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Ethics and whistle blowing : an investigation of the moral justification and framework for the practice of whistle blowing

Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / Full text to be digitised and attached to bibliographic record. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research project examines the concept and practice of whistle blowing with the aim
of answering the fundamental question: when is whistle blowing morally justified or
unjustified? While the different forms of whistle blowing receive attention, the focus is
on the corporate world, or non-governmental whistle blowing. Whistle blowing in the
corporate world has become a moral and strategic point of debate with the issue being
how it can be employed as a mechanism against corruption and other forms of abuse
in a way that is fair to employees, employers, and the public ..
The project focuses on the moral justification of whistle blowing and the ethical
framework within which it needs to function. The methodology used is that of an
extensive literature study. The views of researchers' from different countries are
discussed and analyzed, and the deontological and utilitarian approaches to ethical
decision-making are used to arrive at deductive conclusions. It is concluded that from
an ethical viewpoint, employees are morally obliged to blow the whistle to prevent
potential harm to e.g. the public or the environment. Specific conditions must be
satisfied, however, before whistle blowing against a corporation or employer can be
regarded as morally justified.
With reference to the views of researchers and a South African case study, it is
established that whistle blowers need to be protected against retaliation from
employers and that legislation in this regard has been lacking. An important mechanism
to protect whistle blowers would be the introduction of laws to protect them against
retaliatory actions such as dismissals or demotion. One of the aims of South Africa's
Protected Disclosures Act (Act. No. 26, 2000) is to protect employees against any
occupational detriment as a result of having blown the whistle in a manner consistent
with the conditions outlined in the Act. It Is concluded that it is to the advantage of
employers to promote a culture in which justified and responsible whistle blowing is
encouraged and protected. Suggested ways to achieve this include developing an ethic
of whistle blowing, involving unions, introducing rewards, instituting codes of ethics,
and establishing specific complaint recipients within organizations. On the basis of a US case study and a study of relevant literature, it is concluded that
employers and corporations also need to be protected against unethical whistle
blowing. By laying down conditions that have to be met before an act of whistle blowing
can be justified, the Protected Disclosures Act (Act No. 26, 2000) provides protection
in this regard.
The study concludes with a critical appraisal of the positive as well as the negative
aspects of the Protected Disclosures Act. The Act provides the necessary legal
framework and guidelines for fair and responsible whistle blowing with protection for
both employees and employers, and as such could help to reduce crime and corruption
in both the public and private sectors. In the South African context of high levels of
poverty, illiteracy and unemployment, however, certain shortcomings are identified that
may diminish the potential value of the Act. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingsprojek ondersoek die konsep en praktyk van onthulling ("whistle
blowing") met die doeI om die fundamentele vraag te beantvlloord: wanneer is onthulling
moreel geregverdig of ongeregverdig? Hoewel daar gekyk word na die verskillende
vorms wat onthulling kan aanneem is die fokus op die korporatiewe wêreld, of nieregeringsonthulling.
Onthulling het in die korporatiewe wêreld 'n morele en strategiese
besprekingspunt geword, met die strydvraag hoe dit as 'n meganisme teen korrupsie
en ander skadelike praktyke aangewend kan word op 'n manier wat billik teenoor
werknemers, werkgewers en die publiek is.
Die projek fokus op die morele regverdiging van onthulling en die etiese raamwerk
waarbinne dit moet funksioneer. Die metodologie behels 'n omvattende literatuurstudie.
Die sienings van navorsers van verskillende lande word bespreek en ontleed, en die
deontologiese en utilitaristiese benaderings tot etiese besluitneming word gebruik om
deduktiewe afleidings te maak. Die gevolgtrekking is dat uit 'n etiese oogpunt,
werknemers moreel verplig is om as onthulIers op te tree om potensiële skade vir bv.
die publiek of die omgewing te voorkom. Daar moet egter aan spesifieke voorwaardes
voldoen word voordat onthulling wat 'n korporasie of werkgewer benadeel, as moreel
geregverdig beskou kan word.
Met verwysing na die sienings van navorsers en 'n Suid-Afrikaanse gevallestudie word
vasgestel dat onthulIers beskerm moet word teen wraakneming van werkgewers en dat
wetgewing in hierdie verband ontbreek het. 'n Belangrike meganisme om onthulIers te
beskerm sou wees die instelling van wette om beskerming te bied teen
vergeldingsaksies van werkgewers soos ontslag of demosie. Een van die oogmerke
van Suid-Afrika se Wet op Beskermde Bekendmakings (Wet. No. 26, 2000) is om
werknemers te beskerm teen enige beroepsverwante nadeel as gevolg van 'n
bekendmaking wat voldoen aan die voorwaardes wat in die Wet gestipuleer word. Die
gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat dit tot werkgewers se voordeel is om 'n kultuur te
bevorder waar geregverdigde en verantvlloordelike onthulling aangemoedig en beskerm
word. Voorgestelde wyses waarop dit gedoen kan word, sluit in die ontwikkeling van
'n onthullingsetiek, om vakbonde te betrek, die instelling van belonings, die aanneem van etiese kodes en om spesifieke klagte-ontvangers binne organisasies te vestig.
Na aanleiding van 'n VSA-gevallestudie en 'n studie van tersaaklike literatuur word die
gevolgtrekking gemaak dat werkgewers en korporasies ook teen onetiese onthulling
beskerm moet word. Die Wet op Beskermde Bekendmakings (Wet No. 26, 2000) bied
beskerming in hierdie verband deur voorwaardes te stipuleer waaraan 'n bekendmaking
moet voldoen voordat dit geregverdig is.
Die studie word afgesluit met 'n kritiese evaluasie van die positiewe sowel as die
negatiewe aspekte van die Wet op Beskermde Bekendmakings. Die Wet stel die
nodige wetlike raamwerk en riglyne vir billike en verantwoordelike onthulling daar met
beskerming vir werknemers sowel as werkgewers, en as sulks kan dit help om misdaad
en korrupsie in beide die openbare en die private sektor te laat afneem. In die Suid-
Afrikaanse konteks van hoë vlakke van armoede, ongeletterdheid en werkloosheid
word daar egter bepaalde gebreke geïdentifiseer wat die potensiële waarde van die
Wet mag verminder.
Date03 1900
CreatorsMafela, Muvhulawa Simon
ContributorsEsterhuyse, W. P., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Philosophy. Centre for Applied Ethics.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format77 pages
RightsStellenbosch University

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