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A Simulation Model to Evaluate the Impact of Provisioning on the Operational Availibility of Navy Training Devices

This paper presents the considerations that must be taken into account when formalizing a simulation model to determine the operational availability of a Navy training device. Consideration is given to those design and logistic support parameters that impact the general simulation model before it is formulated. These parameters, are then used as guidelines to collect and screen the data available for use in the general model. The general model is then translated into a computer simulation model. A specific training site is then chosen and data gathered to be used in the computer model. Design and logistic support parameters given consideration in this specific case were; component Mean-time-between-failures, repair capabilities (manual or automatic test equipment, and depot), spares provisioning, and repair or replacement times. The simulation model was then exercised by changing the provisioning on-site to determine its effect on the trainers operational availability. Of significant notice was the effects that provisioning had on manpower requirements in the area of maintenance.
Date01 October 1981
CreatorsPierce, Dale H.
Source SetsUniversity of Central Florida
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceRetrospective Theses and Dissertations
RightsPublic Domain

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