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經營財富管理業務的策略思考 / Strategy and business of wealth management in Taiwan

分析從瑞士、新加坡、香港等國的財富管理發展經驗一路走來,財富管理業務是人與人關係緊密的業務;是承諾與信任的長期關係;是政府具有先見之明全力支援的具體結果;也是業者戮力以赴兢兢業業的開花結果。根據凱捷顧問公司 (Capgemini) 與美林全球財富管理 (Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management)《2011年全球財富報告》,全球富裕人士人數增加了8.3%,相對2009年17.1%的大幅成長,步伐轉趨溫和,較有利於長遠的穩定成長。同時,亞太區富裕階層的人數達330萬人,是現在全球富裕人士的第二大集中地,緊次於北美之後,並首次超越歐洲。台灣富裕人士數目在2010年底估計達94,100人,較2009年增加13.7%,財富總額年增升14.7%,達3,020億美元,台灣的財富管理市場也逐步邁入成熟市場階段。這是全球財富位移的結果,也為亞洲的財富管理事業開展了新的世紀。然而,過去台灣銀行業在淨利息收入占營業收入平均達到67%的比率下,對比外商銀行的收入項目多元化,未來要如何調整現狀以及增加其他獲利成長來源,藉以分散台灣銀行業收入過度集中的風險、突破目前銀行業經營瓶頸以及如何越過同質性過度相似的潛在經營風險。這些都是未來全力發展財富管理業務的多空條件與時空背景。當然,其中也分析了台灣長期低利率環境的成因與因為信用風險造成嚴重之逾期放款及呆帳率上升等經營風險。還有,銀行業的獲利能力比較與資產利用的好壞、風險未發生時的壓力測試或是風暴發生時的風險抵禦能力等,在在都與經營能力與策略方向有關,在發展財富管理業務時皆必須長遠地納入整合與思考。其次,分析完獲利能力與收入來源後,在擬定未來財富管理業成長的策略為:
在歷經2008全球金融風暴後的第四年,展望全球總體經濟的險峻局勢與歐洲債務與南歐負債累累的諸國,全球通貨緊縮的蠢蠢欲動,各國進出口的持續下滑,區域與各個國家發展相對停滯,財富管理業面臨的挑戰與經營風險不斷升高。國內國外的經營挑戰需要金融業業者與政府的共同因應與面對,除此,還需要更好的執行力與創新作為才能面對挑戰。以上必須正視其重要性與迫切性,需要業者與政府快速反應問題與加速提出因應具體策略,期望未來在發展財富管理事業上能夠將風險與挑戰減至最低。 / Based on the analysis of the experience of wealth management development in Switzerland, Singapore and Hong Kong, it is the close-ties to people business, it is a long-term relationship between commitment and trustworthy, it is a final result of fully support and throw-all-their-strength of government. Moreover, it is a performance of continuously striving for excellence and join-hands of wealth management business industry itself. On the basis of the 2011 Global wealth report by Capgemini and Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management, Rich has increased by 8.3% in the world, relatively substantial growth by 17.1% in 2009 and the development pace became a moderate way and became more conducive to stable long-term growth. At the same time, Asia-Pacific wealthy over 3.3 million people is now the world's second-largest concentration of rich which is more close to the North America and beyond Europe for the first time. The number of affluent people estimated in Taiwan reached 94,100 at the end of 2010 which increase by 13.7% over 2009 and the total wealth rise 14.7% with amounted to $302 billion. Taiwan's wealth management market has gradually entered a mature stage. This is the result of movement of global wealth, but also the new century for the wealth management business in Asia-pacific. However, the net interest income over operating revenue reached an average ratio of 67% of Taiwan banking in the past years. In compared with the diversification income sources of foreign banks, how to adjust status for the Taiwan wealth business in the near future as well as to get more other sources of profit growth in order to diversify the revenue concentrating risk of Taiwan wealth business. Besides, it is to break through the current banking operational bottlenecks, and to cross the homogeneous over similar potential business risks as well. Of course, we also analyze the puzzle of the long-term low interest rates in Taiwan and explain the serious operating risk of increased rate of loan loss and loan loss provision. Also, the comparison of profitability of banking and asset utilization, risk stress testing or risk resistance as it occurs which are related to the daily operation and strategic direction, we have to include a long-term consolidation and integration in the wealth management business development. Secondly, after discussion of profitability and income sources, We put more factors into the consideration of future strategic growth including,
1. The wealth management industry should do the market segmentation and maintain their differences which can be exempted from being replaced.
2. Attracting brain gain and develop the next generation of regional personnel and managers.
3. Branch organizations should make a new design and reform to implement the appropriate schema.
4. Through the overall mix of reward and performance management and the constant communication, we can really move and make a fundamental transformation of the organizational culture and achieve strategic objectives.
5. Overall reward should contain money fixed pay, short-term incentives, long-term incentives, and non-pecuniary reward.
6. Business process innovation is the key to long-term growth. More head start CRM Enterprise, more capable of leading competitors in a highly competitive market, the wealth management will be first to establish and maintain better relationships with customers.
7. Unless you have completely 100% satisfied customers, otherwise you still have room for improvement ... If you already have 100% satisfied customers, you should still be ready to listen to their views, so that when they want to change, and change with them.
8. Bankers continuously get improvement, enhancement, maintaining the long-term competitiveness of services through the business performance, organizations, overall thinking on strategy, accumulation and services.
9. Find the right representatives.
10. When the services dimension in the wealth management industry become more and more important, the importance of talents is more urgent than ever, and funding and equipment are no longer important issues.

We are now in the fourth year after the 2008 global financial turmoil, as looking to the overall global economic precarious situation with EU and southern European debt-ridden countries, the global deflation is ready to go and the rates of imports and exports continued to decline in many countries. At the same time more regions and international states get stuck and stagnation. We need to confront the domestic and foreign business challenge side by side with each other and we have to boost the ability of execution and innovation. We do emphasize the fact that execution is a discipline to learn, not merely the tactical side of business. Meanwhile, as authors had made as the recommendations for specific risks and challenges, we have to face up to the importance and urgency of mentioned situation, and need to get the rapid response of government and to speed up collecting the response of specific policies, We do expect to be able to minimize the risks and challenges in the development of wealth management business of coming years in Taiwan.
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
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