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Genes of innate immunity and their significance in evolutionary ecology of free livings rodents

Appropriate recognition of parasites is crucial for effective immune response, ensuring activation of adequate defence mechanisms. In vertebrates, it has frequently been demonstrated that genes encoding proteins involved in pathogen recognition by an adaptive immune system are often subject to intense selection pressures. On the contrary, much less information has been provided on the evolution of recognition mechanisms of innate immunity. The aim of this thesis is to describe the pattern of natural variation of innate immunity genes involved in pathogen recognition in rodents and to analyze the mechanisms of their evolution. We used murine rodents (subfamily Murinae) as a principal model group because they are potential reservoirs of various pathogens dangerous to humans. First, we studied the intraspecific variability of five bacterial sensing Toll-like receptors (TLR1, TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, and TLR6) in inbred strains derived from two subspecies of the house mouse (M. m. musculus, hereafter abbreviated as Mmm and Mus musculus domesticus, Mmd). Wild-derived inbred strains are suitable tools for studying variation of immunity genes because they provide information about alleles that occur in natural populations, and at the same time they occur at homozygous state. The most significant results include the findings of a stop codon in exon 2 of the Tlr5 gene in one Mmm strain and no variability in Tlr4 of Mmd. Following these results we decided to check whether the absence of Tlr4 polymorphism in Mmd reflects the pattern found in natural populations, or whether it is a consequence of insufficient sampling or subsequent breeding. We therefore sequenced Tlr4 in both subspecies across a large part of the Western Palearctic region (in total 39 Mmm and 62 Mmd individuals), then we compared these results with variability on mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b). The result confirmed our prediction that observed variability in Mmd is strongly reduced also in free-living populations (compared to Mmm), probably due to strong purifying selection by pathogens with which they met during the westward colonization. However, the influence of random evolutionary processes (e.g. drift during bottlenecks) cannot be excluded based on our data. At the intraspecific level, we could not find any sign of positive selection. The last part of my dissertation is devoted to interspecific comparison of two receptors, TLR4 and TLR7. These two TLRs differ in the exposure and the ligands detection. TLR4 is an extracellular receptor detecting mainly bacterial ligands (especially lipopolysaccharides), while TLR7 is located inside the cell and detects ssRNA viruses. The aim of this part of the thesis was to describe variability of both receptors at the interspecific level and to reveal selection forces acting on TLRs in longer evolutionary time scale. In total we analyzed 23 rodent species of the subfamily Murinae in Europe, Asia and Africa. Our results suggest that purifying selection has been a dominant force in evolution of the Tlr4 and Tlr7 genes, but we also demonstrated that episodic diversifying selection has shaped the present species-specific variation in rodent Tlrs. Sites under positive selection were concentrated mainly in the extracellular domain of both receptors, which is responsible for ligand binding. The comparison between two TLRs lead us to the conclusion that the intracellular TLR7 is under much stronger negative selection pressure, presumably due to its interaction with viral nucleic acids.
Date19 December 2013
CreatorsFornuskova, Alena
PublisherUniversité Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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