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Mussel-inspired biomimetic materials for tissue-engineering scaffold and controlled drug release

This thesis reports three projects on mussel-inspired biomimetic materials based on dopamine crosslinkers. First, polyethylene glycol diacrylate (PEGDA) hydrogels with excellent cell attachment and tunable stiffness was fabricated based on this novel crosslinker. In vitro tests proved that the designed hydrogels had excellent cell adhesion, suggesting the developed hydrogels are promising for applications in tissue engineering. Second, dopamine crosslinker-conjugated gelatin-polycparolactone (PCL) nanofibrous sheet was developed. The sheet was then employed successfully to treat stomach incision without suture during surgery, showing promising to deal with treatments of fragile tissues and to avoid suture caused stress concentration. Third, a facile strategy to wrap cell into a tissue-engineered scaffold was developed, which is a self-rolling and conductive dopamine-based film. The RTPCR test indicated that cells have higher level of differentiation with higher concentration of MWCNTs. This suggests that the self-rolling conductive WCNT-dopamine-PEG hydrogel is a promising scaffolding material for bone regeneration. / October 2015
Date03 1900
CreatorsJiang, Junzi Jr
ContributorsXing, Malcolm (Mechanical Engineering), Wu, Nan (Mechanical Engineering) Cai, Jun (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
PublisherChemical Communications
Source SetsUniversity of Manitoba Canada
Detected LanguageEnglish

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