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高职院校专业投入和学生就业: 教师、课程与校企合作的影响分析. / Major inputs and employment of students in higher vocational colleges: impacts of teachers, curricula and college-enterprise collaboration / Gao zhi yuan xiao zhuan ye tou ru he xue sheng jiu ye: jiao shi, ke cheng yu xiao qi he zuo de ying xiang fen xi.

自1978年以来,中国高等职业教育经过数十年的发展,逐步从规模发展转向内涵建设,高等职业教育的质量问题日益得到关注。如何在当前的办学条件下,提高高等职业教育学生的培养质量,有效地促进高职学生就业,是当前高等职业教育内涵发展的关键所在。本文以高等职业教育的专业作为研究单位,从微观层面出发探索高等职业教育人才培养的效率问题,具有重要的现实意义。本文的主要研究问题包括: / 问题一:对于高职的样本专业,课程、教师和校企合作的要素投入是如何影响样本专业学生的平均就业率(一般及实习对口就业率)? / 问题二:对于样本专业而言,不同类型(公办与民办、示范与非示范)的高职院校之间教育生产效率有何差异? / 问题三:省际的经济特征是如何影响样本专业的生产效率? / 针对这三个研究问题,本研究利用2009年中国教育部《高等职业院校人才培养工作状态数据采集平台》的数据,采用随机前沿分析和多层线性模型等方法对2009年全国1226个制造大类的样本专业类的投入和产出数据进行了分析。得出的主要结论包括: / (1)总体上,专任教师在全体教师中的比重、专任教师中硕士及以上学历教师的比重、实践课时占总课时的比例以及反映校企合作水平的企业支持因子都对制造类专业教育的学生就业率(一般和实习对口)有显著的积极影响;顶岗实习学生占毕业生的比重对制造类专业的一般就业率有显著的正向影响,但是对毕业生的实习对口就业率呈现显著的负向影响,体现了其增进就业能力和增强求职竞争的不同功能;精品课程占总课程的比重对就业产出没有确定性的显著影响,更大可能是发挥一种信号功能,并未真正促进效率的提升。 / (2)制造类专业的生产效率在不同类型的高职院校之间存在着显著的差异,并存在一定的层次性。总体上,民办、非示范高职院校的生产效率要低于公办、省级/国家级示范性高职院校。并且,民办学校中,有关专任教师的投入对就业产出的显著性影响最大,且影响效应很强;公办学校中,有关课程投入对产出有较高的显著性影响,但影响效应稍弱。这表明,民办、非示范学校因资源相对缺乏处于一种发展初期的外延式扩张阶段;而公办、示范类学校高投入、高产出的运作模式并非具备真正的分配效率,有待于从外延扩张转入内涵建设模式,不断优化中间的教学生产过程。 / (3)全国范围内,制造类高职专业教育的平均一般就业率与一省的人均GDP水平呈现显著地正相关,并且该专业教育的生产技术效率随着一省人均GDP的增加而增加,这反映出职业教育和地区经济发展相互促进的关系。而一省的第二产业的比重与一省的制造类专业的实习对口就业率存在显著地负相关,这可能是制造类企业出于节省成本考虑的缘故,同时受产业结构升级的影响,加大了对技能型人才的需求。同时,全国范围内,第三产业比重较高(产业结构较优化)的地区,制造类专业的就业产出效率随之增高,从某种程度上反映了当前中国制造业开始从粗放式劳动力密集型朝向技术知识密集型转变,进而对制造类专业的人才培养提出了更高要求。 / 基于以上结论,笔者认为应当从加强专任教师队伍建设、开展高职课程体系的改革和创新以及深化校企合作的水平和强度等三个方面改善高等职业教育的专业投入水平。并建议应当对民办、非示范校等后进学校在资源投入上予以一定的政策保障。此外,还提出高职专业应不断改进并调整课程等教学方面的内容,以适应产业结构动态调整带来的人才需求结构的变化,以更好地服务本地经济的发展,最终提高毕业生的就业质量。 / After decades of development since 1978, higher vocational education in China gradually shifts from scales and quantity expansion to internal efficiency construction. More attention is devoted to its quality and relevancy. How to improve the quality of higher vocational education and the employment of its graduates, given the current school resources, is the key concern today. Focusing on a special field of study in vocational education, this research examines the efficiency of training human resources from the micro level. It has important practical significance too. The main research questions include: / (I) In the sampled field of vocational study under this research, what are the impacts of the various inputs in curricula, teachers and college-enterprise collaborations on the employment rate of the students, general and in matched field of work ? / (II)In the sampled field of vocational study, what is the difference in educational production efficiency among the different types of higher vocational colleges, public and private, model and non-model? / (III) What is the influence of economic characteristics among the different provinces on the production efficiency of the sampled field of vocational study? / This research uses the data extracted from the “National Data Collection Platform for Higher Vocational Institutes of the Chinese Ministry of Education in 2009. It applies the methods of Stochastic Frontier Analysis and Hierarchical Liner Model for an inputs-output analysis. It focuses on a sample of 1226 programmes in the manufacture field of vocational studies offered by various colleges in different provinces. The main conclusions are: / (1) Overall, all the three major inputs, namely the proportion of specialized teachers in the vocational field, the proportion of these specialized teachers with a Master degree or above, the proportion of practice courses to total course requirement, and the enterprise support factor (reflecting the level of college-enterprise collaboration) have a significant and positive impact on the employment rate, general and matched, of graduates in the manufacturing field of vocational studies. The proportion of students taking internships (indicating degree of internship arrangement)is positively and significantly related to the general employment rate, but shows a significant and negative relationship with the matched-employment rate. This respectively reflects two different effects of internship: promoting general employability and increasing job competition. The proportion of excellent courses to total number of courses offered has no deterministic or significant effect on the employment efficiency of the programme. It seems to have only served a signal function in promoting the image of the programme. / (2) The production efficiencies among the different types of vocational colleges are significantly different and hierarchical. Overall, the production efficiency in the private, non-model vocational colleges is lower than the public, provincial / state-level model vocational colleges. However, in the private colleges, the inputs related to specialized teachers have greatest significant impacts and the effect is the strongest. In the public colleges, the inputs related to curricula show higher and significant influence instead, but the effect is relatively weak. It is probably due to the lack of resource there and they are still in their early stage of development and expansion. The public and modeling colleges are generally supposed to be operating in the high-inputs-high-outputs mode. They need to focus largely on the enhancement of internal operational efficiency in optimizing the production process rather than further expansion. / (3) The average employment rates of graduates from the manufacturing field of study are significantly different at the provincial level. They are positively correlated to the GDP per capita in local regions. Moreover, the matched-employment rate shows a significant and negative correlation with increase in the proportion of contribution to GDP by the second-industrial-sector. Presumably this is caused by the consideration of cost savings and the upgrading of the industrial structure, increasing the demand for more highly skilled labors. In the provinces with higher contribution from the third-industrial-sector, the general employment rate is high for the manufacturing field graduates. It reflects to some extent that the manufacturing sector in China is shifting from the primitive labor-intensive operation mode towards the more knowledge-intensive mode, thus setting a higher demand for human resource trained in the more advanced manufacture field of studies. / Based on above results, the study suggests that the government and vocational colleges should strengthen the development of specialized teachers, improve the relevancy of higher vocational courses, and deepen the level and intensity of college-enterprise collaboration. This is to improve the input level of higher vocational education. There should be an assurance mechanism for investment of resources in the private and non-model colleges. In addition, the content of curricula and teaching should be adjusted and updated to adapt to the dynamic adjustment of industrial structure, better serving the local economic development, and ultimately improving the employment quality of higher vocational education graduates. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 劉云波. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 111-125). / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Liu Yunbo. / Chapter 一、 --- 研究背景与研究问题 --- p.1 / Chapter (一) --- 中国高等职业教育专业建设的发展历程 --- p.1 / Chapter 1. --- 20世纪80初-90年代中后期,高等职业教育的雏形阶段 --- p.1 / Chapter 2. --- 20世纪90年代末-2006年,高等职业教育的快速兴起阶段 --- p.3 / Chapter 3. --- 2006年以后-至今,高等职业教育的深化阶段 --- p.5 / Chapter 4. --- 小结 --- p.6 / Chapter (二) --- 中国高等职业教育发展及专业建设的现状 --- p.7 / Chapter 1. --- 高等职业教育的发展概况 --- p.7 / Chapter 2. --- 高职教育的专业结构与专业管理 --- p.11 / Chapter 3. --- 高等职业院校专业发展的主要问题 --- p.15 / Chapter (三) --- 研究问题与研究意义 --- p.19 / Chapter 1. --- 问题的提出 --- p.19 / Chapter 2. --- 研究意义 --- p.20 / Chapter 二、 --- 文献综述 --- p.22 / Chapter (一) --- 教育生产效率的讨论 --- p.23 / Chapter 1. --- 教育投入与教育产出无关 --- p.24 / Chapter 2. --- 教育投入与教育产出有关 --- p.25 / Chapter 3. --- 对两种观点的总结评价 --- p.25 / Chapter (二) --- 高职投入与学生就业的研究 --- p.26 / Chapter 1. --- 高职投入 --- p.27 / Chapter 2. --- 学生就业 --- p.32 / Chapter 3. --- 院校特征及地区差异的影响 --- p.34 / Chapter 4. --- 文献总结和讨论 --- p.38 / Chapter (三) --- 有关生产效率的研究方法评述 --- p.41 / Chapter 三、 --- 数据和研究方法 --- p.46 / Chapter (一) --- 数据及基本特征 --- p.46 / Chapter 1. --- 数据结构和样本选择 --- p.46 / Chapter 2. --- 样本分布 --- p.50 / Chapter 3. --- 变量说明及数据的基本特征 --- p.51 / Chapter (二) --- 建立研究模型 --- p.60 / Chapter 四、 --- 高职专业的人才培养效率分析 --- p.64 / Chapter (一) --- 专业层面的要素投入-产出分析 --- p.64 / Chapter 1. --- 多元线性回归分析 --- p.65 / Chapter 2. --- 随机前沿分析 --- p.68 / Chapter (二) --- 专业生产效率的院校分化 --- p.71 / Chapter 1. --- 公办院校和民办院校的比较 --- p.71 / Chapter 2. --- 示范院校和非示范院校的比较 --- p.76 / Chapter (三) --- 地区背景下的高职专业的人才培养效率 --- p.80 / Chapter 1. --- 多层线性分析 --- p.81 / Chapter 2. --- 随机前沿分析 --- p.86 / Chapter 五、 --- 实证结果和政策建议 --- p.92 / Chapter (一) --- 研究结果及分析 --- p.92 / Chapter 1. --- 高职专业典型投入要素的重要性 --- p.92 / Chapter 2. --- 院校之间专业人才培养效率的分化 --- p.96 / Chapter 3. --- 地区经济环境、产业结构的影响 --- p.98 / Chapter (二) --- 启示及政策建议 --- p.99 / Chapter (三) --- 研究局限与展望 --- p.101 / Chapter 1. --- 研究局限 --- p.101 / Chapter 2. --- 研究展望 --- p.101 / Chapter 六、 --- 主要研究结论 --- p.103 / Chapter 附录1. --- 专有名词解释汇总 --- p.105 / Chapter 附录2. --- 《普通高等学校高职高专教育指导性专业目录(试行)》节选 --- p.107 / Chapter 附录3. --- 2009年各省三次产业比重示意图 --- p.108 / Chapter 附录4. --- 各投入要素的校间均值比较 --- p.109 / Chapter 附录5. --- 稳健性OLS回归结果汇总 --- p.110 / 参考文献 --- p.111
Date January 2012
Contributors劉云波., Chinese University of Hong Kong Graduate School. Division of Education., Liu, Yunbo.
Source SetsThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
LanguageChinese, English
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeText, bibliography
Formatelectronic resource, electronic resource, remote, 125 leaves : ill. (some col.), col. maps
CoverageChina, China
RightsUse of this resource is governed by the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons “Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International” License (

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