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Značaj hibridnog dijagnostičkog imidžinga u preoperativnoj evaluaciji karcinoma grlića materice / The importance of hybrid diagnostic imaging in thepreoperative evaluation of cervical cancer

<p>Uprkos postojanju dijagnostičkih procedura za ranu dijagnostiku, sprovođenju preventivnog skrining programa, te dugom preinvazivnom periodu u kojem je moguće izvr&scaron;iti detekciju, karcinom grlića materice i dalje predstavlja jedan od vodećih zdravstvenih problema, imajući u vidu činjenicu da je uzrok obolevanja i umiranja velikog broja žena &scaron;irom sveta. Oko 85% karcinoma grlića materice dijagnostikuje se u zemljama u razvoju, čineći čak 15% svih malignih tumora kod žena, dok u razvijenim zemljama ovaj procenat iznosi 3,6% novootkrivenih karcinoma. Prema podacima Registra za rak Vojvodine, u AP Vojvodini u 2011. godini, od ukupnog broja novoregistrovanih malignih bolesti kod žena, karcinom grlića materice se nalazio na četvrtom mestu, sa procentualnim uče&scaron;ćem od 6,66%, dok je najveći broj novoobolelih slučajeva u starosnoj grupi 45&ndash;49 godina, pokazujući trend pomeranja prema mladjim starosnim grupama. Primena novih, savremenih dijagnostičkih metoda u inicijalnom zbrinjavanju obolelih od karcinoma grlića materice može doprineti pravilnijem tretmanu bolesti, utičući na tok bolesti, ishod i preživljavanje. PET/CT je hibridna imidžing metoda koja poslednjih godina zauzima značajno<br />mesto u određivanju stadijuma malignih bolesti i dijagnostikovanju recidiva, a kojom se stiče uvid u metaboličko/funkcionalni status ispitivanih tkiva i organa, superponiran na morfoanatomsku CT sliku. Kako je za cilj istraživanja postavljeno utvrđivanje značaja PET/CT pregleda u preoperativnoj evaluaciji karcinoma grlića materice, ispitanice koje su ispunjavale kriterijume za uključivanje u istraživanje su operisane nakon načinjenog PET/CT pregleda, a zatim su poređeni parametri dobijeni kliničkim pregledom, PET/CT pregledom, intraoperativnim pregledom i patohistolo&scaron;kim pregledom. Rezultati načinjenog istraživanja ukazuju da hibridni PET/CT imidžing ne demonstrira prednost u odnosu na dosada&scaron;nje preporuke vezane za preoperativnu dijagnostičku evaluciju ispitanica sa ranim stadijumom karcinoma grlića materice, naročito u detekciji postojanja primarnog tumora dimenzija manjih od 7mm i u detekciji prisustva mikrometastaza u lokoregionalnim limfnim čvorovima zbog jo&scaron; uvek ograničene prostorne rezolucije. PET/CT je pokazao izuzetno visoku specifičnost u utvrđivanju nepostojanja primarnog tumora i visoku komplementarnost sa patohistolo&scaron;kim nalazom. Uočeno je da PET/CT demonstrira statistički značajniju tačnost u proceni stepena pro&scaron;irenosti osnovne bolesti u odnosu na kliničko i intraoperativno utvrđivanje stepena pro&scaron;irenosti osnovne bolesti. Standardizovana vrednost preuzimanja radiofarmaka (SUV) zavisna od histolo&scaron;kog tipa karcinoma grlića materice, demonstrirajući najvi&scaron;e vrednosti u planocelularnom karcinomu i u lo&scaron;e diferentovanom tip G3 karcinomu grlića materice, pozitivno korelirajući sa promerom tumora. Pokazujući značajan potencijal u detekciji primarnog karcinoma grlića materice, kao i u detekciji metastaza u lokoregionalnim limfnim čvorovima, PET/CT nalazi svoje mesto u dijagnostičkoj obradi bolesnica sa karcinomom grlića materice.</p> / <p>Despite the existence of the diagnostic procedures for early diagnosis, implementing preventive screening programs and long preinvasive period in which it is possible to perform detection, cervical cancer remains one of the leading health problems, bearing in mind the fact that it is the cause of morbidity and mortality of a large number of women throughout the world. About 85% cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed in underdeveloped and developing countries. In economically underdeveloped countries, cervical cancer accounts for 15% of all malignant tumors in women, whereas in developed countries it is 3.6% of new cancers. According to data from the Cancer Registry of Vojvodina, in AP Vojvodina, in 2011, of the total number of newly registered malignant diseases in women, cervical cancer was in fourth place, with a percentage share of 6.66% , the largest number of new cases is in the 45-49 years age group, with the shifting the peak in the incidence of cervical cancer towards younger age groups. Applying of new diagnostic methods in the initial management of patients with cervical cancer, indirectly affect the course of the disease, its treatment, and survival. PET-CT hybrid imaging method in recent years occupies an important place in the staging of malignant disease and the diagnosis of recurrence, showing the functional state of certain tissues and organs (PET) with anatomical details (CT). As the aim of this study was to assess the importance of PET / CT scans in the preoperative evaluation of cervical cancer, the women who met the criteria were included in the study, and were operated after having PET / CT scans done, after which the parameters of the results of clinical examination, PET / CT examination, intraoperative examination and histopathological examination, were compared. It was observed that the hybrid PET / CT imaging does not demonstrate the advantage compared to the previous recommendations related to the preoperative diagnostic evaluation of patients with early-stage cervical cancer, especially in the detection of primary tumor measuring less than 7mm and the detection of the presence of micrometastases in the locoregional lymph nodes, due to the still limited spatial resolution. PET / CT showed extremely high specificity in determining the absence of primary tumor and high complementarity with histopathological findings. The study showed that PET / CT demonstrates statistically more significant accuracy in the assessment of the extent of the underlying disease, compared with the clinical and intraoperative determination of the extent of the underlying disease. It has been shown that the standardized uptake value of radiopharmaceuticals (SUV) depends on the histological type of cervical cancer, demonstrating the highest values in squamous-cell carcinoma and then in poorly differentiated G3 carcinoma of the cervix, positively correlating with the diameter of the tumor. Demonstrating significant potential in the detection of primary cervical cancer, as well as in the detection of metastases in locoregional lymph nodes, PET / CT has its place in diagnostic treatment of patients with cervical cancer.</p>
Date11 March 2016
CreatorsMalenković Goran
ContributorsLučić Miloš, Mandić Aljoša, Vejnović Tihomir, Gudurić Branimir, Šobić-Šaranović Dragana, Rajović Jelka, Vučaj-Ćirilović Viktorija
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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