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The determining of optimum protocol strategies for half-duplex telemetry communication links

Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Though not so prominent as the wide band, high speed, mainstream development of
data communication networks, cost and particular bandwidth limitations, still ensure
extensive and continuing use of low-speed, half-duplex data link equipment. Most of these
applications are radio based and aimed towards telemetry systems serving a wide range
of utilities. Experience has shown that systems engineering for this type of installation, is
seldom undertaken to a satisfactory analytical level. Investigation of published analyses
of CSMA protocols in general, has indicated scope of extension of theoretical work to
include system parameters for the type of protocol investigated in this dissertation.
This dissertation describes the mathematical modeling of such a strategy by utilising a significantly
modified, finite source, transition state-matrix approach derived from queueing
The contribution of the dissertation is to include system overhead parameters, such as
backoff strategy, channel noise, equipment rise times, propagation- and retry delays, into
the abovementioned model. The latter provides a relatively straightforward and readily
applicable method for system analysis and performance prediction.
A further contribution is the presentation of a software emulation with which different
strategies could be simulated, allowing for adjustment of all design parameters. The
simulation is intended for parallel and confimatory use with the theoretical model.
A dual set of tools, theoretical and emulation based, is thus contributed to assist with the
system design, performance prediction and protocol selection process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel nie so prominent soos die wyeband, hoƫspoed, hoofstroom ontwikkeling van
datakommunikasie netwerke nie, verseker koste en spesifieke bandwydte beperkings nog
die uitgebreide en voortdurende gebruik van laespoed half-dupleks data verbindingstoerusting.
Meeste van die toepassings is radio gebaseer en gerig op telemetriestelsels wat deur
'n wye verskeidenheid diensverskaffers benut word. Stelselontwerp vir hierdie tipe installasies
word selde op analitiese vlak benader. Ondersoek van gepubliseerde analises
van kontensieprotokolle in die algemeen, het ruimte aangetoon vir die uitbreiding van
bestaande teoretiese werk om stelselveranderlikes soos van toepassing op die tipe protokol
in hierdie proefskrif ondersoek, in te sluit.
Hierdie proefskrif beskryf die wiskundige modelering van sodanige strategie, deur gebruik
te maak van 'n beduidend veranderde eindige bron, oorgangs-toestandmatriks benadering,
afgelei van touteorie.
Die bydrae van hierdie proefskrif is die insluiting van oorhoofse stelselveranderlikes, soos
herhaal strategie, kanaalruis, toerusting stygtye, herhaal- en voortplantingsvertragings, in
bogenoemde model. Laasgenoemde verskaf 'n relatief eenvoudige en maklik toepasbare
metode vir stelselanalise en werkverrigtingvoorspelling.
'n Verder bydrae is die daarstelling van 'n sagteware simulasie waarmee verskillende strategieƫ
nageboots kan word. Verstelling van alle ontwerpparameters word ondersteun. Die
simulasie is bedoel vir parallelle en bevestigende gebruik tesame met die teoretiese model.
'n Dubbele, teoreties- en simulasie gebaseerde benadering, word dus aangebied vir gebruik
by stelselontwerp, gedragsvoorspelling en optimale protokolseleksie.
Date12 1900
CreatorsWolhuter, Riaan
ContributorsDu Plessis, J. J., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format1 v. ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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