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Design considerations for wildlife monitoring networks

Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Studying wild animals in nature is a complex and tedious task for biologists and ecologists.
The rugged terrain in which the animals live and hide makes it for researchers difficult to follow
and observe the animals. Technology is used to facilitate studies on animals, usually in the form
of radio tracking devices.
This thesis discusses the problems and shortfalls surrounding the current technology and
looks at various ways of improving it. Expanding tracking collars to capture the needed data, as
well as improving the radio links to continuously provide data, are seen as the most important
The proposed solution makes use of a wireless network, through which a tracking collar can
have an unbroken connection with the outside world. The study focuses on the radio links
themselves and topics including antennas, radio frequency bands and propagation effects of the
surroundings. An existing routing protocol to use on top of the physical radio links is discussed.
Hardware for all parts of the network is designed, built and tested. Proper ways of capturing
data in a power efficient way are stated and recommended. Measurements were taken with the
hardware prototypes in a location comparable to where the system will ultimately be used. The
results obtained proved the feasibility of such a radio network.
Radio coverage simulations were set up to predict the coverage that is to be expected by
the chosen radios in the location where the tests were done. The simulation parameters were
changed until the simulated results most closely matched the real life measurements. Vegetation
caused an extra attenuation of around 20dB in the radio signal. Using the tuned parameters
for the simulation a network can be designed and costs calculated before huge investments are
made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Om wilde diere in die natuur te bestudeer is vir wetenskaplikes ’n uitdagende onderneming.
Die ongerepte natuur waarin die diere bly, maak dit vir die dierkundiges moeilik om die diere
op te spoor en te agtervolg. Tegnologie word gewoonlik ingespan in hierdie studies en meestal
word radiosporingstoestelle gebruik.
Hierdie tesis bespreek die probleme en tekortkominge in die bestaande tegnologie. Verskeie
moontlike verbeteringe word bekyk. Radiosporingshalsbande wat uitgebrei word om metings te
neem, en verbetering van die radioverbindings met die halsbande is twee van die belangrikste
punte waarop verbeter kan word.
In die voorgestelde verbeterings word ’n radionetwerk gebruik om op ’n deurlopende basis
kontak tussen die halsbande en die buitewêreld te verseker. Die studies lê klem op die
radioverbindings en onderwerpe soos antennas en radiofrekwensiebande. Radioseine se voortplantingskenmerke
in die betrokke omgewing word bespreek. ’n Bestaande netwerkprotokol om
op die radioverbindings te implementeer word ook bepsreek.
Apparatuur vir alle dele van die netwerk is ontwerp, gebou en getoets. Metodes van datavaslegging
op ’n energiedoeltreffende wyse word beskryf en aanbevelings daarvoor gemaak.
Metings is geneem met die prototipe van die apparate in ’n plek wat vergelykbaar is met waar
die uiteindelike stelsel gebruik behoort te word. Die resulte wat verkry is, het die nut van die
radionetwerk bewys.
Simulasies van die radiodekking is opgestel om die verwagte dekkings van die betrokke radios
in die veld te bepaal. Die simulasieparameters is geleidelik verander totdat die simulasieresultate
met die werklike metings ooreenstem. Plantegroei het ’n ekstra verswakking van ongeveer 20dB
in die radiosein veroorsaak. Die vasgestelde parameters kan gebruik word in ’n simulasie vir die
ontwerp van ’n grootskaalse netwerk. Resultate verkry vanuit die simulasie kan gebruik word
vir kosteberekings voordat grootskaalse beleggings gemaak word.
Date03 1900
CreatorsMeijers, Jan Pieter
ContributorsWolhuter, Riaan, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format133 pages : illustrations
RightsStellenbosch University

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