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The relationships between the HEXACO personality dimensions and organisational citizenship behaviours within the civil engineering sector

Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The construction industry is a large, diverse and complex industry. In recent times, this industry has experienced a long-lasting period of inactivity. One sector that forms part of the construction industry is the civil engineering sector. This sector is the largest contributor to the income of the industry as a whole. Recent reports indicate that the construction companies within this industry are experiencing many challenges in both the internal and external environments.
A preliminary discussion with a number of engineers indicated that these individuals felt as if they were required to do more than what was expected of them in terms of their job requirements. These expectations not only include being expected to voluntarily work overtime and to be tolerant of non-ideal site conditions, but also to informally develop the interpersonal skills necessary to minimise conflict and to motivate and support each other. The majority of the participating companies admitted to having a lack of such voluntary behaviour, namely organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB), amongst their engineers on site. It is for this reason that the core objective of the study was to develop and empirically study a structural model that explains the antecedents that contribute the most to the variance in OCB amongst civil engineers on various sites within South African engineering companies. During the preliminary discussion and subsequent literature review, the main antecedent found was personality.
A quantitative research method with an ex post facto correlation design was utilised, where primary data was collected from a sample of 119 site employees of a number of South African construction companies. The self-administered questionnaire consisted of four sections, three of which were an amalgamation of the three valid and reliable measuring instruments that reflect the central focus of the structural model, i.e. personality, job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour. The collected data was then analysed by means of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling. The results of the study indicate that certain personality characteristics do contribute to the occurrence of organisational citizenship behaviour amongst site employees. Within the areas of personality and job satisfaction theories, this research adds to the existing literature on OCB. In order to assist South African industrial psychologists within this industry, managerial implications and suggested interventions pertaining to the research findings are provided. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die konstruksiebedryf is 'n groot, diverse en komplekse bedryf. Gedurende die afgelope tydperk, het hierdie bedryf 'n voortdurende tydperk van onaktiwiteit ervaar. Een sektor wat deel vorm van die konstruksiebedryf is die siviele ingenieurswese sektor. Hierdie sektor is die grootste bydraer tot die inkomste van die bedryf as 'n geheel. Onlangse verslae dui daarop dat konstruksie maatskappye in die bedryf baie uitdagings in beide die interne en eksterne omgewings ervaar. 'n Voorlopige bespreking met 'n aantal ingenieurs het daarop gedui dat hierdie individue voel asof dit van hulle verwag word om vrywillig oortyd te werk asook verdraagsaam te wees van die nie-ideale werksterreine en omstandighede. Hulle voel dat die informele ontwikkeling van die interpersonlike vaardighede wat nodig is om konflik te verminder, asook mekaar te motiveer en ondersteun, ook vrywillig verwag word. Die meerderheid van die deelnemende maatskappye het bevestig dat daar ‘n gebrek is aan vrywillige gedrag, naamlik organiesatoriese burgerskap, onder die ingeniers op die werksterrein. Dit is vir hierdie spesifieke rede dat die kern doel van hierdie studie was om ‘n struktrele model te ontwikkel en empiries te bestudeier wat die geskiedenis uiteensit wat die tot die wisseling in OCB onder siviele ingenieurs op verskillende werksterreine in die Suid-Afrikaanse ingenieurs maatskappye. Tydens die voorlopige besprekings en die daaropvolgende literatuuroorsig was persoonlikheid die kern voorafgaande kenmerk.
'n Kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetode met 'n ex post facto korrelasie-ontwerp is gebruik, waar primêre data vanuit 'n steekproof van 119 werknemers van 'n aantal Suid-Afrikaanse konstruksie maatskappye versamel is. Die selftoegepaste vraelys het bestaan uit vier afdelings, waarvan drie 'n samesmelting was van die drie geldige en betroubare meetinstrumente wat die sentrale fokus van die strukturele model, naamlik persoonlikheid, werksbevrediging en organisatoriese burgerskaps-gedrag weerspieël. Die ingesamelde data is deur middel van Parsiële Kleinste Kwadrate Struktuurvergelykingmodellering ontleed. Die resultate van die studie het getoon dat sekere persoonlikheidseienskappe bydra tot die voorkoms van organisatoriese burgerskaps gedrag onder terreinwerknemers. Binne die gebiede van die persoonlikheid- en werkstevredenheid-teorieë, dra hierdie navorsing by tot die bestaande literatuur oor OCB. Ten einde Suid-Afrikaanse bedryfsielkundiges binne hierdie bedryf te help, is bestuurs-implikasies en voorgestelde ingrypings met betrekking tot die navorsing voorskaf.
Date12 1900
CreatorsBrink, Evette Ronel
ContributorsBoonzaier, Billy, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Industrial Psychology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format130 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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