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Distributed shunted piezoelectric cells for vibroacoustic interface optimization

Smart materials is an active research area devoted to the design of structured materials showingphysical properties that can be modified in response to an external stimulus.This study focuses on the analysis and design of adaptive system for vibroacoustic control. Theresearch investigates the design of a active interface made of piezoelectric transducers arranged ina two-dimensional lattice. Each transducer is individually shunted to an external electric circuitsynthesizing a negative capacitance effect. It allows to control waves propagating inside a structuretaking advantage of the multi-field coupling between the structural plate and the electrical circuitsshunting the piezoelectric patches.The performance of the metacomposite has been evaluated through numerous numerical andexperimental tests. The smart wave-guide has been analyzed by using the Bloch theorem appliedto two-dimensional piezo-elastic systems. Subsequently an optimization procedure has been usedwith the purpose to select the most appropriate set of circuit's parameters.A prototype of the smart waveguide has been manufactured and tested. The results results clearlyshow the filtering and attenuating capabilities of this device.Finally a finite element model of the finite extent smart plate has been considered in order toasses the robustness of the proposed control strategy respect to a modification of the circuit'sparameters, the topology of the active interface and the properties of the controlled plate.A brief review conclude the work delineating which aspects of the design should be modified inorder to obtain a device suitable for industrial applications.
Date19 December 2013
CreatorsTateo, Flaviano
PublisherUniversité de Franche-Comté
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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