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High-performance computing of sintering process at particle scale.

Within the general context of solid-state sintering process, this work presents a numerical modeling approach, at the particle scale, of ceramic particle packing consolidation. Typically, the sintering process triggers several mass transport paths that are thermally activated. Among those diffusion paths, the most important ones are: surface diffusion, grain boundary diffusion and volume diffusion. Including this physics into a high-performance computing framework would permit to gain precious insights about the driving mechanisms. The aim of the present work is to develop a model and a numerical strategy able to integrate the different diffusion mechanisms into continuum mechanics framework. In the cases of surface diffusion and volume diffusion, the mass flux is calculated as a function of the surface curvature Laplacian and the hydrostatic pressure gradient, respectively. The physical model describing these two transport mechanisms is first presented within the framework of continuum mechanics. Then the numerical strategy developed for the simulation of the sintering of many particles is detailed. This strategy is based on a discretization of the problem by using a finite element approach coupled with a Level-Set method used to describe the particles free surface. This versatile strategy allows us to perform simulations involving a relatively large number of particles. Furthermore, a mesh adaptation technique allows the particles surface description to be improved, while the number of mesh elements is kept reasonable. Several 3D simulations, performed in a parallel computing framework, show the changes occurring in the structure of 3D granular stacks.
Date26 October 2012
CreatorsPino Munoz, Daniel Humberto
PublisherEcole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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