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Geïntegreerde bediening in die opbou van 'n identiteitsgedrewe missionale gemeente

The role that integration and coordination of ministries play in the discovery and development of a missional congregation’s identity is being investigated in this study. The theory of the building up of a congregation is being investigated after which the identity and missional being of a congregation is subjected to scrutiny. It is being argued that the missional congregation identity is a gift from the triune God. This identity is corporative, relational and dynamic and is initiated by God. The challenge for congregations in a post-Christianity world lies in the fact to anew reclaim and deepen their missional identity.
As a result of the research conducted for this study, it is assumed that the intentional integration and coordination of the ministries facilitate the discovery and development of the identity. In this study Nel’s argument that ministries need each other to facilitate the discovery and development of identity is tested. There is synergy between the different ministries in a systems approach and the effectiveness of the ministries is much greater than it would be if they were to function on their own. The various ministries need each other to fully come into their own.
Osmer’s four tasks of practical theology were implemented in this study. The empirical research (quantitative as well qualitative) was conducted among the ministers of the Highveld Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church. One-hundred-and-thirty-nine of the 144 ministers agreed to take part in the quantitative research followed by partly structured interviews with 16 randomly selected ministers. During the empirical study every attempt was made to obtain data in connection with the understanding of ministers regarding the building up, identity and missional being of a congregation as well as the integration and coordination of the ministries that are present in their congregations. The probability exists that an identity-driven missional congregation in which the ministry is integrated and coordinated, could go from strength to strength in the world.
The research has shown that some of the ministers seem to show a flawed understanding that identity is a relational reality. At the same time there exists quite possibly a defective understanding that a congregation’s reason for existence originates in its identity, and that the contributions that the integration and coordination of the ministry play in the discovery and development of the identity, are not fully understood. Most of the ministers are aware of the fact, that they need to develop their congregations as missional congregations, but the ministers do not always have the knowledge, competence, inclination and experience to make the move. An endeavor is made to better understand these core concerns and in the last chapter strategic plans, with an eye on desired outcomes, are presented. / Die rol wat die integrering en koördinering van bedienings in die identiteits-ontdekking en -ontwikkeling van ʼn missionale gemeente speel, word in hierdie studie ondersoek. Die teorie van gemeentebou word verken, waarna die identiteit van die kerk en missionale gemeentewees onder die loep kom. Daar word geargumenteer dat die missionale gemeente se identiteit deur die drie-enige God geskenk word. Dié identiteit is korporatief, relasioneel en dinamies en word deur Hom geïnisieer. Die uitdaging vir gemeentes in ʼn post-Christendom wêreld lê daarin om opnuut hul missionale identiteit te herwin en te verdiep.
Die navorsingsvermoede van die studie is dat die doelbewuste integrering en koördinering van die bedienings identiteits-ontdekking en -ontwikkeling fasiliteer. In hierdie studie word Nel se argument dat die bedienings mekaar nodig het om identiteits-ontdekking en -ontwikkeling te fasiliteer beredeneer, maar ook getoets. Binne ‘n sisteembenadering is daar sinergie tussen die verskillende bedienings en die bedienings se effektiwiteit is veel meer as wanneer hulle op hul eie funksioneer. Die verskillende bedienings het mekaar nodig om tot hul volle reg te kom.
Osmer se vier take van prakties-teologiese interpretasie is in dié studie uitgevoer. Die empiriese navorsing (kwantitatief sowel as kwalitatief) is onder die leraars van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk se Hoëveld Sinode gedoen. 139 leraars (uit ʼn totaal van 144) het ingestem om aan die kwantitatiewe navorsing deel te neem, waarna half-gestruktureerde onderhoude met 16 ewekansig verkose leraars gevoer is. Tydens die empiriese studie is gepoog om data te bekom met betrekking tot leraars se verstaan van gemeentebou, identiteit, missionale gemeentewees, sowel as die integrering en koördinering van die bedienings wat by hul gemeentes teenwoordig is. Die vermoede bestaan dat ʼn identiteitsgedrewe missionale gemeente, waar die bedienings geïntegreer en gekoördineer word, van krag tot krag in ʼn post-Christendom wêreld kan gaan.
In die navorsing is gevind dat daar ʼn gebrekkige besef by van die leraars bestaan dat identiteit ʼn relasionele werklikheid is. Daarbenewens bestaan daar heel moontlik ʼn gebrekkige begrip dat ʼn gemeente se bestaansdoel uit haar identiteit voortspruit. Die bydrae wat die integrering en koördinering van die bedienings in identiteits-ontdekking en -ontwikkeling speel, word heel moontlik ook nie ten volle begryp nie. Meeste van die leraars weet dat hul gemeentes as missionale gemeentes moet ontwikkel, maar die leraars het nie aldag die kennis, vaardighede, lus en ondervinding om dié skuif te maak nie. Daar word gepoog om dié kernsake beter te verstaan en in die laaste hoofstuk word strategiese planne met die oog op verlangde uitkomste voorgelê. / Practical Theology / PhD / Unrestricted
Date January 2018
CreatorsMarais, Cornelius Theodorus Rattray
ContributorsNel, Malan,
PublisherUniversity of Pretoria
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Rights© 2018 University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria.

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