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Nursing outcome standards for polytrauma patients with traumatic brain injuries in the Mafikeng district

Thesis (MCUR)--University of stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In trauma the priority is given to identifying the life-threatening injuries and
immediately implementing treatment (Demetriades, 1993:3). Severe trauma
resuscitation and assessment often have to be carried out simultaneously to detect
and treat conditions that are rapidly fatal if not attended to immediately and according
to priority. Urgent priorities in trauma management include maintaining a clear and
patent airway to facilitate respiration and cervical spine protection by avoiding rough
manipulation of the head and neck by supporting the neck with a neck immobiliser.
Any external bleeding has to be controlled by applying direct pressure to the wound.
Cardiovascular problems, for example shock or myocardial infarction, respiratory
problems and hypoxia which are detrimental, particularly in the case of head injury,
should be excluded. A detailed head-to-toe examination which includes the head,
neck, chest, abdomen, back, musculo-skeletal system, rectum and vagina has to be
For the head-injured patient, correct any condition, which may complicate the existing
head injury, for example hypoxia, shock, pneumothorax and fractures of long bones or
pelvis. Implement the A (airway), B (breathing), C (circulation), D (disability,
neurological and drugs) and E (environment) for structured management of the
Muller's, (1996) two-phase model was utilised to formulate and validate nursing
outcome standards. In phase one literature was explored to develop provisional
standards on polytrauma patients with traumatic brain injuries. In phase two the
provisional standards were validated by experts (doctors and nurses) in critical care,
trauma and emergency nursing including nurses and a doctor working in the casualty
department of a provincial hospital in Mafikeng. Final standards were formulated and
adapted accordingly.
Standards for the management of a polytrauma patient with traumatic brain injuries
A safe environment for patients, nurses and doctors
Primary survey in casualty department which includes the maintenance of
airway, breathing, circulation, disability/ neurological, drugs and exposure
The secondary survey that includes the head to toe examination, definitive
orthopaedic care and stabilisation before transfer to the intensive care unit
A standard on all relevant equipment which might be needed in case the patient goes
into cardiac arrest on the way to the intensive care unit, was also formulated. The
standard on documentation included the primary and secondary survey in the casualty
department, transport to the intensive care unit, activities and the condition of the
patient. The final standards dealt with the accurate handing over of the patient to the
intensive care personnel.
The following recommendations were made:
• Implement the outcome standard by means of a quality improvement programme
through a top-down approach.
• Provide training: Nurses and doctors have an obligation to render quality care,
therefore they have the right to be trained in emergency procedures.
• All registered nurses working in the casualty or emergency departmentsshould be
trained in at least Basic Life Support (CPR), Advanced Cardiac Life Support
(ACLS), Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) and Advanced Trauma Life
Support (ATLS) while waiting to be sent for the trauma-nursing course.
• Improve infection control measures in the casualty department
• Emergency drugs must always be available.
• Improve the on-call system.
• Formulate a policy on sharing of the equipment by both casualty and ICU staff.
• Motivate for the necessary equipment.
Implement procedures for debriefing of staff, the evaluation of actions during
resuscitation and implement measures for psychological support of the family.
• For further research, implement and test a training programme whereby nurses
can formulate their own standards.
• Evaluate whether the standards have improved the quality of trauma care, and
develop standards for leu nursing of the brain injured patient and the rehabilitation
of polytrauma patients with traumatic brain injuries
The uniqueness of the study lies in the fact that no formal outcomes standard for
trauma patients with traumatic brain injuries have been developed in any of the North
West Provincial hospitals. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die identifisering van lewensbedreigende beserings en die onmiddellike
implementering van behandeling, is in trauma 'n eerste prioriteit (Demetriades, 1993:
3). Resussitasie en die beraming van erge traumagevalle noodsaak in baie gevalle,
gelyktydige hantering. Sou hierdie hantering nie gelyktydig en onmiddellik volgens
prioriteit plaasvind nie, kan dit noodlottige gevolge inhou. Belangrike prioriteite in
traumabehandeling sluit in, die instandhouding van 'n patente lugweg om asemhaling
te onderhou asook die beskerming van die servikale rugmurgkolom, deur die ruwe
manipulasie van die kop en nek te vermy deur die implementering van 'n nekimmobiliseerder.
Kardiovaskulere probleme, byvoorbeeld skok of miokardiale
infarksie, asook respiratoriese probleme wat lewensbedreigend vir die pasient met 'n
hoofbeseering is, moet uitgesluit word. 'n Gedetailleerde van kop-tot-tone ondersoek,
wat die kop, nek, borskas, abdomen, rug, muskulo-sketale stelsel, rektum en vagina
insluit, moet uitgevoer word.
In die pasient met hoofbeserings moet enige toestand byvoorbeeld frakture van die
langbene of die pelvis, skok of 'n pneumothorax, eers behandel word. Implementeer
die A (Iugweg - "airway"), B (asemhaling - "breathing"), C (sirkulasie -"circulation"), D
(gestremdheid - "disability", neurologies- "neurological" en drogerye-"drugs") en E
(omgewing - "environment") vir die gestruktureerde behandeling van die pasient.
Die twee fase model van Muller (1996) is gebruik vir die formulering en validering van
die verpleeguitkomsstandaarde. In fase een is die literatuur verken om die voorlopige
standaarde vir polytrauma pasiente met traumatiese breinbeserings te ontwikkel. In
fase twee is die voorlopige standaarde gevalideer deur kundiges (dokters en
verpleegkundiges) in kritieke sorg, trauma en noodverpleging. Die verpleegkundiges
en dokter wat werksaam is in die ongevalle-eenheid van 'n plaaslike provinsiale
hospitaal in Mafikeng is ook ingesluit. Finale standaarde is geformuleer en
dienooreenkomstig aanvaar.
Die standaarde vir die politrauma pasient met traumatiese breinbeserings, sluit in:
'n Veilige omgewing vir pasiente, verpleegkundiges en dokters.
Die prirnere beraming in ongevalle ten opsigte van instandhouding van die
lugweg, asemhaling, sirkulasie, gestremdheid, drogerye en blootstelling.
Die sekondere beraming: wat behels die kop-tot-tone ondersoek.
Definitiewe ortopediese behandeling en stabilisering voor oorplasing na die
'n Standaard met betrekking tot die nodige toerusting wat benodig mag word tydens 'n
hart stilstand, oppad na die intensiewe-sorg-eenheid, is ook geformuleer. Die
standaard ten opsigte van dokumentasie sluit die primere, en sekondere beraming,
vervoer na die intensiewe-sorg-eenheid, aktiwiteite en toestand van die pasient, in.
Die finale standaarde is gebaseer op die oorhandiging van die pasient aan die
Die volgende aanbevelings word gemaak:
• Implementeer die uitkomsstandaarde deur middel van 'n gehalteverbeteringsprogram
deur gebruik te maak van 'n "top-down" benadering -,
• Voorsien opleiding: Verpleegkundiges en dokters het 'n verpligting om gehaltesorg
te lewer, hulle het dus 'n reg om onderrig te ontvang in noodprosedures, en verder
het die pasient die req op gehalter noodbehandeling.
• Aile geregistreerde verpleegkundiges wat in die ongevalle en die noodafdeling
werk, behoort opgelei word in ten minste basiese lewensondersteuning (CPR),
Gevorderde Trauma Lewens Ondersteuning (ACLS), Gevorderde Pediatriese lewensondersteuning (APLS) en Gevorderde Trauma lewensondersteuning
(ATLS), terwyl gewag word om die trauma verpleegkundigekursus te deurloop.
• Verbeter mteksiebeheermaatreels in ongevalle.
• Noodmedikasie moet ten aile tye beskikbaar wees.
• Verbeter die op-roepstelsel ("on cali").
• Formuleer 'n beleid oor die gesamentlike gebruik van toerusting deur beide
ongevalle- en intensiewe-sorg-eenheid-personeel.
• Motiveer vir die nodige toerusting.
• Implementeer prosedures om personeel to te laat vir ontlonting (debriefing), die
evaluering van aksies tydens die resusitasie prosedure en implementeer metodes
vir die sielkundige ondersteuning van die familie.
• Ten opsigte van verdere narvorsing behoort 'n opleidingsprogram qeunplernenteer
en getoets te word met betrekking tot verpleegkundiges wat hulle eie standaarde
will formuleer.
• Evalueer of die standaarde die gehalte van traumasorg verbeter het en ontwikkel
standaarde vir intensierwe-sorg-verpleging van die breinbeseerde pasient asook
die rehabilitasie van politrauma pasiente met traumatise breinbeesering.
Die unieke bydra van die studie word gevind in die feit dat daar nog geen
gerformaliseerde uitkomstandaarde vir traumapasiente met breinbeseerings in enige
van die Noord Wes Provinsie se hospitale ontwikkel is nie.
Date January 2001
CreatorsMoloko, Salaminah S
ContributorsVan der Merwe, T., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Nursing.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format215 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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