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Primene polugrupa operatora u nekim klasama Košijevih početnih problema / Applications of Semigroups of Operators in Some Classes of Cauchy Problems

<p>Doktorska disertacija je posvećena primeni teorije polugrupa operatora na re&scaron;avanje dve klase Cauchy-jevih početnih problema. U prvom delu smo<br />ispitivali parabolične stohastičke parcijalne diferencijalne jednačine (SPDJ-ne), odredjene sa dva tipa operatora: linearnim zatvorenim operatorom koji<br />generi&scaron;e <em>C</em><sub>0</sub>&minus;polugrupu i linearnim ograničenim operatorom kombinovanim<br />sa Wick-ovim proizvodom. Svi stohastički procesi su dati Wiener-It&ocirc;-ovom<br />haos ekspanzijom. Dokazali smo postojanje i jedinstvenost re&scaron;enja ove klase<br />SPDJ-na. Posebno, posmatrali smo i stacionarni slučaj kada je izvod po<br />vremenu jednak nuli. U drugom delu smo konstruisali kompleksne stepene<br /><em>C</em>-sektorijalnih operatora na sekvencijalno kompletnim lokalno konveksnim<br />prostorima. Kompleksne stepene operatora smo posmatrali kao integralne<br />generatore uniformno ograničenih analitičkih <em>C</em>-regularizovanih rezolventnih<br />familija, i upotrebili dobijene rezultate na izučavanje nepotpunih Cauchy-jevih problema vi&scaron;3eg ili necelog reda.</p> / <p>The doctoral dissertation is devoted to applications of the theory<br />of semigroups of operators on two classes of Cauchy problems. In the first<br />part, we studied parabolic stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs),<br />driven by two types of operators: one linear closed operator generating a<br /><em>C</em><sub>0</sub>&minus;semigroup and one linear bounded operator with Wick-type multipli-cation. All stochastic processes are considered in the setting of Wiener-It&ocirc;<br />chaos expansions. We proved existence and uniqueness of solutions for this<br />class of SPDEs. In particular, we also treated the stationary case when the<br />time-derivative is equal to zero. In the second part, we constructed com-plex powers of <em>C</em>&minus;sectorial operators in the setting of sequentially complete<br />locally convex spaces. We considered these complex powers as the integral<br />generators of equicontinuous analytic <em>C</em>&minus;regularized resolvent families, and<br />incorporated the obtained results in the study of incomplete higher or frac-tional order Cauchy problems.</p>
Date22 December 2014
CreatorsŽigić Milica
ContributorsPilipović Stevan, Kostić Marko, Seleši Dora, Levajković Tijana, Aleksić Jelena
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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