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Intention to quit amongst Generation Y academics at Higher Education Institutions

Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Talent retention is currently an international challenge across industries, and especially for
academic staff at higher education institutions (HEIs) in South Africa. It may be argued that
HEIs are more dependent on the intellectual and creative abilities and commitment of their
academic staff than most other organisations. For an HEI to maintain a long-term trajectory of
excellence in terms of both research outputs and teaching, a strong focus on retaining a
younger generation of skilled academics is needed. Unfortunately, in many fields HEIs have
to compete with industry to retain these employees. At the same time, the academic
profession has increasingly fallen behind the private sector in terms of remuneration, amongst
others, resulting in a shortage of young academics in South African HEIs. An investigation
into the intention to quit amongst Generation Y academics at HEIs therefore is justifiable.
A mixed-method research design, including both qualitative (focus groups and blog) and
quantitative phases (a self-administered questionnaire), was applied. Academics (n = 189) at
six HEIs in South Africa were sampled. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients
indicate that employee engagement, transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and
remuneration, reward and recognition have a significant negative impact on intention to quit.
Based on the multiple regression and partial least square (PLS) path modelling results, it was
found that only employee engagement and job satisfaction have a significant negative impact
on intention to quit. Therefore, the latter variables have the most significant impact on
intention to quit amongst the sampled population. However, the PLS path modelling results
suggest that, by including employee engagement, transformational leadership, job
satisfaction, and remuneration, reward and recognition in the prediction of intention to quit,
45% of the variance will be explained. Relationships between the independent variables were
also found: between employee engagement and job satisfaction; between transformational
leadership and employee engagement; between transformational leadership and job
satisfaction; and between remuneration, reward and recognition and job satisfaction.
This study contributes to the body of knowledge on intention to quit among academics, and
specifically the sought-after Generation Y academics. The findings serve as input for the development of efficacious retention strategies and mechanisms to retain Generation Y
academics at HEIs in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Talentretensie is tans 'n internasionale uitdaging in verskeie industrieë en veral vir
akademiese personeel in hoëronderwysinstansies (HOI's) in Suid-Afrika. Dit kan aangevoer
word dat HOI's meer afhanklik is van die intellektuele en kreatiewe vermoëns en toewyding
van hulle akademiese personeel as diemeeste ander organisasies. Vir 'n HOI om 'n
langtermyn-bestaan van uitnemendheid in terme van navorsingsuitsette en onderrig te
handhaaf, is 'n sterk fokus op die behoud van 'n jonger generasie van vaardige akademici
nodig. Ongelukkig moet HOI's met die bedryf kompeteer om hierdie werknemers te behou.
Terselfdertyd het die akademiese professie toenemend agter geraak met onder andere
vergoeding, wat ‘n tekort aan jong akademici in Suid-Afrikaanse HOI's tot gevolg het. 'n
Ondersoek na die intensie om te bedank onder Generasie Y akademici by HOI’s is gevolglik
'n Gemengde-metodenavorsingsontwerp wat beide kwalitatiewe (fokusgroepe en blog) en
kwantitatiewe fases ('n self-geadministreerde vraelys) ingesluit het, is gebruik. Die steekproef
het akademici (n = 189) verteenwoordig van ses HOI's in Suid-Afrika. Die Pearson
produkmomentkorrelasies dui daarop dat werknemertoewyding, transformasionele leierskap,
werkstevredenheid, en vergoeding, beloning en erkenning 'n beduidende negatiewe impak
het op die intensie om te bedank. Die resultate van die meervoudige regressie en PLS
modellering dui daarop dat slegs werknemertoewyding en werkstevredenheid 'n beduidende
negatiewe impak op die intensie om te bedank het. Hierdie twee veranderlikes het die
betekenisvolste impak gehad op die intensie om te bedank onder respondente in hierdie
studie. Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat die resultate van die PLS modellering daarop dui
dat 45% van die variansie in die voorspelling van intensie om te bedank verduidelik word deur
werknemertoewyding, transformasionele leierskap, werkstevredenheid, en vergoeding,
beloning en erkenning. Statistiese verhoudings tussen die onderskeie onafhanklike
veranderlikes is bevestig, naamlik tussen werknemertoewyding en werkstevredenheid; tussen
transformasionele leierskap en werknemertoewyding; tussen transformasionele leierskap en
werkstevredenheid; en tussen vergoeding, beloning en erkenning en werkstevredenheid. Hierdie studie dra by tot die uitbou van kennis oor die intensie om te bedank onder akademici,
en spesifiek die gesogte Generasie Y akademici. Die bevindings dien as insette vir die
ontwikkeling van doeltreffende retensiestrategieë vir die behoud van generasie Y akademici
by HOI's in Suid-Afrika.
Date12 1900
CreatorsRobyn, Anecia Meghan
ContributorsDu Preez, Ronel, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Industrial Psychology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format154 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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