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An investigation into the lung function, health-related quality-of-life and functional capacity of a cured pulmonary tuberculosis population in the Breede Valley, South Africa : a pilot study

Thesis (MScPhysio)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) remains a major concern worldwide. Although PTB is curable, both the disease and its treatment may have considerable medical, social and psychological consequences which may result in a decreased quality of life and functioning. Characterization of the functional capabilities of PTB patients post-treatment and the impact of PTB on their quality of life may identify a need for more holistic management of PTB treatment that extends beyond microbiological cure.
Firstly, an in-depth scoping review was conducted using the following key words: Pulmonary tuberculosis (MESH term) and Health related quality of life (HRQoL), Pulmonary tuberculosis (MESH term) and Spirometry and Pulmonary tuberculosis (MESH term) and Six minute walk test or 6MWT to review the current literature reporting on the HRQoL, lung function measurements and exercise capacity of a PTB population (Chapter 2).
Secondly, a cross-sectional, quantitative, descriptive study was conducted. The study setting included five primary health care facilities (PHCF) in the Breede Valley sub-district of the Cape Winelands East District, Western Cape, South Africa. Adult patients diagnosed with PTB, 18 years and older and who were successfully managed through the Cape Winelands District Health Care system were considered for the study if they had least two negative sputum sample results and had completed at least five months of anti-tuberculosis treatment. Post treatment bronchodilator lung function tests, health related quality of life using the BOLD core questionnaire and six minute walk test distance (6MWD) was measured.
The comprehensive broad search of the literature yielded a total of 2446 articles. A total of 2422 articles were excluded since the title; abstract or full text article did not conform to the review question or were eliminated as duplicates across databases. Twenty-seven articles divided amongst the three subsections i.e. PTB and HRQoL (n=13), PTB and Spirometry (n=9) and PTB and exercise capacity (n=6), were included in the review.
In the cross-sectional study, 328 names were obtained from the TB registers of the five included PHCF of which 45 patients were included in the study (56% male; mean age, 39.88±10.20 years). The majority of patients (n= 206; 63%) were not contactable, and could not be recruited. Approximately half the total sample, (n=23; 52%) presented with normal lung function while n=11 (25%) presented with a restrictive pattern, n=9 (21%) presented with an obstructive pattern and only n=1 (2%) presented with a mixed pattern (defined as FEV1<80% predicted, FVC<80% predicted and FEV1/FVC<0.7). The mean six minute walk distance (6MWD) was 294.5m±122.7m. Respondents scored poorly on all sub-domains of the SF-12v2 except vitality. Role emotional and role physical scored lowest with mean scores of 28.1 and 35.27 respectively, while vitality scored the highest with 52.78. Stellenbosch University
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The findings of this thesis suggest that even after microbiological cure, PTB patients may suffer from a decreased quality of life, impaired lung function and a decreased exercise capacity. Specific challenges to data collection in a rural region were identified; which included patient recruitment, field testing of exercise capacity (6MWD), and the generalizabilty of standardized questionnaires in rural regions. The findings of this pilot study serves to inform the planning of a larger observational study, in the rural Cape Winelands of the Western Cape, South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond
Pulmonêre tuberkulose (PTB) wek wêreldwyd steeds groot kommer. Hoewel dit geneeslik is, kan die siekte sowel as die behandeling daarvan beduidende mediese, maatskaplike en sielkundige gevolge hê, wat lewensgehalte en funksionering kan knou. Die tipering van PTB-pasiënte se funksionele vermoëns ná behandeling sowel as die impak van PTB op hul lewensgehalte kan dalk dui op ’n behoefte aan die meer holistiese bestuur van PTB-behandeling, wat méér as blote mikrobiologiese genesing insluit.
Eerstens is ’n diepgaande bestekstudie aan die hand van die volgende trefwoorde onderneem: pulmonêre tuberkulose (MeSH-term) en gesondheidsverwante lewensgehalte (HRQoL), pulmonêre tuberkulose (MeSH-term) en spirometrie, en pulmonêre tuberkulose (MeSH-term) en die ses minute lange stapafstandtoets (6MWT). Na aanleiding daarvan is die huidige literatuur oor die HRQoL, longfunksiemetings en oefenvermoë van ’n PTB-populasie bestudeer (hoofstuk 2).
Tweedens is ’n kwantitatiewe, beskrywende deursneestudie onderneem. Die studie-omgewing het bestaan uit vyf fasiliteite vir primêre gesondheidsorg in die Breedevallei-subdistrik van die streek Kaapse Wynland-Oos, Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika. Volwasse pasiënte van 18 jaar en ouer wat met PTB gediagnoseer is en suksesvol deur die distriksgesondheidsorgstelsel van die Kaapse Wynland-streek bestuur word, is vir die studie oorweeg indien minstens twee van die pasiënt se sputummonsters TB-negatiewe resultate opgelewer het en die persoon reeds minstens vyf maande vir tuberkulose behandel is. Studiemetings het ingesluit brongodilator-longfunksietoetse ná behandeling, gesondheidsverwante beoordelings van lewensgehalte met behulp van die BOLD-vraelys, en die aflegging van ’n ses minute lange stapafstandtoets (6MWT).
Die omvattende breë soektog van die literatuur het 'n totaal van 2446 artikels opgelewer. 'n Totaal van 2422 artikels is uitgesluit, aangesien die titel; abstrakte of volledige teks artikel het nie voldoen aan die navorsings vraag, of is uitgeskakel as duplikate oor databasisse. Sewe en twintig artikels verdeel tussen die drie onderafdelings, naamlik PTB en HRQoL (n = 13), PTB en Spirometrie (n = 9) en PTB en oefening kapasiteit (n = 6), is ingesluit in die oorsig.
In die deursneestudie is 328 name uit die TB-registers van die vyf ondersoekpersele bekom. Altesaam 45 pasiënte (56% mans; gemiddelde ouderdom 39.88±10.20 jaar) is by die studie ingesluit. Die oorgrote meerderheid pasiënte (n = 206; 63%) kon nie bereik word nie, en dus ook nie gewerf word nie. Ongeveer die helfte van die algehele steekproef (n = 23; 52%) se longfunksie was normaal; n = 11 (25%) het ’n restriktiewe patroon getoon; n = 9 (21%) ’n obstruktiewe patroon, en slegs n = 1 (2%) ’n gemengde patroon (wat omskryf word as ’n FEV1-voorspellingswaarde van <80%, ’n FVC-voorspellingswaarde van <80%, en FEV1/FVC van <0.7). Die gemiddelde afstand wat in die ses minute lange staptoets afgelê is (6MWD), was 294,5 m±122,7 m. Respondente behaal swak Stellenbosch University
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op al die sub-domein van die SF-12v2 behalwe vitaliteit. Rol emosionele en rol fisiese behaal laagste met die gemiddelde tellings van 28.1 en 35,27 onderskeidelik, terwyl vitaliteit behaal die hoogste met 52,78.
Die bevindinge van hierdie tesis gee te kenne dat PTB-pasiënte selfs ná mikrobiologiese genesing dalk swakker lewensgehalte, verswakte longfunksie en ’n afname in oefenvermoë ondervind. Bepaalde uitdagings vir data-insameling in ’n landelike omgewing is uitgewys, onder meer pasiëntewerwing, veldtoetsing van oefenvermoë (6MWD) en die veralgemeenbaarheid van gestandaardiseerde vraelyste in landelike gebiede. Die bevindinge van hierdie proefstudie kan gebruik word om die beplanning van ’n groter waarnemingstudie in die landelike Kaapse Wynland-streek in die Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika, te rig.
Date04 1900
CreatorsDaniels, Kurt John
ContributorsHanekom, S. D., Irusen, E., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Health Sciences. Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Nursing.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format131 pages : illustrations
RightsStellenbosch University

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