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Constructions of gang membership among high school youth

Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The problem of gangsterism in the Western Cape is taking on huge proportions
especially among high school youth. Previous studies found that the initial expectations of
gang members and their actual experience of gang membership differed. An ethnographic
study was done with high school pupils from a semi-urban setting in the Western Cape
who were gang members to find out how they constructed meaning out of their
membership to the gangs. Transcripts of unstructured interviews with five participants
were analysed using Strauss and Corbin's method of Grounded Theo . The analysis - showed that the pupils from this setting predominantly joined the gangs because they were
exposed to the gang members, who operated in the same streets that they live in, and as
a result received much more positive information about the gang from their friends. They
chose to remain committed to the gang because the gang members were perceived as
being very supportive, providing for them financially, emotionally (by giving them
acceptance) and physically (protecting them). The study found tha COnfl~!).,as a major
part of the gang life or culture. Members could not escape the violent gang activities,
despite all their attempts to make peace. The gang culture which resembled that of the
prison gang c~, was perpetuated and sustained by the persistent group dynamics and
processes that imposed social roles and expectations on members. The members became
more deviant in behaviour out of loyalty to the gang. Contrary to current beliefs on the
causes of gangsterism, the present study found that social control and feelings of relative
deprivation had no conscious influence on the participants' decision to become gang
members. The research suggests that future gang intervention should seek to develop
programs around providing alternative modes of support to youth at risk. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bendevraagstuk in die Westelike Kaap neem groot afmetings aan onder die
jeug van verskeie plaaslike hoerskole. Vorige studies het getoon dat die aanvanklike
verwagtinge van die jeug en hulle werklike ervaring van bendelidmaatskap verskil het. 'n
Etnografiese ondersoek is geloods waarin hoerskoolleerlinge uit 'n semi-stedelike gebied
van die Westelike Kaap betrek is om die betekenis van bendelidmaatskap te konstrueer.
Die ongestruktureerde onderhoude met vyf deelnemers is aan die hand van Strauss en
Corbin se metode van analise ontleed. Die daaropvolgende analise het getoon dat hulle
hoofsaaklik by 'n bende in hul woonbuurt aangesluit het omdat hulle baie blootstelling aan,
en positiewe terugvoer van die bendelede gekry het. Die deelnemers het verkies om lojaal
teenoor die bende te bly omdat die bende hulle emosionele (aanvaarding), fisiese
(beskerming) en finansiele ondersteuning gebied het. Die huidige studie het gevind dat
konflik 'n integrale kern van die bendekultuur gevorm het. Ten spyte van die vele pogings
wat bendelede aangewend het om vrede te bewerkstellig, kon hulle nie daarin slaag om
die geweldadige akitiwiteite te stuit nie. Hierdie bendekultuur wat sterk ooreenstem met die
tronkbende-sisteem is in stand gehou deur groepsdinamika wat sekere sosiale rolle en
verwagtinge op lede afgedwing het. Bendelede het groter gedragsafwykings getoon soos
wat die lojaliteit aan die bende toegeneem het. In teenstelling met algemene bevindings
betreffende die oorsprong van bendelidmaatskap, het hierdie studie getoon dat sosiale
beheer en die ervaring van relatiewe deprivasie geen noemenswaardige invloed gehad het
nie. Daar word voorgestel dat programme vir intervensies moet konsentreer op
alternatiewe vorme van ondersteuning vir hierdie "riskante" jeug.
Date03 1900
CreatorsVan Wyk, Brian Eduard
ContributorsTheron, W.H., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences . Dept. of Psychology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format172 leaves.
RightsStellenbosch University

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