevrede is met die gedragskode vir leerders op die
dissiplinering van leerders, voel die meerderheid ontevrede oor die afskaffing van
Die genoemde negatiewe tendense ten opsigte van die onderwysers se beroeps- en
gelukbelewing word verder geïllustreer deur die verskille tussen hul belewinge ten tyde
van die ondersoek (in April 2000) in vergelyking met vyf jaar tevore. Vir die oorgrote
meerderheid van die respondente is die onderwys nie meer aangenaam en sinvol nie. Die meerderheid van die onderwysers het gevoel dat hulle ten tyde van die ondersoek (in
April 2000) minder beheer oor hul eie verantwoordelikhede gehad het as vyf jaar tevore.
Hierdie bevinding hou ook ernstige implikasies in vir prinsipale as bestuurders van skole
en vir die owerhede. Bestuurstrukture en -stelsels behoort op so 'n wyse ontwerp te word
dat hulle hoë dog bereikbare teikens en uitdagings daarstel wat onderwysers in staat sal
stelom te ontwikkel en verantwoordelikheid te aanvaar.
Onderwystransformasie het 'n groot persentasie van die onderwysers se motivering en
beroepsbelewing negatief beïnvloed. Die onderwysowerhede sal dringend moet besin
oor daardie beleidsaspekte wat die onderwysers ongelukkig maak en hul moreel laat daal.
Faktore wat onderwysers demotiveer of geen motiveringswaarde het nie, sal geëlimineer
of gewysig moet word. Verandering en vernuwing sal egter altyd in die onderwys
pl~asvind. Die bestuur van hierdie verandering is van groot belang. Die insigte wat uit
hierdie navorsing bekom word, kan vorentoe gebruik word om ook vernuwing beter te vérstaan en te implementeer.
Date03 1900
CreatorsGalant, Fernholdt Henry Michael
ContributorsAckermann, C. J., Van Kradenburg, L. P., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education . Dept. of Educational Psychology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format373 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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