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Development and application of a methodological model that allows evaluate and compare the behaviour of external walls exposed to moisture phenomenons

The thesis has the objective of design a methodological model for evaluate and
compare the behaviour of external walls exposed to moisture phenomena. The
comparison is related to different variables us for example: thermal
conductivity, thermal transmitance, moisture content in the element along the
time, P.O. Fanger theory of comfort, risk grouwth of mould among the others
The model is developed in function of two softwares that permit sensibilyze
the performance of building elements in relation of the presence of different
quantities of moisture inside of them along the year. In this case, the model
is probe with the use of TRNSYS 15 and WUFI 3.2 Pro softwares.
The results show that there are many differences in the analysis of the
different parameters in the cases with the materials in dry and wet state.
Also, is possible to realize that the improve of any constructive solutions
they are amortized in periods of time that no exceed more than three years in
relation to the save of energy for the improvement in the themal conductivity
of the materials.
Date20 April 2006
CreatorsVeas, Leonardo
PublisherUniversite catholique de Louvain
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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