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The efficacy of teaching practice implemented by the University of Zambia

Abstract in English, Zulu and Venda / For many years, the process of training a teacher has been extensively studied and debated in the scientific and academic community worldwide. However, the literature reviewed for the study revealed that few studies have been conducted on teaching practice in Zambia. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of the teaching practice programme of the University of Zambia, to identify its challenges and to propose improvements. This study was therefore guided by the following main research question: How effective is teaching practice conducted by the University of Zambia for the preparation of teachers to teach in secondary schools in Zambia?
The study is informed by the third generation activity theory perspective. It is situated in the qualitative approach and the underlying epistemology is interpretive. The sample population was purposively selected and comprised the „triad‟: 8 teacher educators, 24 student teachers, and 10 supervising teachers. Data were collected from interviews, focus groups and lesson evaluation forms. The data from the interviews and focus groups were analysed thematically, while the data from lesson evaluation forms were analysed using the content analysis method. To present and analyse the participants‟ views, key themes were identified, which included the lack of clarity and consensus on the role of supervising teachers in teaching practice, and that the implementation of teaching practice is beset with many challenges.
The study established that the short period for the implementation of teaching practice was a critical challenge to providing quality training to student teachers. Inadequate funds for teaching and learning materials and a lack of clarity and consensus on the role of supervising teachers in teaching practice were among the challenges. Most of the study‟s findings are consistent with earlier studies. One such finding was that student teachers demonstrated mastery of subject matter but had inadequate knowledge and skills in teaching methodology. Based on the evidence collected and analysed, the researcher established that the teaching practice implemented by the University of Zambia in schools is ineffective. Therefore, this study ends with recommendations to make the implementation of teaching practice by the University of Zambia in schools effective. One of the recommendations is that the School of Education should be separated from other faculties so that more time can be devoted to training and actual teaching practice in schools. / Iminyaka eminingi, inqubo yoqeqesho lothisha sekucwaningwe ngayo kanye nokuxoxisana ngayo ngososayense kanye nama-akhademiki kuwo wonke umhlaba. Imibhalo ebuyekeziwe ngocwaningo lwamanje, kodwa iveze ukuthi, bambalwa abacwaningi abaphenyisise ngezinqubo zokufundisa eZambia. Ucwaningo lwamanje belufuna ukubheka ukusebenza kohlelo lwenqubo yokufundisa, okwenziwa eYunivesithi yaseZambia, ngenhloso yokubona izinselele kanye nokuphakamisa izindlela zokuthuthukisa. Lo msebenzi ubuholelwa ngumbuzo wocwaningo olandelayo: Ngabe isebenza kanjani inqubo yokufundisa eyenziwa yiYunivesithi yeZambia, ukulungiselela othisha ukufundisa kwizikole zamasekondari eZambia?
Ngokuholelwa yi-third-generation activity theory perspective, ucwaningo lusebenzise inqubo ye-qualitative kanye ne-interpretive ngaphansi kohlelo lwe-epistemology. Abantu okuthathwe kubo isampuli, ehlelwe ngenhloso ibiqukethe i-'triad' yabafundisi bothisha, izitshudeni ezifundela ukufundisa kanye nothisha abasuphavayisayo. Kuqoqwe idata (ulwazi) ngokusebenzisa ama-interview, ama-focus group kanye namafomu okuhlola izifundo, ngemuva kwalokho idata etholakele kuqala yahlaziywa ngokulandela izihloko (thematically), kanti idata yakamuva yona kwenziwa uhlaziyo lwengqikithi (content analysis) ngayo. Ukwethula kanye nokuhlaziya imibono yababambiqhaza, kwabonwa izihloko (themes) ezisemqoka, phakathi kwazo kwaba nokungaqiniseki kahle ngendima edlalwa ngothisha abasuphavayisayo kwinqubo yokufundisa, kanye nezihibe ekusebenzeni ngokulandela inqubo yokufundisa.
Imiphumela iveze ukuthi isikhathi esifishane esibekiwe sokusebenzisa inqubo yokufundisa sibangele inselele esemqoka maqondana neqophelo loqeqesho olunikezwa izitshudeni zothisha. Akunamali elingene yokuthola imetheriyali yezinto zokufundisa kanye nokufunda, kanti futhi kunokungacaci kahle kanye nokungavumelani ngendima yothisha abasuphavayisayo kwinqubo yokufundisa, nakho lokhu kwabikwa. Ngisho noma imiphumela yocwaningo ihambelana nemisebenzi yangaphambilini, okutholakele okusemqoka kube wukuthi izitshudeni zothisha zikwazile ukukhombisa ukuqondisisa kwazo ngengqikithi yezifundo (subject matter), kodwa bezingenalwazi olwanele, namakhono ngemetodoloji yokufundisa. Ngokulandela ubufakazi obuqoqiwe bahlaziywa, umcwaningi uthole ukuthi inqubo yokufundisa yabathwebule izifundo eYunivesithi yaseZambiwa, abayisebenzisayo ezikoleni, ayisebenzi ngokufanele. Lolu cwaningo, luphethe ngezincomo zokushintsha lesi simo, esinye sazo wukuthi i-School of Education kumele sihlukaniswe namanye amafakhalthi, ukuze kusetshenziswe isikhathi esiningi kugxilwa kakhulu ekuqeqeshweni kothisha kanye nenqubo yokufundisa ezikoleni. / Ndi miṅwaha minzhi, maitele a u gudisa vhadededzi a tshi khou gudiwa nga vhuroṅwane na u haseledzwa nga zwitshavha zwa saintsi na zwa akademi u mona na ḽifhasi. Maṅwalwa a zwine zwa tea u itwa zwino o bvisela khagala uri, fhedzi, hu na vhaṱoḓisisi vha si gathi vho sengulusaho kufunzele kwa Zambia. Ngudo dza zwino dzo lwela u vhona u vhona u shuma ha mbekanyamushumo ya nḓowenḓowe dza u funza ine ya ṋekedzwa nga Yunivesithi ya Zambia, ho sedzwa u topola khaedu na u dzinginya zwine zwa tea u khwiṋiswa. Zwiito izwi zwo endedzwa nga mbudziso khulwane ya ṱhoḓisiso i tevhelaho: Nḓowenḓowe dza u funza dzine dza khou itwa ngei Yunivesithi ya Zambia dzi khou shuma u swika ngafhi, u lugisela vhadededzi uri vha kone u funza kha zwikolo zwa sekondari zwa Zambia?
Musi zwi khou ḓisendeka nga nyito dza murafho wa vhuraru wa kuvhonele kwa thyeori, ngudo dzo shumisa maitele a u sedza ndeme na thyeori ya nḓivho ya kuṱalutshedzele kwa zwi re ngomu. Sambula ya tshitshavha, ye ya nanguludzwa hu na ndivho, yo vha i na „zwigwada zwa vhathu nga vhararu‟ vha vhadededzi, matshudeni a gudelaho vhudededzi na vhalavhelesi vha zwa vhudededzi. Data yo kuvhanganywiwa nga kha inthaviwu, zwigwada zwo sedzwaho na fomo dza u ela ngudo, zwine nga murahu data yo wanalaho kha izwi zwivhili zwa u thoma ya kona u saukanywa u ya nga thero, ngeno data ya zwa u fhedzisela yo livhana na musaukanyo wa zwi re ngomu. U itela u ṋekedza na u saukanya mihumbulo ya vho dzhenelelaho ho topolwa thero dza ndeme, dzine khadzo ha vha na u timatima nga ha mushumo wa vhadededzi vha lavhelesaho kha nyito dza u funza, na zwithithisi zwa tshumiso ya nḓowenḓowe dza u funza.
Mawanwa o bvisela khagala uri tshifhinga tshipfufhi tsho ṋekedzwaho nḓowenḓowe dza u funza tsho ṋekedza khaedu khulwane maelana na ndeme ya vhugudisi vhune ha ṋekedzwa matshudeni a zwa vhudededzi. Masheleni a songo lingana a matheriaḽa wa u funza na u guda, na u shaya u bvela khagala na u tendelana kha mushumo wa vhadededzi vha lavhelesaho ndowenḓowe dza u funa, na zwone zwo vhigiwa. Musi vhunzhi ha mawaṅwa a ngudo a tshi elana na a mishumo ya u rangani, hu na mawanwa a kungaho a uri matshudeni vha zwa vhudededzi vho kona u sumbedzisa u ḓivha mafhungo a thero dzavho, fhedzi vha vha vha si na nḓivho yo linganaho ya zwikili, kha ngona dza u funza. Zwo ḓisendeka nga vhuṱanzi ho kuvhanganyiwaho na u saukanywa, muṱoḓisisi o wana uri nḓowenḓowe dza u funza dzine vhatelwadigirii vha Yunivesithi ya Zambia vha shumisa zwikoloni, a dzi tou shuma. Ngudo dzo khunyeledza uri hu vhe na themendelo dzo vhalaho dza u shandukisa nyimele ya zwithu, zwine zwa sia Tshikolo tsha zwa Pfunzo tshi tshi tea u fhandekanywa na miṅwe mihasho uri hu vhe na tshifhinga tshinzhi tsha vhugudisi na nḓowenḓowe dza u funza zwikoloni. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Phil. (Education)
Date11 November 2020
CreatorsLuchembe, Musonda
ContributorsKriek, H. J. (Hendrik Jacobus), Ferreira, J. G.
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format1 online resource (xviii, 313 leaves) : color illustrations, application/pdf

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