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Augmented Renaissance: From Creation to Revelation

During the summer of 2013, the M.F.A. acting ensemble at Louisiana State University was charged with devising solo performance projects that would be performed December 6-14, 2014. We were given artistic freedom to create shows that could cover different topics and a variety of genres. The writing and performance of this project served as a graduation requirement, but was also pitched as a professional opportunity post graduation. Initially I opposed this project, but I soon became elated once I chose my subject matter. I knew that if I was going to perform a solo piece for 30-40 minutes it had to be based on things that I was genuinely passionate about. I also wanted to devise a show that would grant me the opportunity to share talents that havent been showcased. Black Drama, especially the works of August Wilson and jazz music came to mind in this moment. Chapter One of this thesis explains my purpose for choosing this subject matter and my vision. Chapter Two discusses August Wilsons artistic impact during my undergraduate acting training. Chapter Three includes historical research that aided in devising my work. Chapter Four details my initial literary, music, dance, and design element ideas. Chapter Five explores my transition and rehearsal process from script development to show performance. Chapter Six is the finalized listing of characters and their physical and vocal distinctions. Chapter Seven is the final script. Chapter Eight concludes this thesis and discusses audience response and areas for future development.
Date20 April 2015
CreatorsAtkinson, Christopher
ContributorsCabaj, Stacey, Erickson, Nick, Holden, Richard
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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