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n Vergelyking van resultate tussen die Murphy-Meisgeier type indicator for children en die Murphy-Meisgeier type indicator for children-revised op 'n groep tweedetaalleerders

Thesis (MEd)--Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary purpose of a restructured educational system in South Africa, to which the
Government of National Unity has committed itself, is to provide every learner with the
opportunity to develop to his/her full potential. This implies insight into and understanding of
the personality functioning of learners, which would enable educators to determine their
learners' educational needs and address these in a relevant way. A need that resulted from
this was to supply educators with information that would enable them to readdress their
priorities, methods of instruction and structuring of educational material in order to
accommodate all learners in their classes.
This need gave rise to a research project undertaken by the Department of Educational
Psychology at the University of Stellenbosch. An American personality questionnaire, the
Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children (MMTIC) forms part of this research project.
This instrument identifies personality types in children and sheds light on various aspects
related to personality type which include: where children are likely to focus their energy, how
they perceive information, how they make decisions and how they orient themselves to their
external world. This information is especially valuable as it accesses a learner's learning- and
communication styles.
The MMTIC has been in use in the United States for more than a decade. In an effort to
render this instrument universally and across cultural boundaries useful, the compilers are in
a process of developing a revised version, of which the Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for
Children-Revised (MMTIC-R) is the provisional form. As part of the developing process of the
revised version, it is necessary to determine whether the MMTIC-R measures the same
.aspects of personality as the MMTIC.
Consequently the results yielded by the MMTIC and MMTIC-R on a group of learners are
compared in terms personality types, personality type preferences, temperamental types,
function- and attitude pair preferences. Correlation between the four scales for the research
group on the two instruments, as well as the levels of reliability for both instruments are also
campared. As the usefulness of the MMTIC-R across cultural boundaries is a priority, a group of Xhosa
speaking learners from an English-medium primary school were selected as candidates for
the research group. The research group (N=162) was representative of boys and girls
between the ages of 10 and 13 years.
The SAS system was used for the statistic computation of the data, and two sets of results,
descriptive of the research group and of the two instruments were obtained. The results
indicated that both the MMTIC and MMTIC-R measure the same aspects in terms of
personality types, personality type preferences, temperamental types, function- and attitude
pair preferences. The results however indicated statistical correlation on only one of the four
scales of both instruments, which requires further investigation. Although the results for the
descriptive statistics showed a higher level of reliability for the MMTIC-R than the MMTIC,
both instruments fulfil the requirements for a good psychometric instrument.
The educational and teaching implications are valuable, and are discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die oorkoepelende doelwit van 'n geherstruktureerde onderwysstelsel waartoe die Regering
van Nasionale Eenheid verbind is, is om elke leerder die geleentheid te bied om as individu
tot sy/haar volle potensiaal te ontwikkel. Hierdie doelwit behels 'n noukeurige insig in en
begrip vir die persoonlikheidsfunksionering van elke leerder, wat die opvoeder in staat sal
stelom elke leerder se onderwysbehoeftes te identifiseer en op relevante wyse aan te
spreek. 'n Behoefte wat dus hieruit voortvloei is aan inligting wat dit vir opvoeders moontlik
sal maak om hul prioriteite, onderrigmetodes en strukturering van onderrigmateriaal aan te
pas om elke leerder in hul klasse te akkommodeer.
Hierdie behoefte het aanleiding gegee tot 'n omvattende navorsingsprojek wat deur die
Departement Opvoedkundige Sielkunde aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch onderneem is.
'n Amerikaanse persoonlikheidsmeetinstrument, die Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for
Children (MMTIC), maak deel uit van die navorsingsprojek. Hierdie meetinstrument
identifiseer persoonlikheidstipes in kinders en werp lig op verskeie aspekte wat daarmee
gepaard gaan soos: waar kinders neig om hul energie te fokus, hoe kinders inligting verkry,
op watter wyse hulle besluite neem en oordele fel, asook hoe kinders hul tot die eksterne
wêreld oriënteer. Hierdie inligting is veral waardevol aangesien dit inligting oor leer- en
kommunikasiestyle verskaf.
Die MMTIC is reeds vir meer as 'n dekade in die Verenigde State in gebruik, en in 'n poging
om hierdie meetinstrument universeel en oor kultuurgrense heen meer bruikbaar te maak, is
die samestelIers in 'n proses om 'n hersiene weergawe te ontwikkel, waarvan die Murphy-
Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children - Revised (MMTIC-R) 'n voorlopige vorm is. As deel
van die ontwikkelingsproses van die hersiene weergawe moet daar onder andere bepaal
word hoe dit vergelyk met die MMTIC in terme van die aspekte van persoonlikheid wat dit
In hierdie ondersoek word die resultate van 'n bepaalde groep leerders op beide die
meetinstrumente met mekaar vergelyk ten opsigte van persoonlikheidstipes,
persoonlikheidstipevoorkeure, temperamentstipes, funks ie- en houdingspaarvoorkeure.
Korrelasie tussen die vier afsonderlike skale vir die ondersoekgroep op die twee meetinstrumente, asook die vlakke van betroubaarheid vir albei meetinstrumente word ook
Aangesien die bruikbaarheid van die hersiene weergawe oor kultuurgrense heen 'n prioriteit
is, is 'n groep Xhosa sprekers in 'n Engelsmedium laerskool as kandidate vir die
ondersoekgroep geselekteer. Die ondersoekgroep (N=162) is verteenwoordigend van seuns
en meisies tussen die ouderdomme 10 en 13 jaar.
Die SAS-sisteem is vir die statistiese verwerking van die data in die ondersoek gebruik en
twee stelle resultate, beskrywend van die ondersoekgroep self en van die meetinstrumente
afsonderlik, is gelewer. Die resultate dui daarop dat beide meetinstrumente dieselfde
aspekte van persoonlikheid meet. Die resultate dui egter daarop dat daar 'n statistiese
verband op slegs twee van die vier skale afsonderlik is, en behoort dus verder ondersoek te
word. Alhoewel die resultate vir die beskrywende statistiek dui op 'n hoër vlak van
betroubaarheid op die MMTIC-R as op die MMTIC, voldoen albei meetinstrumente tegnies
aan die statistiese vereistes van 'n goeie meetinstrument.
Die implikasies van die bevindings is waardevol vir die opvoedings- en onderrigpraktyk, en
word bespreek.
Date12 1900
CreatorsWyngaard, June Wendy Christoline
ContributorsVan Heerden, A. E., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Educational Psychology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format84 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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