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俄羅斯漢學家記錄的清末官話──以《漢俄合璧韻編》為主的語音考察 / The Study on Mandarin in Late-Qing Dynasty Recorded by Russian Sinologists--A Phonology research according to “Chinese-Russian Dictionary” (1888)

聲母:  p pʰ m f v  t tʰ n l  k kʰ x 
     ts tsʰ s  tʂ tʂʰ ʂ ʐ  ø
韻母:開 a aj aŋ an ɨw ɨ ɨŋ ɨn ə ɨj ɚ
   齊 jɨ jɨŋ jɨn jə jɨw ja jaj jaŋ jan jaw
   合 wə wɨ wa waj waŋ wan wɨj wɨŋ wɨn
   撮 jwan jwə jwɨ jwɨŋ jwɨn
  二、歷史比較。本論文將《韻編》音系與中古漢語和《中原音韻》比較,並與其他近現代外國對音材料比較。《韻編》與中古漢語的比較,有幾點特色。1.濁音聲母清化,平聲送氣、仄聲不送氣;2.知、莊、章系聲母多讀為捲舌音;3.不區分尖團音;4.沒有中古的入聲韻尾(塞音韻尾),而併入陰聲韻尾;5.陽聲韻尾則只有軟齶鼻音和齒齦鼻音兩類;6.[io]類韻母來自中古江、宕攝入聲韻。《韻編》與《中原音韻》的比較,比較明顯的是[m]韻尾讀為[n]韻尾,且《韻編》可以呼應若干條《中原音韻》的詞彙讀音註解。《韻編》與其他外國材料比較,不論俄、法、德、葡、英、美,經過音節比對,該時期官話在音韻系統上是相當一致的,沒有巨大的結構上的改變。不過就讀音變體而言,從清末至今,部分讀音漸趨弱化、消失,如韻母[io]弱化而與[üe]併合,但這類讀音的弱化或消失,並不影響整體音位系統。 / One of the most outstanding achievements of Russian Sinology during 19th century was “Chinese-Russian Dictionary” published in 1888. It was compiled by P. I. Kafarov and finished by P. S. Popov. A large number of Chinese characters, words and phrases were collected in this Dictionary, and Russian alphabets were supplementary to each written character for showing Chinese pronunciation. It is the Russian-Chinese transliteration that becomes our basic corpus.
  In the Dictionary, the principle of listing order was by sequence of Russian alphabets, and principle of grouping was by Chinese finals (rhyme). In a group, every character had the same Russian transliteration. However, there was no marker of tone, which is important to distinguish meanings in Chinese language. To solve the problem, the editor or author indistinctly arranged the characters as Yin-ping (陰平 “dark level”), Shang (上 “rising”), Qu (去 “departing”) and Yang-ping (陽平 “light level”) four kinds of tones. After revising the Russian-Chinese transliteration to phonology form, phonetics analysis is possible. We would like to show the language recorded by this Dictionary, and summarize the feature of this language by comparing with different phonetic documents.
1. Phonetic analysis on the Dictionary.
  Considering time, space and phonology feature of the Dictionary, we could claim that the language was Mandarin of late-Qing Dynasty. Here are the achievements of phonetic analysis.
Initial: 20 initials grouping by place of articulation.
  p pʰ m f v  t tʰ n l  k kʰ x 
  ts tsʰ s  tʂ tʂʰ ʂ ʐ  ø
Final: 35 finals grouping by jie-yin (介音 “medial; head of rhyme”), in order: kai-kou (開口“open mouth”) with no medial marker, qichi (齊齒“even teeth”) with medial marker /j/, hekou (合口“closed mouth”) with medial marker /w/ and cuokou (撮口“round mouth”) with medial marker /jw/.
  a aj aŋ an ɨw ɨ ɨŋ ɨn ə ɨj ɚ
  jɨ jɨŋ jɨn jə jɨw ja jaj jaŋ jan jaw
  wə wɨ wa waj waŋ wan wɨj wɨŋ wɨn
  jwan jwə jwɨ jwɨŋ jwɨn
A few of Chinese phonemes of rhymes like /jwə/ matched two Russian spellings. That was just the matter of listening difference and did not influence the phoneme system. Here are some remarkable features about the combination of initial and final. For example, labial consonants did not combine with “closed mouth” and “round mouth” rhyme, except monophthong of “closed mouth” rhyme; velar consonant did not combine with “even teeth” and “round mouth” rhyme, except monophthong of “even teeth” rhyme.
2. Historical comparison.
  The Dictionary is compared with mid-ancient Chinese system and Mandarin document “Zhong-yuan Yin-yun”. Here are some remarkable features. First, total voiced initial consonants became devoiced, aspirate as level tone (平聲), while unaspirate as oblique tone (仄聲). Second, retroflex consonants were from Zhi (知), Zhuang (莊), Zhang (章) series in the mid-ancient Chinese. Third, there was no difference between sharp and rounded sounds (尖團音). Fourth, checked tone (entering tone) and its ending consonant were lost. Fifth, nasal endings were only [-n] and [-ŋ], while mid-ancient ending [-m] was lost. Sixth, rhyme [io] was from entering tone of Dang (宕), Jiang (江) rhyme group. Besides, we take some foreign documents in comparison. Our conclusion is that the structure of syllable and language system did not immensely change in that period. We can see that [io] rhyme became weak. Whether [io] rhyme existed or not did not influence the phoneme system.
Creators趙育伸, Chao, Yu Shen
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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