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Development of an Ultra Wide-Band(UWB) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)System for Imaging of Near Field Object

Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology and its use in imaging and sensing have drawnsignicant interest in the last two decades. Extensive studies have contributed toutilize UWB transient scattering for automated target recognition and imagingpurposes. In this thesis a near-eld UWB synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagingalgorithm is presented.It is shown with measurements and simulation, that it is possible to reconstruct an imageof an object in the near eld region using UWB technology and SAR imaging algorithm.However the nal SAR image is highly aected by unwanted scattered elds at each pixelusually observed as an image artifact in the nal image. In this study these artifactsare seen as a smile around the main object. Two methods are suggested in this thesiswork to suppress this artifact. The rst method combines the scattered eld informationreceived from both rear and front of the object to reconstruct two separate images, onefrom rear view and one from front view of the object respectively. Since the scatteredelds from behind the object are mirrored, the pixel by pixel multiplication of thesetwo images for objects with simple geometry will cancel the artifact. This method isvery simple and fast applicable to objects with simple geometry. However this methodcannot be used for objects with rather complex geometry and boundaries. Thereforethe Range Point Migration (RPM) method is used along with the global characteristicsof the observed range map to introduce a new artifact rejection method based on thedirectional of arrival (DOA) of scattered elds at each pixel. DOA information can beused to calculate an optimum theta for each antenna. This optimum angle along withthe real physical direction of arrival at each position can produce a weighting factor thatlater can be used to suppress the eect of undesired scattered elds producing the smileshaped artifact. Final results of this study clearly show that the UWB SAR accompaniedwith DOA can produce an image of an object free of undesired artifact from scatteredeld of adjacent antennas.
Date January 2012
CreatorsFayazi, Seyedeh shaghayegh
PublisherUmeå universitet, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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