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From pariah to parrhesiastes : reconceptualising the whistleblower in a complex world

Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis commences with an exploration of the ethics of whistleblowing as traditionally understood, describing the ethical dilemma at its centre: remaining loyal to one's organisation, against alerting society to organisational wrongdoing that threatens its welfare. The positions on several problematic issues in the literature, such as dissent, organisational retaliation, whistleblower motive, and mandatory whistleblowing will be presented and evaluated. The key internal/external disclosure dichotomy within whistleblowing will also be critically examined. The purported solutions to these issues, as well as whistleblowing's central dilemma, will be shown to remain unsatisfactory. This will be attributed to the adoption of an Enlightenment rules-based approach to ethics in general, which underpins and informs the ethics of whistleblowing in particular. An Enlightenment rules-based approach seeks to posit universal and immutable ethical standards that transcend context.
As corrective to the above failings, the ethics of whistleblowing will be investigated from the view that seeks to understand whistleblowing as a historically determined and culturally mediated social practice. Within the contexts of the USA and South Africa it will be demonstrated that key whistleblowing issues (and even the central whistleblowing dilemma of divided loyalties) cannot be cast in immutable and universal terms, and are influenced by the contingencies that accompany them. An attempt will then be made to understand whistleblowing in the context of the globalisation of the last thirty years, which will prove more difficult. This will be undertaken through an analysis of Vandekerckhove's project, which seeks to place the normative legitimisations of whistleblowing legislation and organisational whistleblowing policies within a globalisation semantic able to contain the conflict between society and the organisation. This will be shown as ill-conceived because of Vandekerckhove's particular understanding of the organisation as an operationally closed system.
Moving the argument forward will be undertaken at the hand of Critical Complexity theory which attempts to make the case for understanding the organisation as an open system. This will allow us to recast corporate responsibility as relational responsiveness to a particular stakeholder, which in turn will allow flexibility in terms of who qualifies as a recipient of a disclosure of wrongdoing. Consequently the internal/external disclosure dichotomy will be proved unsustainable. Further opening up the organisation will render the boundary with society meaningless, as it will be shown that the identity of society and organisation are inextricably tied together. As such, the notion of society versus the organisation will disappear, and whistleblowing will be reconceptualised as loyalty to both society and the organisation simultaneously, thus rendering the central dilemma of whistleblowing obsolete. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis begin met 'n studie van die etiese kwessies rakende fluitjieblasers soos dit tradisioneel verstaan word, en beskryf die sentrale etiese dilemma – om lojaal te bly tot die organisasie, teenoor om die gemeenskap in te lig oor die organisatoriese oortredings wat die welvaart van die gemeenskap bedreig. Die verskillende menings ten opsigte van verskeie problematiese kwessies in die literatuur soos verdeeldheid, organisatoriese vergelding, motief van die fluitjieblaser en verpligte fluitjieblaas sal aangebied en gëevalueer word. Die hoof vraag of 'n openbaring van informasie wat binne of buite die organisasie gebeur as fluitjieblaas beskou kan word, word ook krities ondersoek. Die voorgestelde oplossings tot hierdie kwessies, sowel as die fluitjieblaser se kerndilemma, is onbevredigend en sal dus onderskryf word deur die aanvaarding van 'n reëls-gebaseerde Verligtingsbenadering tot etiek in die algemeen, wat deur die etiek van fluitjieblaas spesifiek, ondersteun en ingelig word. 'n Reëls-gebaseerde Verligtingsbenadering poog om universele en onveranderlike etiese standaarde, wat konteks oorbrug, te postuleer.
As korreksies tot die bogenoemde tekortkominge, sal die etiek van fluitjieblaas ondersoek word vanuit 'n benadering wat poog om fluitjieblaas as 'n histories bepaalde en versoenbare sosiale praktyk te verstaan. Binne die konteks van die VSA en Suid-Afrika, sal dit gedemonstreer word dat sleutel fluitjieblaas kwessies, en selfs die sentrale fluitjieblaas dilemma van verdeelde lojaliteit, nie binne onveranderlike en universele terme gegroepeer kan word nie, en dat hierdie kwessies beïnvloed word deur die gebeurlikhede wat daarmee gepaard gaan. 'n Poging sal aangewend word om fluitjieblaas binne die konteks van globalisering in die afgelope 30 jaar te verstaan, wat meer kompleks sal wees. Dit sal gedoen word deur 'n analise van Vandekerckhove se projek, wat poog om die normatiewe legitimering van fluitjieblaas wetgewing en organisatoriese fluitjieblaas beleide in 'n globale semantiek te plaas, ten einde om die konflik tussen die gemeenskap en die organisasie te verminder. Dit sal bewys word dat hierdie projek nie deurdag is nie, as gevolg van Vandekerckhove se bepaalde begrip van organisasies as 'n operasionele geslote sisteem.
Die argument sal verder onderskryf word aan die hand van die Kritiese Kompleksiteitsteorie, wat die organisasie as 'n oop sisteem beskryf. Dit sal ons toelaat om korporatiewe verantwoordelikheid as 'n reaksie in 'n verhouding met 'n spesifieke belanghebbende te beskryf, wat weer op sy beurt ons sal toelaat om buigsaam te wees in die kwalifisering van wie as 'n ontvanger van 'n onthulling van oortredings geïdentifiseer moet word. Gevolglik sal die onderskeid tussen 'n interne en eksterne openbaring van informasie as onvolhoubaar bewys word. As die organisasie oper gemaak word, sal dit die grens met die gemeenskap betekenisloos maak, omdat, soos bewys sal word, die identiteit van die organisasie en gemeenskap onlosmaaklik vas is aan mekaar. So sal die konsep van gemeenskap teenoor die organisasie verdwyn, en sal fluitjieblaas geherkonsepsualiseer word as gelyktydige lojaliteit tot beide die gemeenskap en die organisasie, wat die sentrale dilemma van fluitjieblaas sal uitskakel.
Date12 1900
CreatorsAndrade, Julio Anthony
ContributorsWoermann, Minka, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Philosophy.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format107 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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