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An exploratory investigation into the moneymax profile as predictor of optimal financial attitudes and behaviour

Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Financial independence is what most people strive for; however, world trends
indicate that it eludes the majority of the population. In South Africa, financial
independence figures, especially at retirement, range disconcertingly between 6%
and 10%. Numerous factors contribute to and influence financial independence, such
as the current economic climate, personality characteristics and attitudes and
behaviour. In an attempt to understand the complexity of the interplay between
finance and psychology, this research explores a commercial product, the
Moneymax Profile (MMP), and endeavours to relate it to scientific literature that will
contribute to the understanding of how personality characteristics and attitudes and
behaviours toward money will influence financial independence.
An ex post facto correlational research design was employed in this exploratory
quantitative study (n = 67). The Financial Independence Scale (FIScale) was
constructed for the purposes of the study. The concept of optimal financial attitudes
and behaviour (OFAB) was developed and defined as measurable attitudes and
behaviour that maximise the likelihood that individuals will experience financial
security or independence. OFAB was measured by subscales of personality (locus of
control, Type A/B personality, time orientation) and financial attitudes and behaviour
(for example budgeting, social referents, financial discipline, control of investments).
Results indicated that locus of control, time orientation, budgeting, social referents
and control of investment were reliable measures of OFAB. The Moneymax traits
with a moderate correlation that contributed significantly to OFAB were pride,
emotionality, confidence, contentment, spending and trust. The traits of involvement,
power and risk taking were significant, but the relationship with OFAB was weak.
The remaining traits of altruism, work ethic, self-determination and reflectivity held
little statistical value. The principle contributors to an individual’s financial habits and
current status were noted to be education level, unexpected circumstances and
trusting others. The lack of available psychometric properties for the MMP and the small sample
were major limitations of this study. The disciplines of economics and psychology
would do well to continue working together in an effort to comprehend money and
money personality. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Finansiële onafhanklikheid is ‘n stand van sake waarna meeste individue streef.
Wêreldwyd word hierdie nie vir die oorgrote mederheid behaal nie. In Suid-Afrika
blyk die getal vir finansiële onafhanklikheid slegs 6% tot 10% te wees. Faktore soos
die huidige ekonomiese klimaat, persoonlike eienskappe, gesindheid en gedrag
word as bydraende faktore beskou. ‘n Poging word aangewend om die komplekse
interaksie tussen finansies en sielkunde te ondersoek en dit deur middel van ‘n
kommersiele produk, Moneymax Profile (MMP), en onderneem om wetenskaplike
literatuur te gebruik om vas te stel wat se komponente van persoonlikheid,
gesindheid en gedrag nodig is vir ‘n individu om finansiëel onafhanklik te kan wees.
‘n Ex post facto korrelasie navorsingsontwerp word in die kwantitatiewe
navorsingstudie (n = 67) gebruik. Die Financial Independence Scale (FIScale) was
vir die navorsing ontwikkel. Die konsep van optimale gesindheid en gedrag (OFAB)
word voorgelê en word as volg gedefinieer: meetbare gesindheid en gedrag wat ‘n
individu se waarskynlikheid vergroot om finansiele sekuriteit en onafhanklikheid te
beleef. OFAB was gemeet deur subskale van persoonlikheidseienskappe (lokus van
kontrole, Tipe A/B persoonlikheid, tydorienteering) en finansiële gedrag en
gesindheid (byvoorbeeld begrotings, sosialegroepsdruk, finansiële disipline,
Resultate wys dat lokus van kontrole, tydorienteering, begrotings optrek,
sosialegroepsdruk, en beleggingsbestuur geldige metings van OFAB was. Die
Moneymax trekke wat beduidend en matige verwantskappe het met OFAB was trots,
emosienaliteit, sekerheid, tevredenheid, besteeding en vertroue. Die trekke van
betrokkenheid, mag en risiko was beduidend maar die korrelasie was swak. Die
oorblywende trekke van altruïsme, werksetiek, selfbeskikking en oordenking hou
weinig statistiese waarde. Faktore wat bydra tot ‘n individu se finansiëlegedrag en
huidige finansiëlestatus is opvoedkundevlak, onbeplande omstandighede en om
andere te vertrou. Die gebrek aan psigometriese eienskappe van die MMP het die studie gekniehalter.
Die dissiplines van die ekonomie en sielkunde word aangemoedig om geld en
geldpersoonlikheid verder te verken.
Date04 1900
CreatorsPrinsloo, Cindy Renee
ContributorsDu Preez, Ronel, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Industrial Psychology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format162 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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