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Ruimte, identiteit en beweging in Tommy Wieringa se Joe Speedboot (2005)

Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die wyse waarop die ruimtebeelding in Joe Speedboot deur Tommy Wieringa in wisselwerking tree met die identiteitsontwikkeling in die roman. Aan die hand van teoretisering deur onder andere Henri Lefebvre word die uitbeelding van die sosiale ruimte in die roman aan die orde gestel. Die klassifikasie van Joe Speedboot as ‟n ontwikkelingsroman is hierby ‟n noemenswaardige uitgangspunt, omdat Wieringa die sentrale karakters se adolessensie, oftewel vormingsjare, in die roman uitbeeld. Die identiteitskonstruksie wat in die roman voorgestel word, strook met teoretiese beskouings van identiteit as ‟n dinamiese en gekonstrueerde konsep wat deur sosiale en kulturele oorwegings beïnvloed word.
‟n Ondersoek na die gesimuleerde werklikheid waarin Wieringa sy hooffigure situeer, dui aan dat die parogiale ruimte in die roman as stagnerend en voorspelbaar uitgebeeld word. In teenstelling tot die stilstand wat die ruimte kenmerk, word ‟n preokkupasie met beweging en vooruitgang aan die sentrale karakters toegeskryf. Beide die fisiese én eksistensïele dimensies van beweging en beweeglikheid figureer prominent in die roman. Dit word nóú verweef met die liminale posisie wat die karakters as adolessente in die gemeenskap beklee. Daar word geponeer dat die opposisie tussen stilstand en beweging nie net ingespan word by die ruimtebeelding en strukturele samestelling van die roman nie, maar ook ten grondslag lê aan die uitbeelding van die hoofkarakters se ontwikkelende identiteite.
Die outeur kies in Joe Speedboot ‟n hoofkarakter met beperkte opsies en demonstreer hoe sy fisieke belemmeringe onafwendbaar op ‟n slot afstuur wat negatief óf positief geïnterpreteer kan word. In die lig van die hoë lof wat hierdie roman toegeswaai is, val dit vreemd op dat so min navorsing tot dusver oor Joe Speedboot onderneem is. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the way in which the construction of space interacts with the development of identity in Joe Speedboot by Tommy Wieringa. On the basis of theoretical perspectives of, inter alia, Henri Lefebvre attention is given to the construction of the social space in the novel. The classification of Joe Speedboot as a Bildungsroman is an important point of departure in this regard, due to the fact that Wieringa depicts the central characters‟ adolescence in the novel. The portrayal of the construction of identity in the text corresponds with theoretical thoughts on identity as a dynamic and constructed concept that is affected by social and cultural considerations.
An exploration of the simulated reality in which Wieringa situates his characters, indicates that the parochial space in Joe Speedboot is sketched as being stagnant and predictable. In contrast to the standstill which characterizes the social space, a preoccupation with movement and progress is ascribed to the central characters. Both the physical and existential dimensions of movement and mobility figure prominently in the novel. It is also interwoven with the liminal position the characters occupy in the community due to their adolescence. It is postulated that the opposition between stagnation and movement is not only exerted in the construction of space and the structural composition of the text, but is also presented as playing a determinative role in the development of the characters‟ identities.
The author chooses for a main character with limited prospects and demonstrates how his physical handicap necessarily leads to a conclusion that allows for both positive and negative interpretations. Given the critical acclaim that the novel has received, it seems strange indeed that Joe Speedboot has thusfar not been the subject of analytical research.
Date12 1900
CreatorsAldrich, Catrina
ContributorsVan Zyl, D. P., University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Afrikaans and Dutch.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format143 p.
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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