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Finansiele implikasies van besproeiing, geintegreer met lowerbestuur, vir rooi wyndruiwe in die Robertson-wynvallei

Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The financial decision-making environment within which wine-grape producers function is
challenging because of the complex interrelationships between yield, product price and input
requirements. The complexity of farm systems is increased because production and financial
decisions are necessarily made under uncertainty. Various issues influence the resilience of
the wine industry. The goal of this study is to determine the financial implications of irrigation,
integrated with canopy management practices on red wine cultivars in the Robertson area.
Canopy management and irrigation cost play an important role within the multi-faceted farm
system regarding yield, quality and input cost. This necessitates that research be carried out
within the context of a systems approach. In this manner the interdependence among the
various components of the farm system, and the associated synergies can be captured.
Farm management, as a field of research, is dependent on other disciplines that present an
alternative perspective to the research problem.
Viticulture trials specifically focused on the impact of various irrigation and canopy
management activities is being done on Wansbek farm. Nine treatments were tested at
various combinations of soil water depletion levels and canopy management strategies. The
farm is situated in Agterkliphoogte, an area in the Robertson valley. A multi-disciplinary
group discussion was held to firstly obtain insight in the complex working of a farm. Secondly
the group discussion was used to gain insight into the application of the Wansbek trial data
and the setting of guidelines as to its application to determine the expected farm level
financial implications of the treatments. Dealing with complexity necessitates insight form
various areas of expertise, which is achieved time efficiently within expert group discussions.
A quantitative method is required to reflect the interrelatedness and dynamics of a whole
farm system in a user-friendly manner. Multi-period budget models present the ability to
accommodate the complexity associated with a farm through a sequence of mathematical
and accounting equations. The physical/biological interrelations and structure of the farm
can be modelled while the financial performance of various irrigation and canopy
management strategies can be determined.
Farm-level profitability is especially sensitive to yield and price of farm products. The
treatments that showed the highest expected profitability, return relatively high yields and
prices at relatively low production costs. The sprawling canopy management treatment at c.
60% and c. 30% plant available water depletion levels returned the highest and second
highest profitability at both gross margin per hectare and whole farm level. Scenarios were
incorporated to illustrate the expected impact of key variables and the capability of the
model. Key factors associated with the success of specific treatments could be identified.
Results showed throughout that the balance between yield, price and input cost are the
determining factor to profitability, rather than a focus on any particular one of these factors. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die finansiële besluitnemingsomgewing waarbinne wyndruifprodusente funksioneer, is
uitdagend weens die komplekse verwantskappe tussen oesopbrengs en -kwaliteit en
gepaardgaande insetbehoeftes. Die kompleksiteit van die boerderystelsels word verhoog
deurdat produksie- en finansiële besluite noodwendig op grond van onvolmaakte inligting
geneem word. Verskeie kwessies beïnvloed die voortbestaan van die wynbedryf. Die doel
van hierdie studie is om die finansiële implikasies te bepaal van besproeiing, geïntegreer
met lowerbestuur, vir rooi wyndruifverbouing in die Robertson-wynvallei.
Lowerbestuur- en besproeiingkoste speel ʼn belangrike rol binne die multifasettigheid van ʼn
boerderystelsel ten opsigte van opbrengs, kwaliteit en produksiekoste. Dit vereis dat die
navorsing binne die konteks van die stelselsbenadering aangespreek word. Sodoende word
die interafhanklikheid tussen die onderskeie boerderystelselkomponente, gekoppel aan die
sinergistiese effek wat daarmee gepaardgaan, in ag geneem. Boerderybestuur as
navorsingsveld, is gevolglik afhanklik van ander vakdissiplines wat ‘n alternatiewe
perspektief verleen aan die navorsingsprobleem.
Wingerdbouproewe wat spesifiek fokus op die impak van verskillende besproeiing- en
lowerbestuursaksies word uitgevoer op die Wansbek-plaas. Die plaas is geleë te
Agterkliphoogte, ʼn area in die Robertson-vallei. Nege behandelings is getoets teen
verskillende kombinasies van plant beskikbare water (PBW)-onttrekkingspeile en
lowerbestuurstrategieë. ʼn Groepsbespreking met multidissiplinêre deskundiges is gehou om
eerstens, insig in die kompleksiteit van die werking van ʼn plaas te verkry. Tweedens, is die
groep van multidissiplinêre deskundiges gebruik om insig te verwerf aangaande die
hantering van die Wansbek-proefdata. Die groep het riglyne daargestel om die proefdata
prakties aan te wend sodat die verwagte finansiële implikasies op plaasvlak geëvalueer kan
word. Die hantering van kompleksiteit vereis insig vanuit verskeie gebiede van kundigheid
wat tydsdoeltreffend binne ʼn groepsbespreking van multidissiplinêre deskundiges
geakkommodeer kan word.
ʼn Kwantitatiewe tegniek is nodig om die wisselwerking en dinamika van ʼn
geheelboerderystelsel op ʼn gebruikersvriendelike en toepaslike manier te weerspieël.
Multiperiode-begrotingsmodelle gee die vermoë om die kompleksiteit, wat met ʼn tipiese
plaas geassosieer word, te akkommodeer deur die toepassing van basiese wiskundige en
rekeningkundige beginsels. Die fisies-biologiese wisselwerking en struktuur van die plaas
kan sodoende gemodelleer word, terwyl die finansiële prestasie van die kombinasies van
verskillende besproeiing- en lowerbestuurstrategieë bepaal kan word.
Die plaasvlakwinsgewendheid is veral sensitief vir die opbrengs en prys van produkte
gelewer. Die behandelings wat die beste verwagte winsgewendheid getoon het, produseer
teen ʼn relatiewe hoë produksie en prys en ’n relatiewe lae produksiekoste. Die oophanglowerbestuurbehandeling
teen c. 60% en c. 30% plant beskikbare water-onttrekkingspeile is
die mees en tweede mees winsgewende strategieë op per hektaar bruto marge en
geheelplaasvlak. Die gebruik van scenario’s is geïnkorporeer om die impak van
sleutelveranderlikes uit te wys en die vermoë van die model te illustreer. Sleutelfaktore tot
die sukses wat aan sekere strategieë verbind word, kan sodoende uitgewys word.
Deurgaans wys die resultate dat die balans tussen opbrengs, prys en produksiekoste
belangriker is as die fokus op enige enkele een van die faktore.
Date04 1900
CreatorsLouw, Victor de Wet
ContributorsHoffmann, W. H., Lategan, E. L., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Agrisciences. Dept. of Agricultural Economics.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format144 pages : illustrations
RightsStellenbosch University

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