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Chemical, sensory and consumer profiling of a selection of South African Chenin blanc wines produced from bush vines

Thesis (MScFoodSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Twenty five commercial Chenin blanc wines produced solely from bush vine vineyards and including three vintages, three styles and five production areas, were sourced for this study. Descriptive sensory analysis (DSA) and chemical analyses including GC-FID (gas chromatography fitted with a flame ionisation detector) and FTMIR (Fourier transform mid-infrared) spectroscopy were employed to establish the sensory and chemical characteristics, whereas consumer tests were conducted to determine consumer perception and liking of bush vine Chenin blanc wines. DSA (a profiling technique) was also compared to the sorting task (a classification technique) with a description assignment to evaluate the sorting task’s ability to profile wines.
According to the results of DSA, the wines separated into two groups. One group associated with sensory attributes which can be considered indicative of the Fresh and Fruity Chenin blanc style. The other group associated with sensory attributes which can be considered indicative of the Rich and Ripe style of Chenin blanc. No separation between the wooded and unwooded Rich and Ripe styles was apparent.
According to the results of the chemical analyses, the wines also separated into two groups. This separation seemed to be caused by vintage and the chemical changes associated with ageing as the wines from the youngest vintage (2010) was strongly associated with high levels of esters and malic acid. The older wines were situated farthest away from these attributes indicating low concentrations. When comparing the results from the sorting task and DSA, it could be seen that similar wine style groupings formed, indicating that DSA can also be regarded as an effective tool when categorising wines. The differences in the positioning of some of the wines and attributes on the DSA multivariate plots and the sorting task plots could be attributed to the difference in panels used. The sorting task was conducted using an expert panel with persons illustrating significant technical knowledge of Chenin blanc wines. Experience, exposure and technical knowledge tend to establish a common language amongst wine experts which could have caused the expert panel to perceive some wines differently when comparing the results of the latter panel to that of the trained panel. DSA was found to remain the most effective method for establishing a comprehensive sensory profile.
Consumer analyses showed that regular white wine drinkers prefer the unwooded styles (Fresh and Fruity and Rich and Ripe unwooded) of Chenin blanc more than the wooded style. It was also found that consumers with a higher level of objective wine knowledge tend to associate the terms ‘bush vine’ and ‘old bush vine’ with the Rich and Ripe style of Chenin blanc, whereas consumers with a lower level of objective wine knowledge associated ‘old bush vine’ with the Fresh and Fruity style. Since all the wines used in the consumer analysis were produced from old bush vines, it is evident that consumer education on the impact of bush vine training system and vine age on wine quality is needed. Better understanding of these principles could lead to elevated product appraisals and consumer satisfaction. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vyf en twintig kommersiële Chenin blanc wyne, uitsluitlik van bosstok wingerde geproduseer, is bekom vir hierdie studie. Die wyne het drie style, drie oesjare en vyf produksiestreke ingesluit. Beskrywende sensoriese analise (BSA) en chemiese analises, wat GC-FID (gas chromatografie gekoppel met vlam-ioniserende deteksie) en FTMIR (Fourier-transformering mid-infrarooi) spektroskopie insluit, is uitgevoer om onderskeidelik die sensoriese en chemiese eienskappe van die wyne te bepaal. Verbruikerstoetse is ook uitgevoer om verbruikerspersepsie en -voorkeure vir bosstok Chenin blanc wyne te bepaal. BSA (‘n profilerings tegniek) was ook vergelyk met ‘n sorterings taak (‘n klassifikasie tegniek) met ‘n beskrywings opdrag, primêr om die sorterings taak se vermoë om wyne te profileer te ondersoek.
Volgens die resultate van BSA, het die wyne in twee groepe verdeel. Een groep het met die sensoriese eienskappe wat op ‘n Vars-en-Vrugtige-styl dui, geassosieër. Die ander groep het met sensoriese eienskappe geassosieër wat met die Volrond-styl verband hou. Geen verdeling tussen die gehoute en ongehoute wyne binne die Volrond-styl was sigbaar nie.
Volgens die resultate van die chemiese analises, het die wyne ook in twee groepe verdeel. Die verdeling blyk asof dit veroorsaak is deur oesjaar en die chemiese veranderinge wat met wynveroudering gepaard gaan. Wyne van die jongste oesjaar (2010) het ‘n sterk verband met hoë vlakke van esters en appelsuur getoon. Die ouer wyne was verder weg van hierdie eienskappe geleë, wat op laer ester en appelsuur konsentrasies dui. Wanneer die meerveranderlike resultate van die sorterings taak (met en sonder die aanduiding van sensoriese eienskappe) en dit van BSA vergelyk word, kon soortgelyke groeperings gesien word. Dit is ‘n aanduiding dat BSA ook wyne effektief kan kategoriseer. Die verskil in posisionering van sommige wyne tussen die BSA en sorterings taak resultate, kan toegeskryf word aan die verskillende panele wat gebruik is om die tegnieke uit te voer. ‘n Deskundige paneel (wynkenners) is gebruik om die sortingstaak uit te voer. Ervaring, blootstelling en tegniese kennis is geneig om te lei tot die vestiging van ‘n gemeenskaplike taal onder wynkenners. Hierdie gemeenskaplike taal kan as rede aangevoer word vir die uiteenlopende analise van sommige wyne wanneer die resultate van die deskundige paneel met dié van die opgeleide paneel (in BSA gebruik) vergelyk word. Dit is gevind dat BSA, wanneer ‘n omvattende sensoriese profiel bepaal moet word, die mees effektiefste metode bly.
Verbruikerstoetse het getoon dat gereelde witwyn-verbruikers die ongehoute Chenin blanc style (Vars-en-Vrugtig en ongehoute Volrond) bo die gehoute styl verkies. Dit is ook bepaal dat verbruikers met ‘n hoër vlak van objektiewe wynkennis neig om die terme ‘bosstok’ en ‘ou bosstok’ met die Volrond-styl van Chenin blanc te assosieer, terwyl verbruikers met ‘n laer vlak van objektiewe wynkennis die term ‘ou bosstok’ met die Vars-en-Vrugtige Chenin blanc styl assosieër. Aangesien al die wyne wat in die verbruikerstoetse ingesluit is van ou bosstok wingerde geproduseer is, is dit duidelik dat verbruikeropvoeding insake die effek van die gebruik van bosstokke en ou wingerdstokke op wynkwaliteit noodsaaklik is. ‘n Beter begrip van hierdie beginsels sal lei tot verhoogde produkwaardasie, asook ‘n toename in verbruikertevredenheid.
Date12 1900
CreatorsHanekom, Evette
ContributorsMuller, M., Nieuwoudt, H. H., Tredoux, A. G. J., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of AgriSciences. Dept. of Food Science.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Formatv, 200 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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